So, I'm going to necro this given a question I realize I'm having.
I am interested in playing a sub/pet/lowercase-letter side of the scale. If I wish to rp that out (not the ERP side, just the relationship side) where in EVE is safe to do that? I know the Summit has a no-slave rule, for example.
Random flyby to say that this sounds like a general "Where do people play relationships in EVE these days?" Could be friends, colleagues, romantic partners, people who share a hobby, or whatever.
It used to be that you'd play these things in chat channels (private, semi-public, public), convos, corp and alliance (if you were in one of the immersionist groups), forums, PMs, emails, messaging clients, IC blogs, fiction....
I've been sort of looking lately, and realising how unusual my experience of EVE RP probably was, having all of these... and that I'm not sure where I'd look, these days, to find equivalents.
-- What blend of participation vs performance do you like in your RP? (Is it mostly for the people involved, or does it really want an audience?)
-- Do you have someone(s) in mind to play with? (If you do, you'll find a way, whether that's in private chat or public soirées that you host, or fiction that you write.)
-- How would you like to see this RP relationship interacting with your EVE gameplay? (Do you imagine doing in-game work/activities because your Upper-Case has given instructions, or is this more about IC but non-gameplay play?)