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Author Topic: Why fight player pirates?  (Read 14369 times)


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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #30 on: 09 Jan 2012, 12:24 »

I would like to cordially invite you to jump into an EM fleets outnumbered 2 to 1.

Come on down to Syndicate.  You live too far away. :P

That said, the last time I fought EM personally, we found an EM Rapier holding down a Veto Hurricane.  I cross jumped with my Abso to check the other side of the gate, which was clear-ish (EM gang was coming out of warp), while Nemesor in a Harbinger helped kill the Rapier.  I warped off as none of them redboxed me (or jumped through to tackle on the other side and the Veto Hurricane and our Harbinger warped off the other side after finishing the Rapier.  Not exactly a brilliant display of prowess tbh, though that was a good 3 years ago.  All three of us should have died.

But I digress.


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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #31 on: 09 Jan 2012, 12:32 »

I would like to cordially invite you to jump into an EM fleets outnumbered 2 to 1.

Come on down to Syndicate.  You live too far away. :P

That said, the last time I fought EM personally, we found an EM Rapier holding down a Veto Hurricane.  I cross jumped with my Abso to check the other side of the gate, which was clear-ish (EM gang was coming out of warp), while Nemesor in a Harbinger helped kill the Rapier.  I warped off as none of them redboxed me (or jumped through to tackle on the other side and the Veto Hurricane and our Harbinger warped off the other side after finishing the Rapier.  Not exactly a brilliant display of prowess tbh, though that was a good 3 years ago.  All three of us should have died.

But I digress.

My most clear memory of pvping against RK is when a lone Ishkur challenged my Vagabond to a one on one duel in Molden Heath.  I shrugged and said yes.   I simply popped ECM drones, circled him at 20km, and pressed F1.  It took maybe 15 seconds.  It left the impression that RK is way overconfident and not exactly as skilled as they would like to believe.  But then again I wouldnt presume to make a broad generalization on one very poor performance.  That would be foolish.
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #32 on: 09 Jan 2012, 13:20 »

ECM in a 1v1.  =/

EDIT:  Didn't you bounce when burning back to a gate after jumping into a Rote Kapelle gang, get your shields stripped, and die to a lone Vagabond in your Vagabond on the other side?
« Last Edit: 09 Jan 2012, 13:23 by Bacchanalian »


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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #33 on: 09 Jan 2012, 13:31 »

ECM in a 1v1.  =/

EDIT:  Didn't you bounce when burning back to a gate after jumping into a Rote Kapelle gang, get your shields stripped, and die to a lone Vagabond in your Vagabond on the other side?

Yes, I got jumped by a Rote Kappelle blob while scouting in GW.  And yes, as a noob I had a lolfit Intie die in Amamake too.  I really sucked it up the other 15 times I killed RK pilots though.

EDIT:  Changed some stuff.  Will try to make this less smacky.  Bacch, seriously, my main complaint is that for the most part almost every post you make on this forum can be boiled down to

"Im (or my alliance) a really, really good PVPer, I (we) can kill any RPer that we want, and you all need to bow down and recognize this". 

Seriously, we get it, you're proud of your PVP skills.  RK is a good PVP alliance, and youre proud of it.  Got it.  You dont think much of other roleplayers as PVPers.  We got that too.  You can stop now.

This is a forum thats built for a specific community.  Coming to this forum for the sole purpose of doing nothing but being dismissive and trying to say how much better you are than that community makes for a shitty experience.  I like this community.  For the most part, I like EVE RPers.  Theyre good people.  This is a good forum.  If you need to come here and belittle the community en masse, do it somewhere else.
« Last Edit: 09 Jan 2012, 14:00 by Gottii »
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
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Senn Typhos

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #34 on: 09 Jan 2012, 14:15 »

I'm glad somebody said it. >>
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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #35 on: 09 Jan 2012, 15:09 »

It's more frustration.  I've fought quite a few good RP PvPers.  And had quite a few more of them dock/smack/fight once and lose a very close fight and then revert to docking/smacking and/or accusing 9 pilots of being a blob when they're out roaming and happen upon 6 pilots and engage as anyone else in EVE would do (as Gottii just did in his smackpost).


90% of the reason that STIM's RP died is because we let it die once we realized that there was no RP entity in EVE that didn't outnumber us 10:1 (ergo, CVA) that would fight us on anything remotely close to even footing, and I've been rather :sadpanda: about it since.  I liked RPing, still do RP in private, and if there was an RP entity out there that would fight us in an extended campaign, we'd fight it regularly and embark on such a campaign as a road trip or something (see; IRED--we seem to fight them daily, although I think our past experience with RPers is such that I wouldn't be able to talk anyone into a wardec/making it a goal to attack IRED more than simply finding IRED gangs in Syndicate and pewing them, which is what I really miss.  there was nothing more fun to me than extended campaigns against an RP target or targets). 

STIM's first goal as an entity was to blow things up because blowing things up is fun, even if we're losing (the latter part being key--they're internet space pixels, so who gives a shit if they explode so long as we're having a ball getting them exploded; for instance: We stayed on field there despite the support that landed because we had both of the tech 3s to structure before their triage carrier caught up--I made a drunk piloting error and got tackled, and the Proteus derped and made the same mistake while we were trying to coordinate our own webbing of them to see if we could hold them down long enough for me to crawl away and escape--I think most would have jumped through the wormhole as soon as the carrier triaged and dread sieged).  The second goal was to RP extremist anarchists who were twisted enough to throw their RoE out the window and take up questionable (OOC, hypocritical) methods to advance their extremist and unrealistic if not unreasonable goals. 

The first goal is what I find lacking in large part from EVE RPers (and frankly, in most of EVE, so I guess singling out RPers as the issue isn't helpful, though I still watch various RP groups and find many of them lacking more than most here--that said, there are plenty that are the opposite, and constantly impress me in their gung-ho-ness, such as Teraa Matar).  I guess there is something of a reasonable argument to be made for that in IC terms.  Getting crews massacred because you think it's fun is not necessarily something everyone considers normal or moral.  Bacch has trouble seeing that because to him, capsuleers are the next step of human evolution and anyone who is not advanced enough to become a capsuleer is essentially a step down on the evolutionary scale, and like comparing monkeys to humans.  So getting a few hundred or thousand of them blown up is utterly inconsequential, even if it is only for kicks. 

That said, if people really want me to gtfo from the forums, say so.  I can still read them with a deleted account.


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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #36 on: 09 Jan 2012, 16:18 »

that said, there are plenty that are the opposite, and constantly impress me in their gung-ho-ness, such as Teraa Matar)

Our ROE is CHARGE!  :D

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #37 on: 09 Jan 2012, 16:23 »

That said, if people really want me to gtfo from the forums, say so.

Well, I Don't want you to.


  • Omelette
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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #38 on: 09 Jan 2012, 16:29 »

that said, there are plenty that are the opposite, and constantly impress me in their gung-ho-ness, such as Teraa Matar)

Our ROE is CHARGE!  :D

Your RoE seems to be "charge at very-much-against-us-odds and win because we're fucking AF ninjas" tbh.  I love watching your kb.  :)  You die a lot too, but that's how PvP works.  You win some and you lose some, and you learn from the losses and do better next time. 

John Revenent

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #39 on: 09 Jan 2012, 16:57 »

What button does the GalMil press? :O

approach, cause facemelting only happens at 0mts   :twisted:

Not to be rude, but I was asking IRED. >>

Everyone presses f1. vOv
Why so bitter bro?

Senn Typhos

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #40 on: 09 Jan 2012, 17:06 »

What button does the GalMil press? :O

approach, cause facemelting only happens at 0mts   :twisted:

Not to be rude, but I was asking IRED. >>

Everyone presses f1. vOv
Why so bitter bro?

 That wasn't bitterness, that was me forging friendships through shared malicious humor. :C
An important reminder for Placid RPers

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Jade Constantine

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #41 on: 09 Jan 2012, 17:40 »

There's a good reason for that.  Most roleplayers are shit PvPers.

Confirming I am a shit PvPer.

This would only be funny if it was true. It isn't.

I know we have had long talks about this topic and why it don't really complies, but I just could not help myself.

That killboard is unbelievably inaccurate.  It's missing about a year's worth of my losses and several months worth of kills even inside of the two year window it covers.  Battleclinic is far more accurate, even if it is an eyesore.

Incidentally, I-RED, CVA and 4th are the three entities that immediately come to mind as RP entities with whom I've had PvP experiences that were not akin to shooting fish in a barrel.  And in general I'd say there's not a group on that list that one of our FCs would not jump into outnumbered 2:1. 

I can't speak to Veto because I've never shot them, only shot things with them, and they have shown no signs of failure.

That said, I can think of dozens of RP entities I've fought in my 5 years in EVE that either a) throw fleets at you and then seem to just sit there and die without taking anything from you, b) hug station while chest-beating in local about how superior they are to you, or c) hire various mercenary entities to help them fight you and then still manage to achieve a.

I would like to cordially invite you to jump into an EM fleets outnumbered 2 to 1.

I too would like to invite Stimulus to jump into our fleets (SF) outnumbered 2 to 1.

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #42 on: 09 Jan 2012, 18:16 »

90% of the reason that STIM's RP died is because we let it die once we realized that there was no RP entity in EVE that didn't outnumber us 10:1 (ergo, CVA) that would fight us on anything remotely close to even footing, and I've been rather :sadpanda: about it since.

I think thats a pretty wild statement really. I mean who really does want to fight on an "even footing" anyway bach? Not you, not me, not anyone else really. Stimulus/veto in your own way stack the deck as significantly as anybody else does. You put together effective roaming fleets and you shoot what you think you can kill while avoiding things you can't (like everyone else really). Sure you have good pilots, you've been recruiting the cream of roving pvp from Scrapheap for the last few years so you ought to. But when the chips are down you still want to win and wanting to win precludes fighting outnumbered for most people (including stim). When we fought last year summer you certainly never failed to outnumber SF when you could (often by crazy proportions) but it surprised nobody because thats war in space. You ganked us, we ganked you. War never changes etc. In fact the only occasions I remember Stim fighting outnumbered at all in recent memory was when your pilots made up the minority of veto led cane gangs that happened into our ham drakes in placid etc. (and even then it was pretty damned equal giving away a ship or two at most).

Still, I do think thats slightly aside from the point. SF (with stim inside) did have the alexander wept because there were no more worlds to conquer moment - prior to the 10 thoraxes against bob thing (realistically the only target left for us was CVA in providence) but while SF (without stim) went on to try that dance twice over (even building an outpost there only to lose it to ze germans) Stim didn't and was content to roam syndicate at home on your terms. Now I don't criticise this decision tactically, but I think you have to take responsibility for your own shortcomings in rp because what you wanted was other RP groups to come dance with your chosen methodology (nano group mayhem) with you guys risking nothing much in an npc station in return.

As I've learned over the years in SF - you can't really get people to fight an RP war unless you go all in and actually risk something yourself. Nobody is really interested in random skirmishing against more accomplished random skirmishers when the sensible option is usually just to ignore them.

I liked RPing, still do RP in private, and if there was an RP entity out there that would fight us in an extended campaign, we'd fight it regularly and embark on such a campaign as a road trip or something (see; IRED--we seem to fight them daily, although I think our past experience with RPers is such that I wouldn't be able to talk anyone into a wardec/making it a goal to attack IRED more than simply finding IRED gangs in Syndicate and pewing them, which is what I really miss.  there was nothing more fun to me than extended campaigns against an RP target or targets).

We killed them all in the SF days bach. Those that would evolve from the wreckage moved either to 0.0 and the protection of larger non rp allies or into the embrace of FW ultimately. SF ourselves have had the dilemma you speak of in who do we fight and how and we're frankly only a fraction of stim/veto's combat power at the moment. But the issue remains - why would somebody fight you on your own terms when you risk nothing? What SF had back in the day was the RP cache of throwing down the public gauntlet and taking on a larger rp outfit that had a better combat reputation (or at least allies that did) and doing the all-in massive stakes as the underdog game. And it worked because people cared about the rp. These days what would Stimulus stake in an extended RP war really?

Think about the question seriously please - what kind of war could you declare that actually had a significant chance of you failing and the enemy winning a great victory if you fucked it up? I pretty much worked propaganda overtime last summer to paint you as the protector's of Moira's HQ simply to give some kind of closure to the skirmishing but without that it would be nothing but a smack fest and endless taunts of "come to our npc system!!!" "no attack out pos!!!" "nooooo come to our npc system noob!" and no real rp of any kind.

STIM's first goal as an entity was to blow things up because blowing things up is fun, even if we're losing ... The first goal is what I find lacking in large part from EVE RPers (and frankly, in most of EVE, so I guess singling out RPers as the issue isn't helpful, though I still watch various RP groups and find many of them lacking more than most here

See it rarely looks like that from the other side of the lines. Last summer I honestly expected you guys to blow the hell out of our towers in Ostingale and run a serious campaign to hand star fraction a significant defeat. You had an incredible numerical advantage and you know that our reponse to your tower challenges was going to be annihilate wings and economic warfare (as we did in kamela losing an incredible total of 270 odd cruisers over a couple of days) - but rather than take that challenge you backed off. What it looked like to us was that you were terribly sensitive to losing. We saw you troll entire corps out of your alliance because they lost ships to us and every time we assassinated some pimped mission runner there were 20+ comments of rage on your killboards. That sends a message to your own people bacc that reads "DO NOT ENGAGE THE ENEMY FOR FUN" - and I think sometimes you forget the impact that kind of approach has on the rank and file.

Bacch has trouble seeing that because to him, capsuleers are the next step of human evolution and anyone who is not advanced enough to become a capsuleer is essentially a step down on the evolutionary scale, and like comparing monkeys to humans.  So getting a few hundred or thousand of them blown up is utterly inconsequential, even if it is only for kicks. 

Its a shame to be honest, back when we were somehow peers without all the hatred and angst of our respective supporters howling this and that I would see a roleplay challenge in arguing the case for enlightened anarchist individualism against the nihilistic brand of baseline-humN-hate bacc practises now. In some ways it is a roleplay dilemma that stim has found itself in - you are the alpha dogs of the roving nbsi pvp game but you don't really have a cause to fight for - you have evolved into something thats more akin to an environmental hazard than a political movement and the problem is that when you've transformed ideology to a rainstorm it becomes difficult to find poetic engagements thereafter. Most people simply put up and umbrella or step out of the rain when the downpour begins and stimulus is very much a summer shower because your patience runs out quickly.

Ironically stimulus would probably be more interesting to engage with in a philosophical discussion than in space conflict - at least that way *something* is at stake even if its only igs plaudits and PR. But even there there are (i'll hope you'll agree) limits to where you can get in a discussion with somebody "who simply wants to see the world burn!" - "ummm yes okay thats nice."

TLDR: if you want rp conflicts you need to commit to sustained wars and risk taking of the kind you and I both accepted together when we were planning campaigns in star fraction circa 2006-2007.

That said, if people really want me to gtfo from the forums, say so.  I can still read them with a deleted account.

Freespace forum posting radical here baby.

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Jade Constantine

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #43 on: 09 Jan 2012, 18:27 »

and on topic.

Because they drop nice loot and cry an awful lot.

This ship blown to hell in the pirate capital of rancer (most dangerous system for pods in lowsec eve) led to almost month of sulky local smack and the pirates declaring how incredibly unfair it was that we had chosen to gank them with superior numbers and dishonest unsporting tactics.

(this from the people that make a living smartbombing noob ships and pods between minmatar space and jita with 8xsmb rokhs.)

still as I said to their ceo part of the reason we do it is because they are literally the hardest prey in eve (as in hardest to make fight - rather than hardest to kill once they do occassionally stand) - pirates are in it for the isk and not the risk - when you can pin them to a fight they hate it - and that makes it all worthwhile.

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Re: Why fight player pirates?
« Reply #44 on: 09 Jan 2012, 18:32 »

I've been fighting RKs fleets more or less daily in Syndicate. We (I-RED) win some, we lose some. We are often outnumbered.

We had a recent fight that was RK vs Flatline vs I-RED/Sedition with Gryphon League coming in and bombing everyone. So out of five groups involved there were two RP organisations (Counting RK as RP). It was a pretty cool fight and though we had the smallest fleet, we had a great efficiency for the fight. Though, RK did help with that, finishing off many of the Flatline zealots we had beat on.

Yeah, but back to the OP, both ILF and I-RED are officially anti-pirate. I'd say I-RED have more KB success at the endeavour, however. The ILF aren't really a PVP organisation. Whether or not either actually achieve anything, as per the question, is open to debate.
« Last Edit: 09 Jan 2012, 18:33 by Mammal Tafren »
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