I'm going to be really mentally disturbed here for a moment Miz and ask, what if I want that?
Not to be an ass... but I recommend counseling.
Actually - this can have a non-ass side to it. If it's something you seriously wanted it would be a good thing to seek counseling to make sure it would be mentally healthy for you and to make sure the desire isn't stemming from some sort of under laying problem that needs dealt with.
If after going through a good counselor it's still something of interest, then you went through the proper channels? It gives the image of "If you don't want a baby use a condom... " except, "If you don't want to get messed up, do your homework and see a counselor." And oddly the first thought that comes to mind is if you were serious perusing this the person considering being your "owner" if you will - (disclaimer: I personally dislike this idea altogether - I just always play devil's advocate.) it would be required I'd think of them to take care of you and make sure you've gone to a counselor, that you take care of yourself, go to the doctor when needed and are healthy and happy. A good partner, whether a "master", D/s, vanilla or clueless husband, should always keep the well being of their lover in mind.
I really need to do my homework... *poofs*