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The Caldari State is made up of eight mega-corporations and has three major political factions?

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Author Topic: Are the Feds suddenly racist?  (Read 8501 times)


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Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« on: 17 Oct 2013, 08:38 »

So, one thing I'm a little uncomfortable with is the assertion that Gallenteans suddenly hate Minmatar and are extremely racist towards non-Feds. This is a new thing since the Minmatar-Gallente tensions and seems to run COMPLETELY counter to everything we know about the Gallente so far. Out of the four empires, it is explicitly stated the Fed is very welcoming of other cultures, in complete opposition to the "dictatorships and oligarchies" of other empires.

There's a difference between saying racism doesn't exist in the Fed (which no Gallente character has claimed thus far) and saying that it is rampant and that every Gallentean is a racist. Of course, racism exists in the Fed as anywhere else, directed at any ethnic origin as the Senate's report in-universe claimed, but it would have far less instances of institutional racism like the other empires may be accused of. It has a constitution that specifically enforces non-discrimination, after all. The Gallente acknowledge that discrimination exists, and in an effort against that, they put laws to prevent it. It won't always work, mind, and I think all Gallente RPers both IC and OOC know that.

It's also a bit bizarre to see non-Gallente RPers use the term "hate crime", considering this was a thing developed in the West specifically after the Second World War.

At any rate, getting a bit exhausted with how Minmatar RPers are trying to force upon Gallente characters via meta-IC/OOC efforts that we have to play racists all of a sudden, or at least arbitrarily accept that the view of a "racist Federation" (which has minimal lore backing) is suddenly PF.


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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #1 on: 17 Oct 2013, 08:48 »

Gallente always have been O_o there's always that undertone of racism. Hell look at the U-Nats.


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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #2 on: 17 Oct 2013, 08:58 »

Well, yeah, but the existence of U-Nats would be "racism exists". It's more that "racism is a defining element of the Federation" which I'm suddenly like "er, no" about.

Anyway, posted an Elusenian news reports to offer an alternative dimension to the ongoing IC debate!


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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #3 on: 17 Oct 2013, 09:06 »

I think it was the increase in refugees that started it off, and the Colleile (i'll never spell this right) incident that made it all boil over to show just how prevalent racism is in the Fed.

Anja Suorsa

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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #4 on: 17 Oct 2013, 09:07 »

The arc seems to mirror some of the modern democracies problems with immigration. Whether you believe there is a problem or not is a matter for another discussion and one I won't be drawn on; But this appears to be the theme being played upon by CCP.

It stems from the feeling by both sides of victimisation. It this particular case, the Minnies with the death of Midular, killed by a fed and denied access to immediate justice (again, whether they deserve it or not is irrelevant, it's a feeling). Because of this they feel like second class citizens in the Federation. On the other hand, the Fed feel that they have done all they reasonably can as friends and are being pushed too far. It's caused the resentment between the two which has caused a surge in violence and rhetoric as seen in both the game news and RP.

It's a story of each looking after their own. Perhaps a bit too zealously.

I don't think there's anything more sinister to it. The Fed isn't suddenly the most racist of racists that ever racisted(? :eek: !). Basically, I think you're reading in to it too much, though I understand your reasons for doing so.


Lyn Farel

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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #5 on: 17 Oct 2013, 09:15 »

I think that stems a lot from the fact that's it's just one of the easiest federal flaws/hypocrisy to find and exploit. Much like slavery for the Amarr. So people tend to put the emphasis on that a little too much, especially in the news.

On the other hand, the Fed is the only empire that clearly enforces equality and prohibits xenophobic beliefs. It is thus only normal to see such issues and themes revolving around that specific issue since it's a total nonsense in the 3 remaining empires, where xenophobia is "normal" or "we don't care".

Note : U-Nats are clearly stated as almost extincts, much like nazis are these days. You only see a few minor but vocal groups of neo-nazi/neo-unats here and there.
« Last Edit: 17 Oct 2013, 09:18 by Lyn Farel »

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #6 on: 17 Oct 2013, 09:25 »

Note : U-Nats are clearly stated as almost extincts, much like nazis are these days. You only see a few minor but vocal groups of neo-nazi/neo-unats here and there.

So what you mean to say here is that we will nazi them outside of the stereotyped "vocal minority"?
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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #7 on: 17 Oct 2013, 09:36 »

Oh, I enjoy the themes coming up from it, and welcome deep discussion IC and OOC on's some individual anecdotes I'm taking issues with. In some cases, I am blocked IC from trying to fight back against the assertion the Fed is widespread racist. It's as Lyn said...

On the other hand, the Fed is the only empire that clearly enforces equality and prohibits xenophobic beliefs. It is thus only normal to see such issues and themes revolving around that specific issue since it's a total nonsense in the 3 remaining empires, where xenophobia is "normal" or "we don't care".

Laurentis Thiesant

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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #8 on: 17 Oct 2013, 09:38 »

The Federation, in the lore I've read, is 'colour-blind' in the sense that it actually doesn't give a damn about your ethnicity from an administrative level. If I remember the Gallente lore dump right, FedGov biographies list 'identification' instead of 'ethnicity' - and sometimes they have neither at all.

To some people, that can be seen as racist. Not having 'positive discrimination' can be rallied against as being racist.
Is there active racism? Not from the administration. Passive? Very possibly, and that increases as you move away from the government and into the people themselves.

There would be the fear of 'they're taking our jobs' in a competitive capitalist society with next to no social safety net. There would be a fear of stability in the 'tried, tested and true' Gallentean way of life when there's a sudden 'flood' of immigrants which, at best are from the Republic and are open to some Federate ideals, but would most likely be straight from the Amarr Empire, freed slaves which, regardless of their views on slavery would still have grown up immersed in Amarrian culture and ideals.

There'd be legitimate 'fear' in the Gallente/Mannar/Caldari/Intaki populations in particular in the Federation about the instability that new Minmatar immigrants may result in. Hell, that fear may also exist in some fully-integrated Minmatar communities.

I don't think that the Federation is racist, it's people on the other hand, I just think they're having typical reactions that a fraction of any human population would have.

Should it be such a big issue in the Federation, I don't know, I really don't.
Is making it about race appropriate for Federation capsuleers, I don't think so. I think it's right for the Federation guys to be like 'um, what even are you talking about, this is just a murder trial' and for Matari capsuleers to be big on 'kin and tribe' and so on (which in itself shows the Gallente traditional way of doing things conflicting with Matari newcomers and their view on things). That's what's been happening, and it'll be interesting to see how it ends up.


Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #9 on: 17 Oct 2013, 10:36 »

I realize that Federation does not equal Space America... but it's worth noting something.

America is famous for being a melting pot. Welcoming of all cultures, American Dream, Land of the Brave, Home of the Free. That doesn't change the fact that there are deep currents of racism in America. America is a young country, whose populations have relatively recently come together and intermingled.

The Federation is only about as old as real America is, and they are probably still struggling with integrating their populations and immigrants into the cultural fold. Every country I know of in reality that has large enclaves of a different culture, including the UK, has this issue of racism among the populace and entrenched majority cultures.

I think it was to be expected, and I always thought it was completely unrealistic that the Federation would be anything but struggling to integrate the sudden 1/3 population of Minmatar without issue. I think the storyline works just fine.

Player anecdotes is just something you'll have to tackle on a case-by-case basis. I can't offer advice beyond 'use your best judgement'.

Anabella Rella

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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #10 on: 17 Oct 2013, 10:48 »

Welcome to your turn in the spotlight Seriphyn. It can be (quite) uncomfortable when almost everyone you come into IC contact with is accusing your character of things that they don't personally agree with nor does your clan/corp/alliance/faction. It gets annoying after a while feeling as if you need to be constantly on the defensive. Believe me, I know the feeling after the Colelie crap and sympathize. However, I agree with Lyn and Laurent that this current stuff is simply people picking at the low hanging fruit. I wouldn't read too much into it. I don't feel that people are attempting to make endemic racism part of the Federation's PF or to force it onto Fed RPers.
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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #11 on: 17 Oct 2013, 11:27 »

I don't feel that people are attempting to make endemic racism part of the Federation's PF or to force it onto Fed RPers.

Actually some people have been trying to do this for years, especially with regards to the state of the Federation/Republic's relationship. It's like the people who say all Amarrians are slavers etc. There's a few scenarios where people invest themselves OOCly into IC politics and push their perspective of a rival faction as hard as till other people actually think it's the way things are.

Fortunately, one of the few upshots that I have as Cael (political neutrality be damned when you want to PvP!) is that I can sit on the sideline and be exempt from racial profiling, you watch a lot of this go on. It's very much the phrase "I reject your reality and substitute it with my own." Only this case the reality is CCP's PF and people wanting to change it to fit an agenda that favours their character.
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Steffanie Saissore

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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #12 on: 17 Oct 2013, 13:23 »

From the reading of the Gallente Federation I have done, I get more a sense of Canada than the US in terms of cultural acceptance...Canada is a cultural mosaic, wherein immigrants are allowed to, and even encouraged and supported to, practice their traditions and culture so long as it doesn't violate the constitution.  And that is how I see the Federation...the Jin-Mei are allowed to keep their caste system and traditions, the Intaki can do their thing and the minor members get to keep their culture. The Gallente themselves are the only ones who seem to have lost their own culture (in a sense) as they've embraced and adopted aspects of the other members' culture into their own.

Heck, just reading the description of the Ethnic Gallente, there's pretty much no such thing anymore.

Yes, there's likely going to be discrimination amongst is apparently human nature to fear the different and the unknown and it is easier to remain ignorant that to push past that fear and learn and understand a different culture. That said, these would be isolated cases and not the 'racism and discrimination run rampant throughout the Federation' that a handful of people have started shouting about the last little while.

I don't believe the Gallente Federation to be the best or the 'good guys' in EVE; heck there are ideals within the Caldari that I associate more closely to than the Federation. Each empire has its flaws and short-comings and each empire has their own way of dealing with it. What has gotten my ire up recently though are the claims being made by non-Gallente who have never spent time within Federation space (outside of possibly going in to blow up some ships). Honestly, why the hell do you even care other than to sling crap at others?

Steffanie is not a staunch supporter of the Federation as it currently stands...she sees it as having strayed from the founding principles and especially does not like Roden or the existence of the Black Eagles. But she doesn't rave about it, nor does she rave about the short-comings (perceived or actual) of the other empires either. She doesn't believe slavery to be a good thing, but she is friendly with a few Holders and such. She doesn't like the oppressiveness of the Caldari state, but is friends with quite a few Caldari and admires the State as well as seeing them as brothers if not close cousins of the Ethnic Gallente. She likes quite a few of the Minmatar...though the passionate zeal to strike out violently at oppression or perceived slights bothers her.

Anyway, that's my stream of conscious thought on the matter, though I might come back with a few more things to say.
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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #13 on: 17 Oct 2013, 14:29 »

The Federation, in the lore I've read, is 'colour-blind' in the sense that it actually doesn't give a damn about your ethnicity from an administrative level.
One of the early news stories in the current Gallente/Minmatar tensions arc was the Odenjorn vs. Center for Advanced Studies case that highlighted the lack of recognition for the different Minmatar tribes at the Center of Advanced Studies.

Not racist as such. Just culturally insensitive and oblivious to any offense caused.

In the Solitude region, the lore suggests racism is commonplace, despite the efforts of the authorities.

Quote from: Solitude (Demographics & Culture) - EVElopedia
Ethnic and/or mixed Gallente dominate, and while there are plentiful minority groups in the region, they tend to suffer from racial discrimination, and are confined to the lower echelons of the socioeconomic ladder. While the Supreme Court has taken steps to curb racism in Solitude in order to bring the region in line with elsewhere in the Federation, indirect discrimination remains a problem.

The largest minority in Solitude are Intaki, who either migrate from Placid or from the Syndicate. Solitude is the only region in the wider country, however, where individuals of Intaki descent find themselves pushed down to the bottom of the social ladder.

As other have said. The issue has always been there. Recent tensions are just bringing them to the surface.
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Re: Are the Feds suddenly racist?
« Reply #14 on: 17 Oct 2013, 16:16 »

There's a difference between organized (state sanctioned) racism and, well, what people do.
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