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Author Topic: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable  (Read 22699 times)

Samira Kernher

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #30 on: 17 Oct 2018, 12:01 »

The focus on physical blood has been probably the worse thing I have seen from Sani Sabik players (and, honestly, CCP too. Ugh, CCP).

yes. lolspacevampires. Appeared in some ingame items - do you remember those old ship log things you used to get sometimes from belt npcs ? There was mention of actually drinking/eating blood in a couple of those.

I don't actually mind eating/drinking blood. That is fine. There are plenty of religious systems were the consumption of blood or other organs is an important aspect (taking in the strength or other traits from the person/animal whose blood is consumed, etc). And there's plenty of ways to prepare blood in a way in which it can be safely eaten. And I can absolutely see that being an important part of some Sanist sects.

The problem, as in everything, is in the execution. People failing to understand why a religious system would have rituals that involve the consumption of blood and just doing it for the edgy evil imagery. Or people doing it divorced from religious ritual (which is what is common with the blooders... that whole assembly line esque blooding shit they do doesn't feel like a legitimate religious ritual, just :edge:). Consuming blood shouldn't be about the coolness/villainous factor of it. It should be about achieving a spiritual purpose.


  • Omelette
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #31 on: 17 Oct 2018, 13:09 »

Have you ever read the Explanatory Leaflet ?

Graelyn was pretty impressed by it afaik.

I don't have a local copy, and can't get ingame to find it though.

Pretty sure it covered most of what you're saying, about a reason why blood is important and so on, rather than just "lolblood"
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #32 on: 17 Oct 2018, 13:16 »

This is all of course difficult when the prime "Blood Raider" lore is all about hooking up vast swaths of poor souls to machines and blenders and much twirling of mustaches.   I've always looked at Omir's sect as sort of the worst example underneath a wide umbrella that CCP never explores.  Blood Raiders being the main onramp for new players learning about Sabik stuff, hence all the vast herp derping that comes down the RP pipe.

I would give good money and vital, pure blood for CCP to just kill Omir already and take the "Raiders" in a more interesting and less cringe direction. 

Khanid II was of course Sabik in everything but name, believe it.


Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #33 on: 17 Oct 2018, 13:17 »

Have you ever read the Explanatory Leaflet ?

Graelyn was pretty impressed by it afaik.

I don't have a local copy, and can't get ingame to find it though.

Pretty sure it covered most of what you're saying, about a reason why blood is important and so on, rather than just "lolblood"

It is a leaflet that explains!


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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #34 on: 17 Oct 2018, 13:20 »

It also severely misunderstands both religion and the importance blood can have in them. It "fixes" a problem that doesn't exist, while creating something kind of nonsensical as far as religions go.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #35 on: 17 Oct 2018, 13:27 »

It would be kind of neat if there were some measurable game mechanic for baseliner support for capsuleers. Like some way to check if the Mizhara fan club across the cluster is doing well or whatever.   Maybe something related to standings or something,  I dunno.   Might  make the religious capsuleers fighting over devotees or acolytes more interesting :)

Samira Kernher

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #36 on: 17 Oct 2018, 13:38 »

Have you ever read the Explanatory Leaflet ?

Graelyn was pretty impressed by it afaik.

I don't have a local copy, and can't get ingame to find it though.

Pretty sure it covered most of what you're saying, about a reason why blood is important and so on, rather than just "lolblood"

I do not believe I have read the actual thing, no, just references to things from it.


  • Omelette
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #37 on: 17 Oct 2018, 13:47 »

It also severely misunderstands both religion and the importance blood can have in them. It "fixes" a problem that doesn't exist, while creating something kind of nonsensical as far as religions go.

What are you referring to here ?
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


  • Omelette
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #38 on: 17 Oct 2018, 23:39 »

I would give good money and vital, pure blood for CCP to just kill Omir already and take the "Raiders" in a more interesting and less cringe direction. 

If you want a laugh, read the thread on the IGS called "The Time of Shame Approacheth"
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #39 on: 18 Oct 2018, 07:18 »

Samira definitely points out the interesting things about Sani Sabik RP and it's a shame that CCP focus more on SPACE VAMPIRES!!!!!!!

It also made me think about Serpentis RP. Currently I am not really sure what to chase with a Serpentis character but I think they have one major thing in common with the Sanist: Power. Initially the story about the Serpentis builds on Vengeance, but vengeance alone can't really support a whole faction and currently it feels like the goal of a Serpentis character would in some way be similar to a Sanist character. But this is also where the similarities ends as a Sanist will seek power through religion, intrigues, violence, and so on. While a Serpentis character would probably focus more on technology, economy, and status. After all the Serpentis has a meritocracy structure similar to the Caldari.

Sorry for being a bit off topic, this could probably be a thread for itself but at the same time there are some similarities.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #40 on: 18 Oct 2018, 08:33 »

I would give good money and vital, pure blood for CCP to just kill Omir already and take the "Raiders" in a more interesting and less cringe direction. 

If you want a laugh, read the thread on the IGS called "The Time of Shame Approacheth"

those new forum layouts are icky. good god.

Ah yea I had seen they are doing recurring yearly Blood Raider dumb dumb stuff.  They've been doing this with the other pirate factions, right?  Good lord, content team.


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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #41 on: 18 Oct 2018, 10:23 »

I particularly enjoyed the Valentine's Angel event where they decided to use named characters for the first time.

Nothing like breaking all sense of immersion by having a pair of people in thousands of locations simultaneously, on a date, allowing themselves to be blown up over and over again for two weeks.


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Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #42 on: 07 Nov 2018, 09:33 »

I particularly enjoyed the Valentine's Angel event where they decided to use named characters for the first time.

Nothing like breaking all sense of immersion by having a pair of people in thousands of locations simultaneously, on a date, allowing themselves to be blown up over and over again for two weeks.


They probably are in good company with that Damsel that's been in distress mission since 2006 or something, she's been saved like, a million times already :P



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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #43 on: 07 Nov 2018, 10:57 »


Unfortunately, while it's canon due to it being in the game, we sort of have to handwave anything involved in missions. "Um, there are things like this happening all the time. Let's, uh, just not count the numbers."

Not unlike the untold billions being slaughtered by AFK VNIs, Ishtars, and by ratting carriers and supercarriers every day forever and ever.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #44 on: 07 Nov 2018, 13:24 »

I particularly enjoyed the Valentine's Angel event where they decided to use named characters for the first time.

Nothing like breaking all sense of immersion by having a pair of people in thousands of locations simultaneously, on a date, allowing themselves to be blown up over and over again for two weeks.


They probably are in good company with that Damsel that's been in distress mission since 2006 or something, she's been saved like, a million times already :P

it's a big cluster. I just assume there's a lot of stupid hormonal teenagers and the general scenario just happens over and over :P
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