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Author Topic: So... whatchoo doin'? (Downtime Woes)  (Read 5012 times)

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: So... whatchoo doin'? (Downtime Woes)
« Reply #15 on: 24 Jun 2010, 07:05 »

tbh I found the cliffhanger to be pretty lame in the first one, too. :/

F.E.A.R. was pretty good for a creepy environment, but too many of the scares were typical "BWAHHHAAHAOBOOOOO!!!" nonsense that "horror" films have all become these days. The nightmare-world style flashback type jobs were pretty cool, but sadly. . .

EH! Not enough scary in "scary" games. It's like developers and directors (because movies have this problem too) have lost how to leave one feeling a general dread or horror because they've spent so much time startling people that they forgot how to do anything else.

I don't really find being startled "scary". I just find it annoying. Especially when you can see it coming "Oh, here comes the little girl again... yep, there she is in the elevator with the chick. Wheee."

/laments the death of suspense.

Bong-cha Jones

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Re: So... whatchoo doin'? (Downtime Woes)
« Reply #16 on: 24 Jun 2010, 07:14 »

I finished reading The Terror, by Dan Simmons.  It's about an ice monster stalking the doomed crew of an actual Royal Navy expedition  sent in the 1840's to find the Northwest Passage, and it's nightmare fuel of the highest quality.  I'm catching up on Degrassi.  I'm culling Federation-related threads from three forums.  I forgot to get Ken those links!  Guess I'll be doing that too  :oops:

Sidenote:  The command ship of the expedition?  The HMS Erebus.
« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2010, 07:21 by Simon Coal »
Formerly Simon Coal.


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Re: So... whatchoo doin'? (Downtime Woes)
« Reply #17 on: 24 Jun 2010, 07:17 »

Oh, I definitely agree. The scary parts of F.E.A.R is of the 'cheap' kind, but it still scares me. Especially those I didn't see coming. When you went down that latter, only to see Alma stand just where you had been, two seconds ago? Then going down just to find Fettel in your face? Almost crapped myself the first time around. And when she came out of the cubicle? Scared the living bejeebus out of me.

Not to mention that the first time around, there was definitely suspense. A lot of levels where I just kept waiting and waiting for something to happen. Not knowing where or when, but knew something would happen... except it didn't. Not that level.

F.E.A.R 2 absolutely, positively sucked when it came to the horror part. Why? Because they made Alma completely and utterly... mundane. In the first game, there's only two places where she can actually kill you. Both relatively easy to avoid. And yet... she still scares me when I spot her. In the vents. In the offices. Anywhere. In the second game? She can kill you every time she shows her face, pretty much... and she isn't scary at all. Why?

Because you can just cave her face in with the right mousebutton. What the hell? No, seriously... What... The... HELL? Alma went from scary as shit, because she never actually touched you in the first game, but left corpses around like confetti everywhere else... to just yet another mundane enemy you could fight. And WIN against.

Fuck quicktime events. Fuck them right in the eye. The console tards that found those fucking things enjoyable should have been shot in the face before they managed to taint PC games with that bullshit. Sure, the game was released on consoles too, but that doesn't mean you have to ruin the damn game for PC users. We're used to better than that bullshit.

* Mizhara goes off to a friend's house to beat him over the head with his own PS3 controller.

Natalcya Katla

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Re: So... whatchoo doin'? (Downtime Woes)
« Reply #18 on: 24 Jun 2010, 07:41 »

I need to play Gabriel Knight 2 again, now.
Ava Starfire > There is evil.
Ava Starfire > Outright evil.
Ruby Amatucci > Hello!

Lillith Blackheart

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Re: So... whatchoo doin'? (Downtime Woes)
« Reply #19 on: 24 Jun 2010, 07:47 »

GK2: Now there was a fucking horrifying game. Also SH2.

As to Quicktime events: When properly used they can be absolutely wonderful. Example: The Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit (and also Heavy Rain).

When improperly used they're nothing but a good way to slam the fourth wall to smitherines. Example: Every other fucking game that uses them.

People should take note from Quantic Dream on how to use quicktime events properly, that is that the game is centered around them in action sequences where you are playing a character in an ongoing, choose-your-own-adventure of a movie, so that while doing the event you can continue to watch the story unfold, and in all other cases they are not meant to be used because they break the immersion into the game world.

Zuzanna Alondra

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Re: So... whatchoo doin'? (Downtime Woes)
« Reply #20 on: 24 Jun 2010, 16:01 »

I hope it's back up by now... I spent the downtime during Lisa's nap crunching the numbers for teh IRL.

*sighs happily*

Now to find me a roommate; maybe even one that likes gardening.


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