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Author Topic: 'Hugfest', or a civil discussion on the topic of inter-faction interaction  (Read 9200 times)

Silas Vitalia

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If you don't like how they act, don't pay attention. It's not like it interferes with your story development or character development.

Sure it does. All interaction taking place in a public venue we regularly frequent effects all of us, good or bad.   It will drive away or beckon all sorts of things, make it easier or harder to interact, or help or hinder plot advancement.

Tone is important. If someone has 'seerious business' and hugglefest is the order of the day they aren't going to have much success.  Likewise if it's 1000% grimdark someone might not feel it worthwhile for a more conversational tone.



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From what I've seen, Summit isn't overly hugfest or what have you. Maybe other places or RP channels I don't know about, but I've never seen Summit go all super huggy. On the flip side, it's never been overly filled with animosity (thankfully because of the enforced rules).

It's a very balanced place for a reason. As one person told Anslo ICly, "Reputation is everything to a Capsuleer." With that in mind, why would someone proceed to act crass or passive aggressive because of faction affiliation in an area that is meant to be civil and diplomatic. The Summit DEFINITELY has its spats and moments, but I haven't seen an overabundance of hug whatever.

You may be observing it as having more comradeship or "hugfesting" because of the recent live event. Planetary tragedies tend to bring people together.

Silas Vitalia

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I've never seen Summit go all super huggy.

You have got to be joking?


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I've never seen Summit go all super huggy.

You have got to be joking?

No. I'm not. It's friendly at times, it's civil at times, and it can be very hostile at times. Can you point out an incident you considered 'huggy?' Logs, etc?

Karmilla Strife

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The channel seems to go between the two extremes. Sometimes it's heated factional arguments, and sometimes it's people talking about dessert. Personally I don't mind inter-faction rp, I actually prefer it. Some of it can be a bit too saccharine for my tastes though.

Silas Vitalia

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I've never seen Summit go all super huggy.

You have got to be joking?

No. I'm not. It's friendly at times, it's civil at times, and it can be very hostile at times. Can you point out an incident you considered 'huggy?' Logs, etc?

I don't want to call out specific people for that kind of thing, you'll have to take my word for it. It is common.  I feel a lot of people who have been lurking in there for years will agree, but maybe they won't.


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It might just be perception. I've seen people, as you have, of very differing and opposing factions, offer a meeting over tea or coffee or something. So it's happened yes.

I do not see this as hugfest. Presidents and Tyrants have sat at the same table before over tea to discuss matters. Kings, Queens, War Lords, aristocrats, Prime Ministers, men, women, and more have all felt animosity towards one or the other at times but still they are willing to take time and sit down to discuss matters in a civil way.

While in the real world, the best way to know your enemy's weakness is to get to know him (keep your enemies closer), I feel that New Eden is a bit different. Each faction wishes to win the minds and hearts of the people.

The Amarr wish all to embrace the Truth.
The Gallente with all to embrace Democracy.
The Caldari wish all to respect the Way and what it means to be Caldari.
The Minmatar wish to establish and obtain the respect of a united Empire of the Tribes.
The Nation wishes all to embrace Unity via being networked.
The Blooders wish all to embrace the word of the Crimson God.

I could go on and on, but the point remains. Everyone has something they want to do. Everyone wishes to convince someone else. In Eve, where the act of death is an inconvenience to the Capsuleer, fighting and firing at each other does not convince anyone to join anyone else. Actions, logic, understanding, and facts presented in a meaningful way do.

So while you may see interfaction relations as a 'hugfest,' it is possibly the best course of action for some people to win others to their faction and establish their credibility and merit as a reputable representative of their chosen faction. To me, it is not a hug fest, but good rhetoric.

Besides, Anslo likes sharing Caldari tea that doesn't have kresh with people like Khross or Pieter or Oniseki or Esna or Tiberious ICly. Understanding of cultures and people can only help yourself.

Silas Vitalia

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The interactions you are describing is not what I'm referring to.

I'm referring to killers of men and women, people who regularly spill the guts of ships and send hundreds into the void, acting like emo japanese anime schoolgirls with general infantile behavior and disregard for who (in my opinion) they would reeeeeely realy hate and want to cut the throats of. Not be buddies.


Silas Vitalia

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But like I said all grimdark all the time a dull environment makes.

Just... every once and a while the saccharine is too much for me.


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Eve mail me an example because now I am totally lost.

Silas Vitalia

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Can someone else back me up here with what I'm trying to explain?


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Can someone else back me up here with what I'm trying to explain?

Synthia is, or seems to be, a Rogue-Drone derived AI, controlling a human-shaped robot. She is a Sani Sabik. She is also an absolute monarch. She is also a True Amarr.

These things should be offensive to every major culture in EVE. Absolute Monarchy should irritate Gallente freedom ideals. Sani Sabik irritates Amarr ideals. She is True Amarr, which irritates most Minmatar people. She is also an unholy soulless abomination whose very existance blasphemes against humanity. Which should irritate just about everyone.

And yet, people say "hi Synthia, how are you today?" and are generally friendly.
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Can someone else back me up here with what I'm trying to explain?

Synthia is, or seems to be, a Rogue-Drone derived AI, controlling a human-shaped robot. She is a Sani Sabik. She is also an absolute monarch. She is also a True Amarr.

These things should be offensive to every major culture in EVE. Absolute Monarchy should irritate Gallente freedom ideals. Sani Sabik irritates Amarr ideals. She is True Amarr, which irritates most Minmatar people. She is also an unholy soulless abomination whose very existance blasphemes against humanity. Which should irritate just about everyone.

And yet, people say "hi Synthia, how are you today?" and are generally friendly.

I totally get Silas's point. For example, Synthia, You may recall Luna was friendly until she got one of your pamplets and read dawned on her what you were all about and she sent a cold but civil message back in response.  I don't think Luna's said a friendly word since or if she did she does, it is *coldly* or *sullenly* but it is usually civil.

OOC - one thing I try to distinguish and I am not sure people get which is why the "hugfest" can happen, is rp'ers can be cool OOC wise even if IC they are adverse.  Also you can be adverse but still civil.  I actually enjoy some of the chararacters who Luna should be adverse too from a player perspective.  It is hard at times to try to maintain IC boundaries....especially if when people take it the wrong way OOC wise.  Which is why i sometimes turn off OOC backchannels to avoid confusion mentally.

Samira Kernher

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Personally, the "hugfest" is one of my biggest complaints about the EVE community. It is not just people being civil with each other, there's nothing wrong with that (even Samira treats enemy war targets politely). It's people actively going to parties in enemy nations or having friends among the enemy. Now sure, that's okay for neutral individuals, who don't care about the war and make a point to make contacts among all the nations. But when I see two opposing war targets being best buddies and regularly going to outings with each other, or war targets wandering into enemy space for social outings like it's perfectly safe and expected, that's what bothers me. Conflict is the spice of RP, and when everyone is friends with each other it just gets dull.

Yes, I get it. Capsuleers can go wherever they want, no one will stop them, yadda yadda. I don't care if that's a reasonable explanation, it's boring. Where's the conflict? (of course, this is ignoring the fact that at least in the State and the Empire, capsuleers are closely monitored and enemy targets would probably not be allowed to walk around freely. The State even shoots non-State-aligned baselining capsuleers simply for outing themselves as capsuleers).

One of the most standout incidents of this for me was when Avahr came into the channel, with hundreds of "skadis". Despite the fact that the Nation is an enemy of each of the empires, that they go around invading space, abducting people indiscriminately, and enslaving them in a way that even the Amarr despise, people were joking with Avahr like he was everyone's friend. Then Samira comments about how there was nothing "cute" about it and that the Nation was obviously breeding those cats to run experiments on, and people tell her off for being a funkiller. Hell, Samira gets told off all the time in general for her being reserved and hostile around enemies and refusing to travel to enemy territory. I've even gotten OOC flak for it. I just don't get it.

For me, the Summit is the problem. Maybe it's because I'm used to much more faction-heavy games, but in my opinion there should be no global "neutral" channel. I'd rather there be separate faction channels (or at least alliance channels, like Empire+State and Federation+Republic), in order to foster more factional pride and loyalty. Neutral people would then have to deliberately work on building relations between multiple faction communities, rather than having neutrality being the "default" state.
« Last Edit: 10 Apr 2013, 16:58 by Samira Kernher »

Iwan Terpalen

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Although I've found myself raising to the occasional bit of bait, I find the usual staples of EVE RP - debate by attrition, rhetorical saber-rattling, and ritual flag-waving - to've become extremely tedious, and so I'm looking for depth in different seas. It might involve the occasional smile at people other people tell me I'm not supposed to smile at.
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