Some of you may recall the
Society of Conscious Thought brainstorming thread I started a while back, probing for interest in SoCT matters and seeing if the creation of a SoCT-aligned or SoCT-themed corp might be feasible (or, rather: seeing what I could do with one as I had pretty much already decided to go for it). I got a lot of mad ideas out of it, and a few vaguely interested parties, but the consensus seemed to be that it would be difficult to find a clear goal or motivation to go for.
At that point Kitzless was started - mostly as a placeholder for future endeavours, when the idea may have matured and more co-conspirators been recruited. And in that state it lingered for a long time - bobbing in a black sea of neglect.
Now I want to get something rolling for realsies.
Somewhere along the line I think I identified the missing ingredient - I had been looking for ways to make a srs rp endeavour, when the most effective way to have fun and enjoy yourself is just to go for laughs. Humour will always have a lower threshold than serious business, but that doesn't mean I want clowns in lab coats. I want Aperture Science run by Cerberus (or the other way around?), and that's not something you reach without a bit of work
I want to put together a group of people dedicated to mad, weird and downright stupid science. I want to marry the Society's ruthless and amoral approach to science with the natural randomness of capsuleers, and strive for dark hilarity. I want an insane counterpart to A'J - a place where war is just another analysis tool and collateral damage is an unfortunate byproduct of inevitable progress. I want new players to join us and learn about the game by chronicling their lessons. I want veterans to stir up hilarious drama by publishing outrageous essays. I want to get into trouble because someone decided it would be a great idea to conduct a study on alliance threat responses in the drone regions...
I have hundreds of ideas for this, and I'm sure there are people out there even now considering some zany plans and giggling to themselves. That's exactly why I won't try to sell you anything else: I want to get the people who are interested on-board and then brew ideas together.
+ What is Kitzless?Kitzless is a research community affiliated with the Society of Conscious Thought, based on SoCT models and methods. Its overarching mission statement is to leverage and facilitate capsuleer interaction for the general advancement of scientific knowledge. At least that's what the administrators tell you.+ So what am I looking for?I need people who are interested. If you like my ideas and wish to subscribe to my newsletter, join me. I don't care if you're one day old or a bitter vet. I'd rather have a corp of a dozen inspired alts than two disillusioned mains. If you're interested at all you have very few reasons not to help out.
I need administrators to assist me - people who can help organize things, recruit people, and help manage activity. I've never really run a corp with anything other than a few close friends, and I can't sail a ship on my own. If my plan works out, I'm pretty sure we can have a lot of fun together.
I need roleplayers. I hope to make a decent splash and a few headlines with this project along the line. For that to happen we're gonna need people willing to take on mad and challenging projects and come up with far-fetched scientific rationales for everything.
+ What are the long-term goals?Throwing some darts at my entirely subjective board:
- Enrich minor-faction roleplay in general, and Society roleplay in particular.
- Create a face - however ugly - of the Society among the players, and be an attractive choice for new players.
- Have an influence on Geminate around SoCT space. Ideally pacify the area to allow flow of trade and freedom of operations.
- Become a regular source of entertainment for other EVE players, even non-roleplayers. Aka: if the powerblocs think we are funny maybe they won't curbstomp us
- Have so much fun we'll have to be restrained.
+ What happens next?Me and anyone willing to join me seclude ourselves at a Society Kitz in deep space and debate the merits and weakesses of porcelain for a fortnight before emerging to display an outline for what Kitzless should be and how it should be organized.
Our path from there on depends on the results of the foundation meeting, but it will probably be followed by a spectacular and genius emergence onto the scene - burning erratically towards our lofty goals.
+ I'm totally in!Awesome! Send me a PM or an EVE-mail or message me in-game and let me know what you think and what you wanna do, and I'll see about setting up a conference once we have a bunch.
To judge if you're first or last to the party, there is an OOC channel set up called "Pseudointellectuals" and an IC channel called "Int-Per-Mem".