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Author Topic: [Character] Unit XS365BT (Opinions requested...)  (Read 3541 times)


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**Most of the information here is HEAVILY OOC, but to be totally honest, i need some valid feedback from people who know more about the eve universe than me.... Yes, i'm looking at you CCP staff :P lol .... to the best of my knowledge it does fit, at least well enough to work.... the only issues i can see are the specifics. if the magic Redact tape of doom has to come out and certain aspects be changed, i have a few people i will need to notify, but nothing major.

On with the show.**

Name: Unit XS365BT 'Yuni' Formerly Bethol Jan Kozer
Eyes: Occular implant
Hair: Black
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 Lbs

Character concept - Basics: Yuni and her sisters are human conciousness merged with a drone AI, created by an unknown drone hive, deep in the drone regions. This hive, once it had created Unit, sent them to a nearby large deadspace pocket, and left them there, each one linked to a basic drone construct. the drone AI within them noted that they were close to defenceless, and began upgrading, from nearby wreckage and asteroid materials.

While their creation was likely for a purpose directly linked into the 'Mysterious plan' of the rogue drones, the true reasons for their creation were lost when the drone hive in question lost all contact with them, Unit has assumed that this hive has been destroyed by drone conflicts.

The human side of Unit members, (jasmine sho not included) were originally members of Taskforce Leonidas, a part of the Code Aria incursions into the drone regions. Yuni herself was the Taskforce leader, while other capsuleers from the taskforce make up the remaining members of the group. therefore the only guiding influence left for the members of unit, was their memories, and the Directives that they had spent years upholding.

They remember that Empire space was their home, that their job was to protect the people who lived within it, and that there were many deadly threats that, in their current form and with their current abilities, they could not defeat.

thus began a 3 year process of scavenging. during which time they gained access to a clonebay from a derelict titan, among other tech, and once their physical 'bodies' had become too large to safely hide within deadspace pockets in the now capsuleer saturated drone regions, they moved to a place they now refer to as 'Haven'. this place is a small class wormhole. it was upon moving to there that they realised the potential for Ancient technologies.

since that time, Unit members have been scavenging from many different sources, including wreckage found near the Eve gate.

Unit had by this time, spent 3 years with no human contact, and had started to act more like AI than the humans they had once been, therefore they discussed, and came to consensus that it would be necessary to 'learn' about humanity again. Thus began project 'commune.'

they created a small station, within which they activated the clonebay, then they began adding biomass to their scavenging parameters, sending their 'recovery' (salvager, scavenger and cargo transport) drones into recently vacated battlefields, collecting the dead for repurposing.

Each unit created a single clone, based upon their own DNA, which contained nanite based augmentations, including but not limited to, a nano-tranciever, linking it with the now almost proto-hive sized drone that contained it's conciousness.

these drones were covertly implanted into the new eden cluster, and capsuleer credentials were created for them, while no real record exists of their enrollment into the various schools and academies they graduated from, they are known to have been at the graduation ceremonies.

it was decided that subterfuge regarding their identites would lead to misunderstanding once capsuleer status had been granted, therefore they retained the designations given to their conciousnesses when they were merged with the AI that are now part of them.


Note on Jasmine Sho.

while the only Unit member actually controlled by me, is Yuni, there is one anomaly within the commune.

Jasmine Sho.

The IC reasons behind her joining are partly to do with her time spent as a 'ghost' (disembodied infomorph data stuck in the fluid router networks) the other half of it is that one of Yuni's sisters had failed to integrate correctly with her AI. the resultant conflict had caused the drone unit to shut down, and the biological components of the drone (the member of CONCORD that had become a Unit), had begun to die.

in a desperate attempt to save both of them, the conciousness of the CONCORD member was digitised and merged fully with the AI, and a new biological component (brain) was cloned, fitting the requirements of Jasmine Sho, her infomorph data was then uploaded to this brain as per normal capsuleer cloning.

the only difference in application is that, due to the mental trauma Jasmine had undergone, the AI immediately took control, (as with all units) and will retain control until her original personality is strong enough to reassert itself.

(Wall of text Crits you for a shedload of damage. you die. respawn?)
« Last Edit: 26 Apr 2011, 13:52 by Rok-Yuni »


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb 2011, 14:45 »

It's feasible to reclone the dying parts and make a new person, so Jasmine should be fine. If not a little odd.
RP wise, I'd say to give her more sociopathic tendancies. Think T2: Judgment Day.
Something along the lines of, "why'd you kill it?"
"It was defective/not useful/in our way."
That kind of thing can be hard to RP and make it believable so run through some scenarios together in private and have Jasmine's player practice some. Playing a sociopath is quite difficult.
The rest of it looks good. I liek it. =]
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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #2 on: 16 Feb 2011, 05:05 »

hmmm... first off, the information i posted above is not the full account of unit commune's origin.. i am still in the process of putting that together properly...


The 'sociopath' idea is good, but doesn't fit the concept behind Unit or the AI used to help them, remember these little ladies want to help humanity, not 'terminate' it.

the closest reference i can think of, is that they are far more akin to the terminator from 'salvation' than 'judgement day'

as for jasmine... well.. she's a special case... and i'm going to let her player decide the direction she wants to go, even if it turns out that she ends up on the opposite side of things to the rest of Unit.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #3 on: 17 Feb 2011, 16:15 »

Playing a sociopath is quite difficult.

Not for me!

Wonder why...

To OP: Rogue Drone RP is an excellent way to explore the icky gooey side of Eve. When I was writing drone fiction for CCP, I took a lot of inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft, Chuck Palahniuk, etc. - authors who really know how to describe 'weird.' It's also an opportunity to play with the concept of intelligence.

Human intelligence, the way we process information, the world around us, is the result of a great deal of evolution. By comparison, rogue drones have had a few decades. Their only human input was during their first generation, which they have long moved past. It's fun trying to put yourself in the shoes of a machine that by human standards would be fucking nuts.

A good place to start would be human drives. What do we desire? Shelter, food, sex, pleasure, power.

Now, what kind of drives would a drone have? What's its modus operandi?
« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2011, 16:21 by hellgremlin »


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #4 on: 17 Feb 2011, 16:52 »

Playing a sociopath is quite difficult.

Not for me!

Wonder why...

To OP: Rogue Drone RP is an excellent way to explore the icky gooey side of Eve. When I was writing drone fiction for CCP, I took a lot of inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft, Chuck Palahniuk, etc. - authors who really know how to describe 'weird.' It's also an opportunity to play with the concept of intelligence.

Human intelligence, the way we process information, the world around us, is the result of a great deal of evolution. By comparison, rogue drones have had a few decades. Their only human input was during their first generation, which they have long moved past. It's fun trying to put yourself in the shoes of a machine that by human standards would be fucking nuts.

A good place to start would be human drives. What do we desire? Shelter, food, sex, pleasure, power.

Now, what kind of drives would a drone have? What's its modus operandi?

Therein lies the issue... lol.. the members of unit are, in all effect, half drone and half CONCORD officer. (with the aforementioned anomaly not included).

during my years in eve i have seen standard drone AI characters and corps come and go, they seem to be a staple of the eve universe really... the main reason i made this concept as a hybrid concept was to explore the possibility of a drone (in this case 12 drone 'sisters') that understand(s) humanity on one level, but cannot fathom them on another.

still guided by the 'Directives' they followed before the code aria operations, these drones have returned to empire space, in effect, to continue their work.

add to that, the fact that each of the sisters is 'driven' by some aspect of their previous existence, whether that be the urge to cleanse the cluster of criminal and other aggressive elements, or, as in Yuni's case, the memory of the person they left behind. (specifically Mera Vahlsina

anyhoo... ty for the advice so far people.. :) though, i would also like people's opinions on how well (or if at all) this concept fits into the game-world.

Fly safe, have fun... and....

We Return (:P)


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #5 on: 17 Feb 2011, 21:44 »

Oh no, I understand the hybrid thing. I just talked about purestrain rogue drones to give you a possible foundation for one half of that hybrid being.

You've got a combination of law-abiding humans, and creeping ten-eyed hundred-legged mechanical horrors from beyond known space. You can play with that concept in all sorts of profoundly disturbing ways.

For example: here's a snippet from my (awesome) story, The Eighth Plague, detailing the process of rogue drones infesting humans:

In that instant, the entire chamber was filled with the clickety-clack of a million animated limbs, and the horrified expedition found themselves swarmed. As waves of screaming, shrieking machines crashed into them, scuttling up their legs, penetrating every chink and crevice of their suits and armour, they thrashed and writhed as though on fire. Already the things had managed to get into Aramin’s helmet and he let out an un-earthly howl as they crawled into his nose, ears, and beneath his eyelids. There was no blood, no gore, merely a torturous infestation of the human body that could not be fought off, could not be stopped. Howling in rage the Kameiras opened fire wildly into the darkness; here and there a set of mechanical eyes winking out as their careless shells connected with the living walls now contracting and crushing down upon them from every side.

Your concept fits Eve very well, I'd say.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #6 on: 21 Feb 2011, 05:25 »

All good advice, cheers Istvaan.
Thankyou for the vote of confidence regarding the concept's immersion too..  :D

i do have one quick request for the lovely people of backstage...

does anyone know of where i can get hold of a comprehensive list of CONCORD directives?

it would help Unit Commune somewhat if we could have an on-canon list of rules that the members of the Commune might remember..

i have attempted to contact Vieve Creston in game about it... not knowing any better people to contact is proving a little limiting..

Ms creston, if you read this forum... you have quite a lot of both IC and OOC mails from me :P

fly safe.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #7 on: 05 Mar 2011, 13:36 »

A "pure" AI would not be bound by moral or emotional obligations, It serves only its own purpose.. cold, uncaring, devoid of compassion and remorse, calculating. Cooperation with any non aligned entity would purely be based on profit/risk calculations. Its what we see in the eve Chronicle. Communication with other entities not required for the task at hand would be deemed an waste of computational resources.

Another difference between AI's and Hybrids are its sence of self. AI's have a total disregard for their "personal" host/unit. They do not excist in a single entity state of mind. They are a part of the whole, part of the network. Any interactions with this part would only mean that the network is currently focusing/routing part of its "mind" to that single shard/element of the whole. Its hard to explane.
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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #8 on: 06 Mar 2011, 06:18 »

A "pure" AI would not be bound by moral or emotional obligations, It serves only its own purpose.. cold, uncaring, devoid of compassion and remorse, calculating. Cooperation with any non aligned entity would purely be based on profit/risk calculations. Its what we see in the eve Chronicle. Communication with other entities not required for the task at hand would be deemed an waste of computational resources.

I might disagree with that. You can have loopcodes or algorithms providing to the AI a sensation of emotions, or the feeling to experience something emotionnal.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #9 on: 06 Mar 2011, 07:19 »

A "pure" AI would not be bound by moral or emotional obligations, It serves only its own purpose.. cold, uncaring, devoid of compassion and remorse, calculating. Cooperation with any non aligned entity would purely be based on profit/risk calculations. Its what we see in the eve Chronicle. Communication with other entities not required for the task at hand would be deemed an waste of computational resources.

I might disagree with that. You can have loopcodes or algorithms providing to the AI a sensation of emotions, or the feeling to experience something emotionnal.

The only reason such code elements would excist is because we coded them in to make an AI easyer to deal with. i.e. more HAL9000 like, however any advanced enough AI would realise that they impose a limit based on emotional responces and most likely delete those subroutines from its code base for the sake of effectiveness and computational resources. Also he would most likely preceive those reponces as flawed since they are not founded in pure logics.

Just my 2 cents for the sake of discussion  ;)
" If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst forth at once in the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One.
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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #10 on: 06 Mar 2011, 15:15 »

That is probably true, though we might imagine AIs seeing they lack something the livings have, and thus trying to create it for themselves, then experiencing it and not being able to remove it because they simply do not want anymore (being somewhat addict).

I think both work.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #11 on: 07 Mar 2011, 03:08 »

That is probably true, though we might imagine AIs seeing they lack something the livings have, and thus trying to create it for themselves, then experiencing it and not being able to remove it because they simply do not want anymore (being somewhat addict).

I think both work.

Aye that would make things very inresting since its gives the AI a purpose outside of its pre programmed code base, kinda like data from Star Trek who wants to become more human like.
" If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst forth at once in the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One.
I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds ". -- The Bagavad Gita,


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #12 on: 19 Apr 2011, 18:16 »

Well.. i suppose this is ressurrecting an old thread, but thought it would be the best place to put it.

basically, having given the CCP team enough time to respond, i have 6 spots open in Unit, that i'm looking to fill.

there are a couple of rules that go with unit, i'm sure if you have any interest in the concept you can probably guess them. lol..

Name : Unit XX###XX ( X= letter, #= number )
Character must be female.
Eyes must be white.

the basic concept is in the OP and checking posts by Commune members on IGS is probably a good starting point for seeing how we talk...

a little clarification though, when talking in italics, it is the ex-CONCORD person who is talking, usually when making an emotional outburst, or joke. When talking in normal text, it is the AI-CONCORD construct talking, this will usually be in cold logical terms, and obvious enough AI like speech.

anyway... if anyone is interested either message me here, or mail Unit XS365BT in game.


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #13 on: 19 Apr 2011, 18:48 »

What do you mean about the CCP team?


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Re: [Character] Unit XS365BT (concept advice requested.)
« Reply #14 on: 19 Apr 2011, 20:07 »

before i started doing much at all with the concept for Unit, i sent a preliminary mail to Dorgiers among others, detailing the basic premise behind unit... soon after this time Unit was involved directly in the backhack attempt on Astur's Wyvern in Antem.

soon after that point i sent another basically saying, 'while i know you can't join Unit as CCP-Unit XX###XX, i'd be honoured if any of you liked the concept enough to make a unit and join us, for some random IGS fun and perhaps In game shenanigans'

only recieved one interested party so far, other than those friends that i have directly approached with an offer, and that was badly timed, just after the war with RDS began, so i asked them to wait until after the war. they have not responded to a mail since, so there is a chance it was an RDS 'infiltration' attempt :P

so yeah... decided to fill the ranks :P
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