**Most of the information here is
HEAVILY OOC, but to be totally honest, i need some valid feedback from people who know more about the eve universe than me....
Yes, i'm looking at you CCP staff 
lol .... to the best of my knowledge it does fit, at least well enough to work.... the only issues i can see are the specifics. if the magic Redact tape of doom has to come out and certain aspects be changed, i have a few people i will need to notify, but nothing major.
On with the show.**
Name: Unit XS365BT 'Yuni'
Formerly Bethol Jan KozerEyes: Occular implant
Hair: Black
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140 Lbs
Character concept - Basics: Yuni and her sisters are human conciousness merged with a drone AI, created by an unknown drone hive, deep in the drone regions. This hive, once it had created Unit, sent them to a nearby large deadspace pocket, and left them there, each one linked to a basic drone construct. the drone AI within them noted that they were close to defenceless, and began upgrading, from nearby wreckage and asteroid materials.
While their creation was likely for a purpose directly linked into the 'Mysterious plan' of the rogue drones, the true reasons for their creation were lost when the drone hive in question lost all contact with them, Unit has assumed that this hive has been destroyed by drone conflicts.
The human side of Unit members, (jasmine sho not included) were originally members of Taskforce Leonidas, a part of the Code Aria incursions into the drone regions. Yuni herself was the Taskforce leader, while other capsuleers from the taskforce make up the remaining members of the group. therefore the only guiding influence left for the members of unit, was their memories, and the Directives that they had spent years upholding.
They remember that Empire space was their home, that their job was to protect the people who lived within it, and that there were many deadly threats that, in their current form and with their current abilities, they could not defeat.
thus began a 3 year process of scavenging. during which time they gained access to a clonebay from a derelict titan, among other tech, and once their physical 'bodies' had become too large to safely hide within deadspace pockets in the now capsuleer saturated drone regions, they moved to a place they now refer to as 'Haven'. this place is a small class wormhole. it was upon moving to there that they realised the potential for Ancient technologies.
since that time, Unit members have been scavenging from many different sources, including wreckage found near the Eve gate.
Unit had by this time, spent 3 years with no human contact, and had started to act more like AI than the humans they had once been, therefore they discussed, and came to consensus that it would be necessary to 'learn' about humanity again. Thus began project 'commune.'
they created a small station, within which they activated the clonebay, then they began adding biomass to their scavenging parameters, sending their 'recovery' (salvager, scavenger and cargo transport) drones into recently vacated battlefields, collecting the dead for repurposing.
Each unit created a single clone, based upon their own DNA, which contained nanite based augmentations, including but not limited to, a nano-tranciever, linking it with the now almost proto-hive sized drone that contained it's conciousness.
these drones were covertly implanted into the new eden cluster, and capsuleer credentials were created for them, while no real record exists of their enrollment into the various schools and academies they graduated from, they are known to have been at the graduation ceremonies.
it was decided that subterfuge regarding their identites would lead to misunderstanding once capsuleer status had been granted, therefore they retained the designations given to their conciousnesses when they were merged with the AI that are now part of them.
Note on Jasmine Sho.
while the only Unit member actually controlled by me, is Yuni, there is one anomaly within the commune.
Jasmine Sho.
The IC reasons behind her joining are partly to do with her time spent as a 'ghost' (disembodied infomorph data stuck in the fluid router networks) the other half of it is that one of Yuni's sisters had failed to integrate correctly with her AI. the resultant conflict had caused the drone unit to shut down, and the biological components of the drone (the member of CONCORD that had become a Unit), had begun to die.
in a desperate attempt to save both of them, the conciousness of the CONCORD member was digitised and merged fully with the AI, and a new biological component (brain) was cloned, fitting the requirements of Jasmine Sho, her infomorph data was then uploaded to this brain as per normal capsuleer cloning.
the only difference in application is that, due to the mental trauma Jasmine had undergone, the AI immediately took control, (as with all units) and will retain control until her original personality is strong enough to reassert itself.
(Wall of text Crits you for a shedload of damage. you die. respawn?)