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that "Operation Trinity Vanguard" was the code name for the defense of the Incursions in Anyed, Antem and Imya. The Anti-Incursion fleets contisted over 800 pilots from CVA, KotMC, Moira., Star Fraction, FCORD, SYNE Coalition and countless other corps and alliances.

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Author Topic: New Sebbie Chief!  (Read 5342 times)


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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #30 on: 30 Dec 2013, 08:40 »

Quote from: Katrina Oniseki

I too would like to see more intriguing stories for the Fed. Less about Minmatar immigrants stealing all the jerbs and Evil Caldari and more science fiction. Here's some possible stories and plots:

  • Drone Rights - Should drones be protected from abuse?
  • Clone Rights - Should clones be considered the same legal entity as the original, or a new one?
  • Purists vs. Modders - Controversy surrounding the rights and 'humanity' of heavily bodymodded people.
  • Equal Opportunity Cloning - Should cloning be covered under Federation healthcare? Should it be offered to everyone?
  • Syndicate Reconciliation - Should Syndicate be allowed to settle? Should they be annexed into the Fed?
  • Serpentis Corruption - How deep do the tendrils of Serpentis reach into the Fed? From homless to President... who is influenced and how?

Despite these great political and philosophical questions to be dug into... all I'm seeing are mirrors of real life news. Minmatar Rights (Immigration Reform), Operation Highlander Leaks (Edward Snowden NSA leaks), and the relatively dull reaction to Colelie.

Science fucking fiction.


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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #32 on: 01 Jan 2014, 12:31 »



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Lyn Farel

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #33 on: 01 Jan 2014, 13:13 »

I'm still hoping Shakor will get greedy and go against the tribal council decision to keep his power and end up like Heth did.  :evil:

Jocca Quinn

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #34 on: 01 Jan 2014, 15:24 »

And what about The Elders? Are they involved in anyway?

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #35 on: 01 Jan 2014, 18:45 »

The Elders are so poorly defined it's hard to tell. If we're talking about the apparently-immortal godlike chessmasters of Theodicy/Empyrean Age, probably not directly (though thankfully the current lore team seems to be happy to dump that particular TonyGism at the first chance).

If we're talking about The Elders as they are portrayed elsewhere, as the name of any tribal/clan leader of significant enough rank, almost undoubtedly. Under this definition, I'd say the Tribal Council is probably formed almost universally of Elders of varying rank, so definite yes.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Alain Colcer

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #36 on: 02 Jan 2014, 06:21 »




tribal assembly being the real executive power is nothing but good news.

Ava Starfire

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #37 on: 02 Jan 2014, 07:10 »

The Elders are so poorly defined it's hard to tell. If we're talking about the apparently-immortal godlike chessmasters of Theodicy/Empyrean Age, probably not directly (though thankfully the current lore team seems to be happy to dump that particular TonyGism at the first chance).

If we're talking about The Elders as they are portrayed elsewhere, as the name of any tribal/clan leader of significant enough rank, almost undoubtedly. Under this definition, I'd say the Tribal Council is probably formed almost universally of Elders of varying rank, so definite yes.


Lyn Farel

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #38 on: 02 Jan 2014, 07:19 »

Yes it's a good thing overall. They are changing Shakor into some guy that was good apparently, which i'm not sure to like, but well vOv.

But for the mystical Elders of doom coming from TonyG, I would rather like them to adress the point asap instead of ignoring it. It's only harmful in the long run since people will continue to take them into consideration (since they are PF) and wonder wtf it's all about and focus on how stupid it is. It would have been the same if Heth and Providence Directorate were ignored.

Instead they should take the thing at face value and try to make it more mundane, or explain how it was a sham / not so ridiculously godmoddy / Just a bunch of Minmatar conspiracy or whatever... Just like they could do the same demystification process on the Broker.

Ignoring all the gripes in the PF will not make them less true. Fixing them by dampening their wtf effect and then fixing them is the way to go. Still waiting for that to happen to :

- The Elders
- Zombie Jamyl / The Other
- The Broker
- The Enheduasomething

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #39 on: 02 Jan 2014, 15:44 »

The Elders, yes well. My preferred idea is that having served Shakor's ends during the crisis brought on by the discovery of the Starkmanir he has some of his people quietly kill them & dump the remains in a handy star.

I suspect this would slightly contradict Templar One, but I haven't been able to bring myself to pay out in order to read it. I must check to see if the local public library has a copy now.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

Elmund Egivand

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #40 on: 02 Jan 2014, 21:30 »

The Elders, yes well. My preferred idea is that having served Shakor's ends during the crisis brought on by the discovery of the Starkmanir he has some of his people quietly kill them & dump the remains in a handy star.

I suspect this would slightly contradict Templar One, but I haven't been able to bring myself to pay out in order to read it. I must check to see if the local public library has a copy now.

I think the Elders are still occupied with Project Skymother and had Shakor do so and so and so with the Republic to act as a smokescreen to their plans. With all the high profile news coming out, nobody's going to pay attention to the issue of the evaporating Gallentean money.
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Jocca Quinn

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #41 on: 03 Jan 2014, 06:58 »

The Elders are so poorly defined it's hard to tell. If we're talking about the apparently-immortal godlike chessmasters of Theodicy/Empyrean Age, probably not directly (though thankfully the current lore team seems to be happy to dump that particular TonyGism at the first chance).

If we're talking about The Elders as they are portrayed elsewhere, as the name of any tribal/clan leader of significant enough rank, almost undoubtedly. Under this definition, I'd say the Tribal Council is probably formed almost universally of Elders of varying rank, so definite yes.

I'm hoping they are somewhere between the two, not immortal or godlike, but carefully selected "wise men" (or women!). Probably carefully trained in the art of persuading people to follow their ideas and ideals.

I think the Elders are still occupied with Project Skymother and had Shakor do so and so and so with the Republic to act as a smokescreen to their plans. With all the high profile news coming out, nobody's going to pay attention to the issue of the evaporating Gallentean money.

This probably best describes my thoughts, along with the idea that the Elders have decided that most of the Minmatar in the Republic are not worth saving, too corrupted maybe.

Karmilla Strife

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Re: New Sebbie Chief!
« Reply #42 on: 03 Jan 2014, 07:28 »

The Elders, yes well. My preferred idea is that having served Shakor's ends during the crisis brought on by the discovery of the Starkmanir he has some of his people quietly kill them & dump the remains in a handy star.

I suspect this would slightly contradict Templar One, but I haven't been able to bring myself to pay out in order to read it. I must check to see if the local public library has a copy now.

My preferred idea is actually the opposite. Shakor is the public face to a tribalist movement. "The Elders" potentially being influential people behind the conspiracy to turn a bunch of gallentean money into a fleet. They merely appropriated their name from minmatar legend. Now that their tribalist vision is closer to being realized, it's Shakor who is being dumped... Hence why he's no longer de facto prime minister, has no vote on the tribal council, and has not called a state of emergency to seize all of that power back.
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