Down with the haters! Lord Vaari saw fit to grace the General Discussion board with his presence![quote ="Vaari"]I, Lord Vaari, earl of Sosan VII, founder and despot of the Imperal Pharmacy, self proclaimed prophet, golden mountain, worlds most beloved hero, carrier of the heaven's light, speaker of unquestioned truth, teacher of faith will usualy give name which have two part.
If ship is owned by my corporation, it has IPS (Imperial Pharmacy Ship) on first of its name. Then it has usually name which is biblical, or inspires its captain to perform one's duty well, and it is also suited for the ship. Very often, if you only know the name, you can tell what kind of ship it is. IPS Cargoliner, IPS Ironworks, IPS Oppressor, IPS Furious
If ship is owned by me, it usually, but not always have two carefully chosen names, which are ofter biblical, or atleast heroic and also fit for the ship class.
Ark: Ceremony of Creation
Archon: Divine Oppressor
Anathema: Vigilante Eternas
Absolution: Resolution of Hector
Paladin: Edict of War
Crusader: Heathen's End