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Author Topic: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure  (Read 17685 times)


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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #15 on: 26 Jun 2012, 17:27 »

If this were World of Darkness, I'd want a clan book for each of the corporations.
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Malcolm Khross

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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #16 on: 26 Jun 2012, 19:30 »

Again, really good input everyone and thanks.

Ken, I've read most of of what you linked - I'll definitely read over the others. The explanations of those that have "fallen through the cracks" and how "Executor Heth" fits in was supposed to be in part two, but I wanted to see how part 1 looked before I put part 2 up for review and editing. They'll be posted together on IGS so there won't be any confusion, but I figure it's easier to scrutinize them one part at a time.


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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #17 on: 27 Jun 2012, 06:02 »

More follow-up...  I doubt the interplay of the Caldari factions is so simple as to be condensed into left-right politics, but that is one way to get a quick look at where the elements of State society stand.

Gurista -«- Disassociated -«- Liberal -«- Practical -»- Patriot -»- Provist -»- Dragonaur

  • Organized crime underworld of Caldari society
  • Effectively an outlaw ninth megacorp
  • Willing to do almost anything for financial gain
Founded by the charismatic Fatal and technically-minded Rabbit, the Guristas Pirates are a professional and highly-organized outfit operating out of their home region Venal. Unlike other rogue factions, the Guristas are traditional pirates in the sense that their operation is not based around some creed or convoluted ideology, but rather plain and simple greed. The Guristas have bases close to Caldari space and from them they embark on daring raids, often into the State itself. Though they are considered more honorable than many of their counterparts, they are still extremely dangerous and not to be interfered with.

The Guristas often take over ruins in deadspace pockets, creating civilian-staffed mining colonies they protect with spaceship fleets and defense turrets. The Guristas are apparently willing to pay for revenge against capsuleers and others who destroy any civilian mining colonies under their protection. The Guristas also control a notable share of the “grey market” smuggling of competing products into megacorporate enclaves in the Caldari State. They also run one of the largest illegal currency exchanges of Caldari corporate scrip.

  • Individuals and corporations that have fallen from favor
  • By no means incompetent
  • Live and work on the fringes and in the shadows of society
  • Politically disenfranchised, their corporations having little or no pull
  • While unappreciated, a vital part of the State's economy
Standing outside the traditional power structures are two distinct groups of Caldari who together make up the "disassociated." The first group is composed of those who've fallen off the bottom rung of the megacorp ladder. While they retain their citizenship, in practice these few people simply fall through the cracks between the megacorps and have essentially disappeared from the system, usually permanently. The second group includes those who've found themselves moving between two or three different corporations—usually upper-middle management transferred between corporations in a giant game of pass-the-personnel—and who have in the process realized quite how thoroughly indoctrinated the average employee is.

Those from the first group tend to take part on some level in the criminal underworld, while those from the second often end up doing very well in non-standard careers or in unlikely places within the corporate structure, united solely by their lack of adherence to any franchised corporate ideology. Their opinions as a result are incredibly diverse, and as long as this discreteness remains the case (and their membership stays as small as it traditionally is), they'll continue to exert little significant pressure on State affairs.

  • Politically progressive, preferring incremental change
  • Least militaristic of the main blocs, but still quite well-equipped
  • Policy of multilateralism in foreign policy: the State should coordinate policies with other nations
  • Economic success through fair dealing
  • Supports fair trade and economic interdependence
Comprised of the Hyasyoda Corporation and Ishukone Corporation, the Liberals bloc believes in the principles of free trade and generally cooperative relations with foreign powers. They are the strongest supporters of CONCORD in the Caldari State and strive to create a world where there are no barriers to trade and free-flow of goods. They believe in trade deals that mutually benefit the participants and think the empires can come together in a peaceful, prosperous future world only through cooperation. Their strong position within CONCORD is accentuated by their belief that it is their main vehicle in promoting universal peace and stability so that trade can flow freely and cultures mingle peacefully.

The Liberals found themselves in a severely weakened position following the death of Otro Gariushi and the undermining of CONCORD authority by the Minmatar Elders. Espousing fair treatment for all, both within the State and without, they're somewhat ambivalent about recent events; though disquieted by the sneak attack against the Gallente and the atrocities that surrounded it, they recognize that it would be unwise to criticize Heth's actions publicly—and though they prefer not to admit it, they too have been invigorated by the State's recent military victories.

Overall, then, the Liberals are ambivalent when it comes to the Heth question. While they disapprove of his methods, many of his stated ideals resonate strongly with the faction. They're waiting to see what happens before deciding which side to come down on, but regardless, they are prepared to take decisive action to prevent their own goals from being subverted.

  • Politically static, preferring stability over anything else as it is best for business
  • Policy of non-interventionism in foreign policy: the State should stick to its own affairs
  • Supports favorably imbalanced trade or free trade, which makes it all the easier to exploit foreign markets
The Sukuuvestaa Corporation, CBD Corporation, and Nugoeihuvi Corporation between them make up the Practical faction, which cares little for limiting concepts like ethics. Heading the faction is the huge Sukuuvestaa Corporation, or the SuVee, as it is commonly known, one of the oldest Caldari corporations and matched only by the Kaalakiota Corporation in size. These so-called exploiters have carried a reputation for practicing unethical business tactics for a long time, as well as being frequently associated with organized crime elements. The practicals see the other empires merely as naïve markets ready to be exploited by unrestricted and ruthless trade where everything goes. The Protein Delicacy episode serves as a good example of what kind of business these companies want. They care little about who is a friend with whom and even less about what long-term political ramifications their unscrupulous business practices can have. They are mercantilist in their views on trade, believing that profit for one always means loss for another.

Generally the most pro-Heth of the three political groups, the Practicals appreciate the new opportunities he's delivered, and while being forced to cede political control to his Providence Directorate is not a slight that they will easily forgive or forget, they're generally prepared to play along with him for as long as his actions remain productive. They're fully aware, though, that this state of affairs won't last forever, and they're quietly assembling plans to ensure that when he is brought down, the Practicals won't find themselves hamstrung by the other corporations. If in the end they have to topple Heth themselves, then that's what they'll do. In the meantime, they're content to beat the war-drums and use the fighting as a cover for their other activities.

  • Politically conservative, preferring to maintain the status quo
  • Most militant of the main blocs
  • Policy of interventionism in foreign affairs: the State should exert power
  • Supports autarky, or economic self-sufficiency, for the State
  • Economically protectionist
Generally regarded as the most powerful faction, the Patriots are an alliance of Lai Dai Corporation, Wiyrkomi Corporation, and the mighty Kaalakiota Corporation, who between them and their subsidiaries possess capabilities rivaling those of the other two Caldari political factions combined. They are genuinely patriotic and extremely proud, less concerned with trade and more with the position of the Caldari politically and militarily in the international community.

The Patriots cultivate the Caldari heritage, reminisce about the great Raata Empire of old and long wept for their lost home world, Caldari Prime. The majority sees economical dominance in the world only as a tool to promote military power. A small minority called for a renewed war with the Gallente prior to YC110, but before the actual outbreak of war, the Patriots were willing to negotiate alternative ways to acquire Caldari Prime. They felt that they could only see their dream come true by convincing the Federation of the economical and, most importantly, militaristic superiority of the Caldari State, and this is what they strove for.

Caldari superiority, both militarily and economically, is still the chief concern of the Patriots. However, that rather jingoistic pride has been mortally injured by Tibus Heth's politically vicious rise. As a result, they generally refuse to admit, even to each other, that many of the things Heth has done are exactly what they themselves have wanted to do all along. While the wounds are still too fresh for them to feel anything but hatred for him, they realize that to defy him openly would harm the State (and their dominant position within it) immeasurably, so for now they play along with him and pretend (as much to themselves as to anyone else) that they're not immensely enjoying giving the Gallente a black eye.

  • Politically radical, willing to take drastic steps to affect change quickly
  • Implemented a system of centralized political power by creating the CPD
  • Founded on pure meritocratic ideals
The Caldari Providence Directorate is a gendarmerie founded by Tibus Heth shortly after the launch of his successful coup against the Caldari Constructions Corporation. It was initially manned by Caldari Constructions workers loyal to Heth. Templis Dragonaurs were secretly appointed as the agency's officers and were responsible for providing State-wide internal security and running Heth's anti-Gallente/Caldari supremacy propaganda campaign. Noted for their physical perfection and trademark dark blue uniforms, these men and women were nicknamed Provists by the Caldari population.

Templis Dragonaurs
  • Dangerous political reactionaries
  • Highly dedicated group willing to conduct terrorist acts
  • Undertones of Caldari racial superiority
The Templis Dragonaurs are an ultra-nationalist Caldari terrorist organization whose origins date back to the Tikiona States. They are easily the most anti-Gallente political entity in New Eden. The organization was secretly involved in the destruction of Nouvelle Rouvenor. Tibus Heth was supposedly a member for six years, although his involvement was never officially proven.
« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2012, 06:06 by Ken »

Malcolm Khross

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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #18 on: 27 Jun 2012, 06:16 »

Good information, though Malcolm would not go into that much detail about it all. The goal is just to provide a basic (if a little whitewashed) explanation of how the State functions and why it's a different system than say, Gallente corporate structure and democracy, etc.

The idea isn't really to give people a thorough education on the State but more of a "if you're going to complain about the State, at least have a basic understanding of how it works first."

Malcolm Khross

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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #19 on: 27 Jun 2012, 08:02 »

So, a few things to edit:

Basically change the statement to read "Caldari citizen" is a term used only by outsiders, those within the State refer to themselves by the megacorporation they identify with; Wiyrkomi Employee, Sukuuvestaa Employee.

Add information regarding the disassociated (primarily those who have slipped through the cracks) and how Executor Heth fits into it all in the second post. Sound about right so far?


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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #20 on: 27 Jun 2012, 09:24 »

The spectrum is definitely "nice" but it feels off.

The middle three almost need to be a triangle with the Gurisatas, Provist/TD, and Disassociated making another triangle around them.


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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #21 on: 27 Jun 2012, 10:23 »

Mal, out of curiosity, who is asking that you provide a description of the State factions IC?  Seems weird to me that you'd have capsuleer characters that don't know the basics of Caldari society and would ask Mal to describe it to them on IGS.

The spectrum is definitely "nice" but it feels off.

The middle three almost need to be a triangle with the Gurisatas, Provist/TD, and Disassociated making another triangle around them.

Hmm... might have to try doing a graphic like that.  The "spectrum" is really a rough and unsophisticated way to describe this.

Malcolm Khross

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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #22 on: 27 Jun 2012, 10:38 »

Scherezad made mention on IGS that she thought it'd be a good thread since there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the State (particularly in how its corporate structure is also the government). That's the most recent request, it's been asked of me before but it was a while back and I don't remember who it was.

Even if I don't actually end up making the post, it's been a neat discussion so far.


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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #23 on: 27 Jun 2012, 11:02 »

The idea isn't really to give people a thorough education on the State but more of a "if you're going to complain about the State, at least have a basic understanding of how it works first."

I don't think those that criticize the State IC are necessarily unaware of how it functions. There's just lots of material that are grounds for criticizing the State's structure (as are there for any other faction), such as how it causes homelessness, how its second largest corporation is unethical, how political activism is regarded as dissent, how they are a "ruthless dictatorship", and the idea they are more combative than the Amarr. In terms of the individual citizen, they are pressured enough to the point that, if they fail, they're pushed to committing suicide. There's also the mention of "unquestioning loyalty" (indoctrination to an authoritarian state) and those who do "disappear from the system" aren't considered worthy of the State's time (little to no concepts of charity or humanitarianism). While hardly anyone IC plays this traits since it goes beyond our comfort zones as a Westerner, all of the previous so-called PF "realities" will definitely be on the grounds of contention for someone like a Gallentean.

I like what you've wrote and what everyone has inputted in so far, but I think you misjudge people's knowledge when they engage in anti-State RP.

Malcolm Khross

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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #24 on: 27 Jun 2012, 11:08 »

I like what you've wrote and what everyone has inputted in so far, but I think you misjudge people's knowledge when they engage in anti-State RP.

Good input, but I'll clarify: It's not that I'm assuming they don't have an understanding of how it works, it's that a lot of what is said against the State by others in RP is either grossly exaggerated or finds its roots at completely ignoring (or being ignorant of) why the State functions as it does or how it actually functions. Sure, there's a lot of good, solid reasons to criticize the State (Malcolm has done so a few times), but there's also a lot of stuff said that simply doesn't line up, so Malcolm (in character) is of the mindset that a basic "look, this is how it works" would rectify about half of the problems people claim exist.


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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #25 on: 27 Jun 2012, 11:32 »

Scherezad made mention on IGS that she thought it'd be a good thread since there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the State (particularly in how its corporate structure is also the government). That's the most recent request, it's been asked of me before but it was a while back and I don't remember who it was.

Even if I don't actually end up making the post, it's been a neat discussion so far.
Here's the simplest way I can describe it:

Think of Caldari State culture to be similar to modern Japan in that people's motives are more inclined to include the greater good than in other empires.  There's some good discussion on this in previous threads, they can't be too far back.

However, instead of the Japanese government ruling over strong corporations like Honda and Sony, the megacorps are more like China.  Policing can't be done by a central power, so is done by the megacorps, who are kept in check by one another.  Open conflict doesn't break out due to what they know would happen to The State, and the Caldari Navy is used as a deterrent to foreign invasion.

The changes from Tibus Heth on have centralized the structure more to fight the faction wars.  However, the megacorps still dwarf that governmental structure.



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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #26 on: 27 Jun 2012, 12:18 »

I like what you've wrote and what everyone has inputted in so far, but I think you misjudge people's knowledge when they engage in anti-State RP.

Good input, but I'll clarify: It's not that I'm assuming they don't have an understanding of how it works, it's that a lot of what is said against the State by others in RP is either grossly exaggerated or finds its roots at completely ignoring (or being ignorant of) why the State functions as it does or how it actually functions. Sure, there's a lot of good, solid reasons to criticize the State (Malcolm has done so a few times), but there's also a lot of stuff said that simply doesn't line up, so Malcolm (in character) is of the mindset that a basic "look, this is how it works" would rectify about half of the problems people claim exist.

Welcome to my RP life. The above can be said while replacing "State" with either "Federation", "Republic" or "Empire". I've not been active for years but when I was defending the Fed from smear and out-right falsehoods often from ignorant and/or overly exaggerated claims, this was basically an every-day occurrence. Best safeguard or means would be to try and not be ignorant yourself, and to show the facts to those who clearly missed it. Your doing the latter now, but mind your own knowledge and don't be to eager on things you don't know yourself - your IC claims about Noir made me groan until you corrected and said you were informed about his capsuleer-status. I don't know if that was entirely IC or an ooc slip. There were some other points about Malkalen and Noir too but I let those be on RP grounds.

Malcolm Khross

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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #27 on: 27 Jun 2012, 13:09 »

- your IC claims about Noir made me groan until you corrected and said you were informed about his capsuleer-status. I don't know if that was entirely IC or an ooc slip. There were some other points about Malkalen and Noir too but I let those be on RP grounds.

Haha, it was entirely IC. The write-up suggests that Noir's status as a capsuleer was pretty much covered up and that very few people were privy to the knowledge. Most logically, the Federation higher-ups would know, but I doubt a random Caldari State capsuleer (like Malcolm) would've known without somebody pointing it out to him. :)

Alain Colcer

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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #28 on: 27 Jun 2012, 14:38 »

May i suggest to eventually add this well put-together-infodump into evelopedia eventually?


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Re: [Draft] Caldari Corporate and State Structure
« Reply #29 on: 27 Jun 2012, 14:56 »

Haha, it was entirely IC. The write-up suggests that Noir's status as a capsuleer was pretty much covered up and that very few people were privy to the knowledge. Most logically, the Federation higher-ups would know, but I doubt a random Caldari State capsuleer (like Malcolm) would've known without somebody pointing it out to him. :)
I think it's good for one's character to be ignorant of many, many things. In the sort of data-rich future that EVE represents, there's an entire cluster's worth of available information, 70% of which is probably misrepresenting the facts.
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