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Author Topic: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable  (Read 22698 times)


  • Omelette
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Alrighty then. Sani Sabik rp. It could do with some fresh approaches to it, as things are somewhat flat right now.

Now, I've been playing a game on Steam recently, by the name of Cultist Simulator, and it is rather good, with a lot of backstory to it and so on. It has made me think about the nature of Sani Sabik, and how people might want to approach it, with a view to establishing their own take on the source material, of being religious space bad dudes.

So, cultist simulator, you can found a cult, based on particular principles, and the lore in the game has different aspects to it. There's the aspect of "The Lantern", which primarily relates to knowledge and seeing, the aspect of "The Forge" which primarily relates to strength and creation, and so on and so forth.

Which made me think about the nature of the Sani Sabik religion, and the different aspects that it might have, and how those would shape the cults associated with it.

Now, with the whole thing in EVE with the cloning process, and becoming an infomorph and all that, there's the possibility there to work that into an initiation ritual. A mortal candidate undergoes The Ritual, and emerges as an immortal, one of the Chosen, and so on. That's a pretty powerful thing right there. Dress it up with suitable religious trappings and blammo.

But it doesn't stop there. Once immortal, then what ? The objective is to become as one of the Sefrim themselves, a demigod as it were.

So, to do that, we need to choose an aspect for your cult. What does your cult believe is the path to transcendence ?

I can see several paths:
Knowledge - the cult members hope to become all-knowing, to transcend their human nature to become as the Sefrim. Cult rp might revolve around looking for hidden lore and so on. Forbidden knowledge and all that.
Biological enhancement - genetic engineering to become more than human. The Blood Raider Covenant already do this to an extent, according to the books, with gene-modified muscles and so on.
Cybernetic enhancement - the opposite of enhancing the flesh, this would use cybernetic implants and prostheses to achieve the objective of becoming more than human.
Sensation - experience all that is experienceable, these cults would be the likely candidates for the ~weird parties~, and all that. Extravagance and decadence and so on.
Power - by seeking to gain power, such that the universe bends to their will. This could be military power, economic, manufacturing, and so on.

There's probably more aspects that could be thought up, but the important thing is that the aspect guides your cults interpretations of the scriptures.

Undoubtedly, the different cults would clash with each other on occasion, over the different interpretations of the scriptures and so on, but they would tend to work with each other against common enemies (i.e. the Amarr).

So, that's my thoughts. What are yours ?
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Vlad Cetes

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jun 2018, 12:24 »

I think something interesting (to get more players involved) is a cult where you have competing philosophies. Everyone is trying to become a demigod but you have clashing paths. This would also open things up for some more Sith like political maneuvering, both within and outside.

Karmilla Strife

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #2 on: 17 Jul 2018, 11:26 »

Silas' particular take on it leaned more toward Sensation and Power than hidden knowledge. It was almost more of a conspiracy than a cult. One thing that was nice from a Roleplay aspect was that aside from core pillars to their ideology, Silas gave other players a lot of leeway in how to play as part of the conspiracy. It left room for for some individualism where it seems to me that Sabik groups revolve a bit heavily around one particular character. Silas was still the figurehead of Nobilita Nera but within the group while I was there we had players with different areas of focus. Karmilla focused more on plotting and hedonism, Biggus Tankus was focused a bit more on the traditional blood rituals and Red God stuff, and Kalo Askold seemed more focused on PVP and expressing supremacy that way, ultimately forming a faction warfare group.

I suppose the takeaway is, make sure your Sabik RP group allows for different personalities and play styles, but is unified in some way. It also wouldn't hurt to have a backup plan for your group if the primary personality in that group goes away. Both my forays into Sabik RP ended when the ringleader moved on to something else :(


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #3 on: 17 Jul 2018, 12:07 »

The problem with Sani Sabik RP is that the best Sani Sabik characters would be impossible to peg as Sani Sabik by anyone but the initiated, at least until they've amassed enough power that no one could threaten them anyway. When the comparatively weak characters start being very public about it, it pretty much always devolves into Edgy Blooblooblood or bad attempts at religious fervor, it seems.

You know what moment I'd imagine would be the best Sani Sabik RP? When a single character manage to betray and take down a corporation/alliance through infiltration etc, reveal that they are Sani Sabik and then just disappear forever back into obscurity and a new harmless and clean identity. A vulgar display of power, skill, manipulation and threat and it'll be publicly Sani Sabik only for that brief moment before it returns to being that hidden yet now demonstrable threat.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jul 2018, 15:57 »

You know what moment I'd imagine would be the best Sani Sabik RP? When a single character manage to betray and take down a corporation/alliance through infiltration etc, reveal that they are Sani Sabik and then just disappear forever back into obscurity and a new harmless and clean identity. A vulgar display of power, skill, manipulation and threat and it'll be publicly Sani Sabik only for that brief moment before it returns to being that hidden yet now demonstrable threat.

I'm still crying over Guiding Hand Social Club failing on their headshot I contracted way back when  :bash:   Le Sigh.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #5 on: 23 Jul 2018, 15:58 »

Silas' particular take on it leaned more toward Sensation and Power than hidden knowledge. It was almost more of a conspiracy than a cult. One thing that was nice from a Roleplay aspect was that aside from core pillars to their ideology, Silas gave other players a lot of leeway in how to play as part of the conspiracy. It left room for for some individualism where it seems to me that Sabik groups revolve a bit heavily around one particular character. Silas was still the figurehead of Nobilita Nera but within the group while I was there we had players with different areas of focus. Karmilla focused more on plotting and hedonism, Biggus Tankus was focused a bit more on the traditional blood rituals and Red God stuff, and Kalo Askold seemed more focused on PVP and expressing supremacy that way, ultimately forming a faction warfare group.

I suppose the takeaway is, make sure your Sabik RP group allows for different personalities and play styles, but is unified in some way. It also wouldn't hurt to have a backup plan for your group if the primary personality in that group goes away. Both my forays into Sabik RP ended when the ringleader moved on to something else :(


Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #6 on: 23 Jul 2018, 16:00 »

Sabik RP is hard in EVE; power-cults and domination worship run very hard into often edgelord RPers who won't undock.   Much more viable and stress free to RP general capsuleer sensory debauchery; running a group of actual pvp killers takes *effort*

Vlad Cetes

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #7 on: 23 Jul 2018, 20:22 »

Sabik RP is hard in EVE; power-cults and domination worship run very hard into often edgelord RPers who won't undock.   Much more viable and stress free to RP general capsuleer sensory debauchery; running a group of actual pvp killers takes *effort*

Or you just go for max hedonism and throw kick ass parties.
Of course that also means being smart enough to let the competent ones run things behind the scenes.


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #8 on: 23 Jul 2018, 20:23 »

Sabik RP is hard in EVE; power-cults and domination worship run very hard into often edgelord RPers who won't undock.   Much more viable and stress free to RP general capsuleer sensory debauchery; running a group of actual pvp killers takes *effort*

If you PvP, you're a meanie and a bully!


  • Wetgraver
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #9 on: 26 Jul 2018, 09:48 »

running a group of actual pvp killers takes *effort*

Hell, running any sort of organization for an extended duration. It's one of the reasons why FCs and people willing to do org work are worth their weight in gold in EVE.


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #10 on: 26 Jul 2018, 13:31 »

PvP and bearing are on entirely different scales though. Can't rely on sites or spawn rates, or anything of that nature when you try to do PvP in Eve. Other players tend to be far less cooperative about schedules and locations. The amount of work a PvP group, particularly organizers, has to put into anything that isn't FW is pretty overwhelming.


  • Wetgraver
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #11 on: 26 Jul 2018, 15:28 »

Oh, certainly. Still, organizing takes more work than solo, whatever it is, PvP, bearing, or any sort of community activity.

Hell, any given Discourse episode usually represents between 30 and 50 hours of labor for the crew, excepting those instances where stars align.

Making it solely about the primacy of PvP misses the point: organizing takes work.


Silas Vitalia

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #12 on: 27 Jul 2018, 12:15 »

Yea I have to say organizing a bunch of pirates to properly bait and blops and all that shit was easily less effort than listening to 500 private messages and convos about The Summit and complaints from channel member about other mods and drama.  RPers be -difficult-, yo  :lol:


  • Wetgraver
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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #13 on: 27 Jul 2018, 12:56 »

People are hard. /o\

Ibrahim Tash-Murkon

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Re: Ways to make Sani Sabik rp interesting and viable
« Reply #14 on: 27 Jul 2018, 21:00 »

RPers not be people.
“If your hands aren’t bleeding, you aren’t working hard enough.”
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