What I was about to post 2 days ago when my i-net broke:
1) [Citation needed.] I will believe this claim when I read it myself, from what I've seen of Richard Dawkins what you claim may very well have been a satirical example of why blasphemy laws are bullshit.
He stated this in a talkshow, where he claimed that belief in God is a delusion and a dangerous one at that (he said both quite publicly in The God Delusion and The Root of All Evil). Asked what should be done with theists that don't want to give up on their 'delusion' he said something along the lines of (I paraphrase): As they are a potential dangerous to society, they should be placed in psychiatric institution and treated for their delusion there. Anyhow, his characterisation of theism as 'dangerous delusion' really does implicate such a treatment already.
That said, I'll try to dig up that talkshow for you. I follow him as he think he's a good educater of the general public about scince - although unfortunately he does that less and less - and simply a horrible example of a scientist thinking that he's more elegible to talk about philosophy (of religion) and theology then philosophers and scientists. Still, I'm not doing an index of what he said nor am I aiming to build an archive of Darwkins. So, I might not find it.
2) Fun fact for you: Blasphemy laws exist in quite a few places, not just in the middle east, and are being enforced in many of them. The Islamists want more of it, for instance in places like Europe.
Fun fact: I live in Europe. I'm well aware of 'blasphemy laws' here. Germany has one:
§ 166 Defamation of religious denominations, religious societies and World view associations
(1) Whoever publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 par. 3) defames, in a manner suitable to disturb the public peace, the substance of the religious or world view conviction of others, shall be fined or imprisoned for up to three years.
(2) Whoever publicly or by dissemination of writings (§ 11 par. 3) defames, in a manner suitable to disturb the public peace, a church established in Germany or other religious society or world view association, or their institutions or customs, shall be punished likewise.
I don't think it's so bad, really. It even protects the world view of atheists, too. I'm quite in favour of sensible blasphemy laws as it protects the right of people to be treated with dignity in regard to their most fundamental and core world views. That there are blasphemy laws that aren't as good as we'd like them to be doesn't mean they are bad in themselves.
Also, it shouldn't be that hard to show basic respect for one another, neither for religious people nor for non-religious ones. Wilders, who is as right wing as it gets, by the way is no fan of freedom of religion as far as it considers Islam...
3) I agree completely, this is why I find it offensive that people are killed for being homosexuals or a minority faith like Christianity in muslim nations and beyond.
And this is why, I signed the petition long ago. It just did not occur to me to share it around until recently.
The right to be treated according to human dignity is in the human rights convention and already is of higher concern then the right to freedom of expression, thought and opinion as well as freedom of religion and world view, as all these are deduced from the dignity of the human being and are thus, if you will, special cases of being treated accordingly.
Declarations of such nature need to stay general though, unless you get a race of who else wants to be named specifically: Polytheists, Animists, then Buddhists, Christians and ever more specific confessions and religions as well as specific wordviews. That'd be kind'a over the top.