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Author Topic: What bothers you about your own roleplay?  (Read 6937 times)

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #15 on: 30 Apr 2013, 00:25 »

I feel an issue I have is that I often feel like Saede bounces back and forth between polarities, either being extremely professional and sharp, or extremely odd, trollish, and casual. I feel like there is a medium between the two I want to be hitting between those extremes, but I often find I am unable. I'm not sure if this is a failure on my part as a roleplayer, or if that is just the direction the character has evolved in. I mean, if people are okay with her like that its not really a problem, but I worry it will just make my RP look inconsistent.

I have the same issue. I just try to figure... well, maybe Caldari executives have a sense of humor among peers?


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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #16 on: 30 Apr 2013, 00:27 »

I would think that to be the case.

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Adreena Madeveda

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #17 on: 30 Apr 2013, 00:44 »

Typos and grammar mistakes. Making Adreena sounds like the Sweden chief isn't precisely the image I want to convey.

I try to write her lines differently depending on the situation, physical encounter, channel or letters/forum posts and give the feeling she's the same person acting differently and not three personalities sewed together by some mad scientist : not sure it works.

Constantly afraid that I'm not roleplaying but taking series of poses.

The occasional anxiety attack after I post something is a nice plus.
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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Vincent Pryce

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #18 on: 30 Apr 2013, 01:59 »

I really do miss those days of RP with Vince and Aria, it was like fire and ice trying to have a civil conversation while enjoying a cup of tea.

Aelisha Montenagre

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #19 on: 30 Apr 2013, 02:06 »

My main complaint is my laziness, and inability to commit to roleplay most of the time.  I am consistent and have two developed chars, but it is just difficult finding the time to express myself through them (market trading and pvp being dominant activities when i log in, making attention a scarce resource).  I guess in this way, I do not know what else would really annoy me about my own rp, as I rarely get to see how it comes across.

Hopefully this 'True Stories' competition will be a turning point that will allow m to be a bit more expressive. 


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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #20 on: 30 Apr 2013, 05:21 »

I envy you Graelyn. I am on the opposite end of the spectrum.

BloodBird has enemies. *MANY* enemies. As a matter of fact the reason the list of these people has never been officially written down is because I as a player kind of dread just how long it is, and how utterly insurmountable the problem will seem, and every once in a while, I find another player's toon that qualifies for it, effectively making it even longer.  :mad:

Most of these are likely not aware he sees them as such, though I'd think I've dropped enough hints to his way of thinking since I returned about a month ago. The problem is, I as a player, can't deal with them. I do not have the RL time and comitment at this point to go through with the long, convoluted requirements for even starting to deal with them in any meaningful manner. And so BB drifts on, a man with a purpose and convictions and desires, and for some reason he just can't do something about them. This leads to a mostly gray vs black world-view that demands action he can't provide - thus he seems impotent, weak and indecisive, while nothing could be further from the truth from an IC viewpoint.

My own toon is to dedicated for my liking. But even then I do have a plan - very long-term - to deal with this. It will require years of work and play, and ofc it will require that I bother to play the game for that time and have a natural desire to log in and do so - EVE exists to be played by me, I don't exist to play it, after all.

If I ever end up coming around to Graelyn's point of being right now, remains to be seen. Meanwhile, that list get's longer by the day and the overall time required to finish the job get's ever longer...

Sometimes I wonder if it would not be better for me to start over with someone who has not developed into a person that hates half of the cluster. :bash:

Natalcya Katla

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #21 on: 30 Apr 2013, 05:39 »

1. I'm a slow typist. Not massively so, but enough that in fast paced roleplay - Especially one with a lot of participants - I usually end up falling behind, or having my character frequently cut off in the middle of their points because people assume I've finished. In order to try and compensate for this, I often end up typing everything my character has in mind to say in one big block of probably slightly obnoxious text as opposed to breaking it down into smaller, better-flowing chunks, which frequently does more harm then good when the topic has already shifted forward. Or, alternatively, rushing faster then I can manage, and forgetting/misusing words.

2. I tend to repeat myself. Not in the sense that I'll literally say the same two things twice, but rather that I'm prone to getting fixed on a few lead-in's and lead-out's in any given session. For instance, I might start three posts in a row with my character saying "Well, I..." or several finishing with " know?" I also might just use a descriptive word an excessive number of times. And somehow, I don't notice any of this until I'm looking back after the fact and wishing I had some sort of time-warping edit button.

Both of these are things I recognize in my own roleplay - especially the first. Any fast-paced, multi-participant discussion is guaranteed to leave me in the dust very quickly, which is why I'm not normally terribly interested in such things as live event participation. Like Ghost says, one-on-one interactions  and discussions with only a few people work a lot better.

I also have a bit of a tendency to have my characters paint themselves into corners, which is exactly the situation Katla has been in for the last few years. The duality of her ideological position, coupled with in-game events, has left her essentially paralyzed as a game character. Roleplaying her is still fun, but she can't realistically do very much in space without inexplicably breaking the mold I've set her in.

I also have a tendency to have too many characters running around with too many irons in the fire all the time. This is by and large fun, but of course it makes for scattered RP and (I would imagine) prevents each of them from making any big social impact.
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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #22 on: 30 Apr 2013, 06:21 »

I have a lot of complaints against my own roleplay.

I usually feel like I don't make realistic characters because EVE is far more grimdark than I'm used to dealing with, which means most of my characters have a level of innocence and/or ignorance that they probably shouldn't have. I try to incorporate that into their motivations and behavior but I'm not sure I do a believable job sometimes.

There's a lot of times that I simply don't have anything to contribute, it seems. When people get into the really scientific discussions, I tend to be way out of my league and simply can't contribute, the same with engineering discussions.

In my struggle to make my characters believable, there's a lot of topics that my characters simply wouldn't talk about publicly and so my more in-depth roleplay tends to be somewhat exclusive, which I consider a negative to myself.
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Ava Starfire

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #23 on: 30 Apr 2013, 06:33 »

Ava bounces back and forth too, from being a voice of reason (or trying anyway) to being extremely angry and violent. I'd rather avoid the 2nd if i can, it isnt what I wanted her to be like.

I also tend to get overwhelmed by very busy channels, especially when several of the people in them are talking with Ava, even on a friendly level. When it is confrontational and involves a few people, mostly, it just really wears me down, like, OOCly, trying to keep up with it.

I also need to not get agitated at people over it. Working on this.

Laria Raven

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #24 on: 30 Apr 2013, 06:37 »

I'm not a particularly slow typist, but I have a habit of editing what I pose, which slows me down a lot. I find large scenes difficult, because there's a good chance that I'll be still be painstakingly hand-crafting a pose in response to something someone said, while everyone else has moved on. So I delete it, and start again... in which time... you get the picture. The Summit is worse.

I really hate the character lim...

I have an annoying habit of both editorialising in my poses and going for the funny. I have terrible trouble with the funny (in that I think Laria is amusing and a bit ridiculous at times).

I'm not sure that I do a great job all the time of showing the conflicting drivers that my characters have, and that sometimes presents as inconsistency in my RPing, when I want it to present as the character being inconsistent in her views and attitudes.


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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #25 on: 30 Apr 2013, 06:42 »

Interesting to se that I'm not the only slow responded in large channels here. I usually avoid the issue altogether by ignoring large channels. Gave up on the summit the other day, for this reason and because frankly, it's purpose sits well outside of my toon's care-zone. Politely conversing with people he don't like? Could happen. People he hates? Nope. Pointless, pointless waste of time.

Lithium Flower

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #26 on: 30 Apr 2013, 07:34 »

I have two main problems:
First, like Gwen, I often can't follow fast RP, because... well... I type fast, but sometimes I have to look into dictionary  :lol: reread things to understand and verify what I write (so others could understand me). And if someone with quite powerful vocabulary comes to scene (Hi, Jade!) or conversation becomes very fast (with many peoples) I usually grab my head with two hands and go do other things  :oops:

Second, like Aria, verbosity.
My character(s) in original shouldn't talk a lot at all. Usual responce to insult would be approaching offender, grabbing hairs from behind and smacking the head to bar table. Instead my character has to say some things that in original should not be said. And, well, in general detachment of characters life in IGS/chats from its life in space/planetside/quarters. Unfortunately, talking is required to display the character, but what to do if talking is weak side of the said character?..
Or maybe explain characters verbosity by absence of peoples, because before becoming capsuleer you are surrounded by peoples, and then you are suddenly alone in a small box in a void of unlimited space... I don't know really.


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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #27 on: 30 Apr 2013, 08:43 »

I have two main issues with my RP and play in general:

1. I can't keep up with what I'm supposed to be, at least not yet. I am supposed to be a good FC, and I'm not yet as good as I used to be (not that I was a legend, but I was efficient). Working on it, but meanwhile it's frustrating.

2. Old-Seph still sits in me. And, unexpectedly, takes control of new-Seph and makes him say and do things I don't want him to say or do. Catillah was supposed to be a Commander in the Imperial Navy, and old-Seph got him to be a Commander but in Imperial Navy Intelligence. And things like that. Sometimes I have to erase what I just wrote to exorcise him, and sometmies I don't notice until it's too late, like the time I was drinking whiskey in AVCL and suddenly I said "I put down the tea cup" because that's the only thing old-Seph drank. It's not frustrating, though, but it is very very strange to see him show up in unexpected ways and moments. 

Anything else depends on CCP interaction, and that's sure sign of a shitty plan from the start. When I kicked things off though, it seemed that interaction would be a real and constant thing, where properly placed folk could tip certain balances. This was not accurate, and too many decisions from the beginning were based on it.

Indeed, that was the main flaw in the design of Old-Seph and the Ordo Quaesitoris. Fortunately, back then, there were Aurora's live events, so I could make up a bit that way.

he has a thousand acquaintances, but none left who are loyal.

At least in this, you're wrong. Not saying I'm loyal to Graelyn because I'm in PIE (which helps, but would get us nowhere), but old-seph had an infinite respect for Graelyn and considered him one of the main loyalists to follow, together with Archbishop. And old-Seph is still inside Catillah, so when you call Catillah will come, not because of PIE or chain of command, but because of OOC bonds I can't break (same happens with Aldrith, for example, but that I've more or less justified ICly, though through old-seph). So, at the minimum, you have one loyal pilot to you not because of your rank or position, but because who you are.

So, at least a few of the pieces of that weapon are still in place, ready to be wielded if you need us.

He's outlived his enemies, but everyone else that mattered as well. It is not the victory he hoped for, and his dear Empire is absolutely none the better for it, or any of his efforts. His public RP is centered around portraying a has-been who is the only one who knows how completely he's failed.

The tragic destiny of heroes. I always thought most heroes in movies and books would end up this way, but the curtain falls before that's possible and doesn't show us what happens when there's no enemy, no need for allies, only a normal life. Dragonlance showed it a bit in the Legends of Dragonlance, when we meet a fat, drunken Caramon.
« Last Edit: 30 Apr 2013, 09:00 by Sepherim »

Morwen Lagann

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #28 on: 30 Apr 2013, 09:11 »

One of the things that bothers me most is that staying true to Morwen as she is limits her ability to "go out" and socialize in a couple of ways, despite having the interest to do so.

Most people who have spent time with her in person have probably noticed that she's very different in that situation compared to how she usually is over comms. The business/formal 'mask' she wears in the Summit (for example) isn't how she normally is in person, but it's also often the first impression people can get.

The factor that causes the most frustration is that characters who want to interact with her in person have trouble indicating it in a way that makes it clear to her that that's what is wanted - even though I usually catch it and am aware of it, RPing her "correctly" means that she usually will either miss it or ignore it. Most people probably wouldn't guess it, but the reason for this is that Morwen tends to feel like she's forcing her presence on people when she shows up in person when she hasn't been personally told to come (specifically because of the 'mask' she often puts on in the Summit and similar places), and it makes her uncomfortable. End result, if people have a get-together, even if it's people she wants to spend time with in a place she feels comfortable hanging out in, she most likely won't show up if people don't explicitly go "Hey, Morwen, come hang out with us." (The problem here, from an OOC perspective, is that the people who know this IC often forget to ask her, and the people who know OOC have yet to try just asking her IC.)

Sometimes I also feel like I've dropped a lot of hooks for exposing different aspects of the character (seriously, she is a tangled knot of contradiction to the few who know how her political and social views work) but I wonder if I'm actually making them available properly or not.

I might try starting a thread like the one Kat did a while back to get some feedback or suggestions on this, tbh, it's a little more annoying than I usually let on. :p
Lagging Behind

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Karmilla Strife

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Re: What bothers you about your own roleplay?
« Reply #29 on: 30 Apr 2013, 09:33 »

1) I tend to RP myself into corners. I try to limit IC decisions to what the character would do, and ignoring what I want to happen, but several times this has ended leaving Karmilla with very few options to RP at all.

2) I have unrealistic expectations of how other characters will interact with my characters and their stories. This frequently leads to problem #1.
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