Better safe then sorry - if this would be chill I'll pop it up because Seri got me thinking as is:
Wish fulfillment RP Version 2.0
Role playing romantic relationships is one of the most interesting and complicated things in any role playing community.
Lately however there it has seemed to me that I have observed, like the poster of the original thread, that there seems to be a strangely large amount of couples that are lesbian, cross-faction or both when compared to their counter-parts. (Where's the straight and gay couples?)
It made me pause and wonder - alot of female characters are played by men - does this go back to the joke from the girls locker room that men love watching two girls together?
The idea made me wonder as well what type of other relationships are in the RP community from what I see day to day?
Seriphyn mentioned a few ideas that seem to be missing to his knowledge:
- Powerful Amarrian married couples, a Holder wife and husband who wield power over their domain as king and queen?
- Controversial Gallentean sweethearts, the focus of much fame and media attention. A war hero and his celebrity wife? An older, rich Gallentean businessman with a far too young model for a spouse?
- A Matari clan chief and priestess, being beacons of example and role models for the youth of their clan?
- A married Caldari couple with equal standing as the dastardly duo go from place to place striking deals and trades with various entities?
I personally know of a few "traditional" (I hate that word sometimes) couples if you will, male-female same race. But they keep to themselves.
This also brings up the other idea of is alot of romance role play us as the players just playing out our own hidden fantasies? I know myself historically have been a very quiet person who unfortunately early in my young adult life was told, "If you get a man worked up enough that he wants it - it's cruel to tell them no." and therefore had always wanted to be able to be in a relationship where I felt very much in control.
This naturally lead to finding great enjoyment in at least trying to play characters that relationship wise are very assertive when they decide they want someone. It also lead me to making the mild OOC meta-gaming move of avoiding having Zu get "attached" to women - as I personally like my boys - even if Zu very well might on her own been bisexual.
I also historically personally felt leery of letting my characters get involved with people where I know the player is single and looking or people that I didn't mesh with well on an OOC level - even if my character might of adored them.
Food for thought - add some salt folks.