Everyone is a participant in public roleplay. It all creates sea-changes in the environment. It's non-consensual.
Oh, I see, you don't personally like the direction it takes things and think that gives you the right to object. No pun intended, but this isn't the U.S. Senate where unanimous consent is required. There is no poll to take, you are not guaranteed protections from other people weaving fictitious events in the EULA.
Absolutely nobody has told you that you must swallow all of this as fact and participate wholeheartedly in every thread they appear in once per day. When RP groups diverge on some point of reality about the universe and (because they innately do/don't enjoy the new twist) each sticks to their interpretation, the best solution is to stop arguing about it, do it the way you like and others like you prefer and meet the others on ground you do find common.
Because the big cognitive disconnect staring you in the face is that it is just as much of an imposition and non-consensual affront for you to demand everyone who enjoys this to stop it as it is for them to demand you conform to it.
Just a humorous note, but...EVE is not really built on the idea of consent, anyways :9.
If you want to have private roleplay using some lobbyist groups and such to provide the catalyst for organizational development or character growth, by all means. But attempting to generate Senate-level political parties within the Federation, with no justification for their existance besides tenuous preconceptions on politics in the Fed, is a bit of a stretch on the best of days.
This is just another way of saying "ur doin it wrong".
Also, on the subject of different interpretations of what our shared reality is, after the most recent U.S. election cycle, I think it stands as quite obvious that in the real world, people have entirely different sets of facts they believe in. Fractious and varied opinion on what different political groups stand for is actually more realistic in my mind than widespread cohesive agreement. To my mind, arguing over whether Mr. Octirant is or isn't truly the party chairman or whatever is more immersion breaking than arguing with him that his statements strike you as out of sync with the overall Nationalist ideology, etc.
Let me circle back around and try this: are there conditions under which you would feel comfortable expanding on Fed RP at all? How can this be a more inclusive process? Despite my sharp teeth for debating, I'd prefer to have more friends than enemies, so if there's a way for us all to participate and get enjoyment from it, I'd take that over anything :9.