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Author Topic: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea  (Read 9825 times)

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #30 on: 02 May 2013, 01:46 »

I'm not sure this should affect anything, but this would be an alliance of the two powers the Jove are most fond of.

Aelisha Montenagre

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #31 on: 02 May 2013, 02:09 »

I find this interesting, but as I have prior commitments irl and in game, i will not be participating.  However, I would like to offer support in the form of relocating some trade alts to provide a stream of on demand goods - should they be required. 

Additionally, DEAD6, when that region opens up to Planetary Conquest, will be available for hire alongside the other corporations you no doubt already have on retainer through friendship/membership.  I would love to contribute in my own small way despite being otherwise engaged. 


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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #32 on: 02 May 2013, 03:46 »

Axel thinks we should participate, and I don't mind, this has some very good things considering Aseyakone. And more importantly, we are rather casual corp at the moment, but could possibly contribute (already dabbling with primitive and not-so-primitive Minmatar tech).

As for the alliance, there's no hurry. Depending on size, you may want a holding corp. Or then the future executor corp should, if possible, create the ingame alliance. If I-RED does not mind event combining, the Malkalen memorial might be a nice opportunity for unveiling the alliance.

Finally, if you do not find anyone else, Saana has Empire Control V back from when we considered trying to get a research POS. If you want to go on with the Malkalen Memorial idea, I could also throw in a corp named Gariushi Foundation [OTRO] as an at least temporary executor until things get sorted out.


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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #33 on: 02 May 2013, 03:50 »

ICly, Verin would prefer not to politicize the memorial ceremony. Considering he was the one who organised it and built the memorial in the first place he'd be uncomfortable about using it as a platform for this.

Anyway, if we could get a list of names and corps who are in, that'd really help get the ball rolling.
« Last Edit: 02 May 2013, 03:53 by Stitcher »

Aelisha Montenagre

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #34 on: 02 May 2013, 04:05 »

I can bring AWEX- (Achur-Waschi Exchange) under the banner, though as mentioned I can only offer trade/industrial infrastructure contributions (Ael can fly ships in fleets on demand, but is the only combat capable pilot in the organisation). 

If that is sufficient, consider me involved - my Practical affiliation pretty much sits me comfortably in the 'this is a good idea' camp if only for the potential benefits that improved relations with the Minmatar Republic might bring. 

Sofia Roseburn

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #35 on: 02 May 2013, 04:16 »

I'm definitely in, although whether you want Yet Another Small Corporation™ or whether you want to streamline the amount of corporations in the alliance for maximum efficiency. Either way I'm good.

This is the first time I've been excited about EVE in a fair while :V.

Kairus Vhenok

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #36 on: 02 May 2013, 05:03 »

For IC reasons (and to dodge NPC corp tax rates) Kairus has founded his own corporation "Vhenok Planetary Management" as a way to entertain less violent means of making money, this could be an avenue for the alliance to have planet-based research facilities as well as space-based ones.

Matariki Rain

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #37 on: 02 May 2013, 05:24 »

[...] the potential benefits that improved relations with the Minmatar Republic might bring.

I have quite mixed responses to the idea of the alliance -- it sounds like something that would, in other circumstances, be a fun project -- but I couldn't let this comment pass.

You might get improved relations with certain individuals, and maybe even corps, which will thereby be branded traitors for working with people their tribes are at war with. Far more timid endeavours than this have roused cries of treason.

Low-key, under-the-radar stuff? Sure. Personal connections and encouragement to find ways to work things through? I started my RP career among "the dodgy ones" who did just this. But an official alliance, which looks anti-Gallente, and where people could even in jest suggest the Malkalen memorial as an appropriate launch platform, is... not going to sit well.

Aelisha Montenagre

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #38 on: 02 May 2013, 05:37 »

Very true Mata, although personally I feel the benefits outweigh the potential pitfalls - any improvement in relations with Minmatar Republic affiliated capsuleers is an improvement on my current State/Empire-centric trading and cooperation.  Even if the detractors outweigh those in favour, I receive a net gain and hopefully this extrapolates to the organisation at large.

I can't speak for Stitcher and his potential implementation of this conceptual alliance - but on the individual/small corp level, any new avenues of cooperation - even if not borne out by NPC factions or larger capsuleer organisations - provides a new avenue of isk generation, resource allocation and the introduction of previously untapped thinking.  Anything else is far above expectations on my part. 

Lyn Farel

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #39 on: 02 May 2013, 12:30 »

It says something about the way EVE has structured its inter-factional conflict that the idea of good Minmatar/Caldari relations pops up frequently but an Amarr/Gallente alliance is something you won't get any support for.

Why not ? Be it Caldari/Minmatar or Gallente/Amarr, they both share a lot of similarities as well as opposites.

The Gallente and Amarr are fairly diametrically opposed, having majorly opposing governmental types and social ideologies. If the Minmatar and Caldari did fully unite against the two, that might be enough to push the Federation and Empire to unite temporarily for a common goal, but that's about it, really.

The Caldari and Minmatar, however, are actually extremely similar in a lot of ways, and part of what I've been seeing IC (also as one of the proponents of such an alliance as Kat has argued this IC on several occasions already) is that the Caldari have an easier time understanding the Minmatar culture because of how similar Megacorps are to the Minmatar concept of Tribes, something that has been a major sticking point in Minmatar/Gallente relations as the Federation has a hard time understanding Minmatar culture and why X, Y, and Z action pisses them off so much.

Well, I couldn't disagree more.

I could enumerate countless counterpoints on why the Minmatar and the Caldari can also be diametrically opposed.

Also, the only thing a megacorp and a tribe share is maybe the collective over the individual. Much like the Amarr and the Gallente share the individual over the collective. That's pretty thin.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #40 on: 02 May 2013, 12:51 »

The Malkalen Memorial is not an appropriate place for such things. We (I-RED) OOCly intend for the event to take part without any unnecessary pot-stirring or saber rattling. We want a simple and smooth event that doesn't have a dramatic ending or crescendo of OMG.

Ieze Svain

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #41 on: 02 May 2013, 13:04 »

Svain Armaments (wip corp name for my family corp) will I hope serve as part of a foundation for this. I really am enthusiastic.

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #42 on: 02 May 2013, 13:34 »

I'm excited about this idea. Back when Eve was new, there were interesting chrons showing just how much intercourse there was between the empires (I can't think of the name offhand, but there was one with a Gallentean trader on an Amarr station that I especially liked). This is something that you don't see so much of, anymore, in the RP community. There's a lot of pure-faction-support RP, and a decent amount of outlaw RP, but there isn't as much in-faction-yet-cross-allegiance RP anymore. I'm totally guilty of this, myself - it's much easier to get basic conflict RP if you sit in a faction camp and glare at the folks in the defined opposite factions, so I've let Shin drift into that sort of thing.

I like how this could draw in all sorts of other RP: There are built in hooks for the traditional faction RPers, for outlaws, for pure industry/trade RPers, for sympathetic outsiders, for organizations like SOE, etc.


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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #43 on: 02 May 2013, 13:41 »

That's one reason I'd like to see faction warfare come to a close. There is much more potential for interesting interaction with people from the other side when you aren't shooting at each other.

There is also much more potential for internal strife (Sebiestor undermining the Brutor etc) when they aren't all unifying to fight off the enemy, which I Ti would be a lot more interesting to RP.

I realise there's a bunch of people who will want to keep FW running in some form, but I'd rather the war didn't just continue indefinitely because CCP didn't want to lose the FW pilots. (I'd also like to see incursions wrap up at some stage. There's only so much Sansha I can take before my disbelief stops being suspended).

Perhaps a year or two of dealing with, oh, I don't know, Angels causing problems in the republic while the blood raiders make problems for the Empire? Faction warfare could kick off again after that story line was resolved (or put on hold while the various factions licked their wounds).
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4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Caldari/Minmatar RP alliance idea
« Reply #44 on: 02 May 2013, 15:34 »

Perhaps a year or two of dealing with, oh, I don't know, Angels causing problems in the republic while the blood raiders make problems for the Empire? Faction warfare could kick off again after that story line was resolved (or put on hold while the various factions licked their wounds).

The audience that FW pulls compared to a marginalized group like the RPers will make sure anything close to period of times categorized by as years will never come to pass in break in FW unless something similar could be introduced to the game to sate the casual PVP need without sec loss and with isk making opportunity.
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