Pure Roleplay Organization. No skilled pilots, no PvP, no PvE, no mining, no production. Just for RP.
Goner Temple member of
Living and roleplaying mostly in
New Eden and
Goner TempleCredo, quia verum.
I believe it because it is truth.
Верю, ибо это истина.
Contacts ingame:
Goner Prophet - Goner Father (unavailable)
Nuncio - Goner Sarachem (diplomat)
Conquisitor - Goner Ridana (recruiting)
Channel ingame - Goner Temple
Youtube channel -
https://www.youtube.com/user/GonersEVEGoners, also known as The Foundation of Truth, the Goner Temple are a dedicated group of Hedion amarrians that have always maintained the existence of Earth.
The Goners are total pacifists, and try to maintain good relations with all of the known races. Indeed they are known to have converted many Amarr, Gallente, Minmatar and Caldari to their religion. Their patience has been tested repeatedly by various Pirates factions however, who continue to regard unarmed Goner ships as easy prey.
The Goner religious sect has no military force to speak of. However, the Goners do have a substantial number of Goner ships roaming the galaxy, seeking to spread our faith.
The Goner sect began when the Amarr government began suppressing the stories of past history in order to assert its authority.
Most of the population let events pass, but a small number could not accept the deliberate destruction of their culture's own history. As such, Goners saved all the material they could.
Goners believe the old myths of Earth and Sol to be actual history. We anticipate a reunion with our Earth brothers.
We wait with open arms for the return of our ancestors, and come in peace to spread this news.