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That Electus Matari lost over 400 members at the start of its war with PIE Inc?

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Author Topic: New, Eccentric, Mordus-aligned Corp Seeks (kinda)Qualified Applicants  (Read 9430 times)

Hong WeiLoh

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This looks interesting. I'll be in touch with you in-game :)

Am awaiting word with breath held. Please don't make me turn blue? ;-)

Hong WeiLoh

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I am still looking for a Few Good (Wo)Men...

Elmund Egivand

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So, what do you think of Matari militia-aligned privateers with some degree of neurosis and a little obsession with optimised vessels?
Deep sea fish loves you forever

Hong WeiLoh

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So, what do you think of Matari militia-aligned privateers with some degree of neurosis and a little obsession with optimised vessels?

I think Minmatar is an awfully long ways from Placid. ;) I tend not to think in those distances if at all possible as I have enough to worry about at home. :D

If you were willing to leave the militia, though, and potentially engage some of your former comrades (and foes as well) at times, might make me think a little harder? :)

Hong WeiLoh

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5ZXX-K V Mordu's Legion Testing Facilities

"Docking request accepted. Welcome home, Captain."

20 mins later

Hong steps from the boarding ramp of his Merlin, wearing his traditional black boots, pants, and high-collared tunic, the tunic adorned only with the bright silver talon and vermilion rising raptor insignia of the Harriers. An armed, three-man security detail awaits, the lead guard stepping forward, "Follow us, please, sir."
He bites back the planned jaunty, sarcastic remark, instead nodding and following the lead, the other 2 guards flanking him as they proceed to the station innards.

Minutes pass as they wind through the high-security capsuleer section, passing increasingly strict security protocols, with equally-increasing scrutiny of biometrics. Upon arriving at an impressive blast door cut from rolled tungsten battleship plating, Hong blinks, noticing a distinct lack of obvious "prove again who you are, and that you are unarmed" technology, supplanted by a blank steel pad nestled next to the door. A quirked eyebrow providing all the prompt required for the lead security officer to instruct: "Sir, place your right palm against the pad. This is as far as we go."

As Hong placed his hand against the cool metal, a short, seemingly thick needle lanced out and quickly bit his palm. Eyes narrowing as a light flashes green, he removes his hand to see a single droplet of blood ooze out and begin to coagulate in the center of his palm.
"Final blood test," explains the lead guard, "and a little 'cocktail' to destroy anything truly  harmful: viral, bacterial, or nanomechanical, that you may have had in your person. You may pass, sir."

Stepping in to a long, dimly lit corridor, Hong walks briskly -- seeing a dimmer red-and-blue lit room ahead, arriving seconds later to find the Command Hub: a vault-like room with regional starmaps displaying various data hovering at the ceiling, a central display dais, and 2 levels of computers, displays, and ground-level holo projectors, manned by a number of technicians. In the center of it all, conferring with two techs at a holo projector displaying a single star system, stood Muriya Mordu -- in loose, lightweight blue pants and top most likely better suited for bed than work, and a bright red, pointy hat, adorned with white fuzz around the headband, and a small white ball of fuzz at the top.

Mordu turns, beaming brightly at the new arrival. "Ah Captain! So good to see you! I hadn't expected to make your acquaintance in-person so... quickly? shall we say."

Hong nods, as he adopts a casual position of attention. "Neither had I. I have some things to discuss, that I don't think should be trusted to even 'secure' encrypted comms. I also have a somewhat-related request to make."

Mordu walks over quickly, wrapping his arm protectively around Hong's shoulder, "Well then, my boy, let us step into my office," he exclaims, as he guides Hong through another corridor opposite the entranceway, and around a corner, giving a quick retinal scan before the door slides open to admit the two. He turns behind his desk, gesturing for Hong to take a seat, and flops into his own chair, putting pointed-toed green boots up on his desk.

Four hours later

"Those are awfully risky ideas, Captain. It might work in small squads, but large fleets you would have some trouble managing in that style. But these are your resources, and it is your ISK you're putting up for that, so do as you please. I find it difficult to believe you can pull it off, but if you can," he giggles gleefully a moment, "you may just surpass me as the daredevil tactical genius!"

Hong sits forward, "If my ideas work, we won't NEED large fleets. I don't forsee us as becoming an army unto ourselves. I'm content to leave the armada-building to you and the other capsuleer CEOs who work with you. Which brings me to the other thing -- this flies in the face of conventional warfare. I understand the Legion has a standing policy of recruiting only highly experienced and trained people, and I understand the reasoning for that. What I want to do will go against the grain of that experience and training. I need new people, those without much experience, who can be trained and molded, to do things 'across the grain', so to speak."

"It IS 'across the grain', as you say. But, as with a fine steak, some things are easier to cut across the grain. As I said, it's your resources, your company. If there's nothing else, you have my blessing on your plans, and ... I have a request of my own to make. Intaki is still your priority, but when you have time and forces to spare, I would like for you to conduct some recon-in-force again -- in Outer Ring. Of course, you and your people are always welcome here as well, and I'm sure you would enjoy harassing the local Goon and TEST population as they do us here at times. If there are no further questions or discussions to be had? Good hunting."

Mordu stands, smiling broadly, as Hong stands and sketches a salute, turning to exit the office, crossing the command hub, making his way back to his Merlin, half on autopilot as he thinks about how to make this all work...

Elmund Egivand

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So, what do you think of Matari militia-aligned privateers with some degree of neurosis and a little obsession with optimised vessels?

I think Minmatar is an awfully long ways from Placid. ;) I tend not to think in those distances if at all possible as I have enough to worry about at home. :D

If you were willing to leave the militia, though, and potentially engage some of your former comrades (and foes as well) at times, might make me think a little harder? :)

Just expanding my options for when I finally decide to leave militia.
Deep sea fish loves you forever

Drake Arson

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yes, Yes... More people for the Placid Gods... i mean uh...

This is a very interesting play that I look forward to see working out. Ill be watching.

Hong WeiLoh

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So, what do you think of Matari militia-aligned privateers with some degree of neurosis and a little obsession with optimised vessels?

I think Minmatar is an awfully long ways from Placid. ;) I tend not to think in those distances if at all possible as I have enough to worry about at home. :D

If you were willing to leave the militia, though, and potentially engage some of your former comrades (and foes as well) at times, might make me think a little harder? :)

Just expanding my options for when I finally decide to leave militia.

Understandable.  :) Just be forewarned that we may at times be involved in conflict with either militia. So long as you don't have a problem with it, neither do I. ;)
Also understand that while Intaki is "home", we do occasionally travel the expanses of space for fun and profit (though more likely fun, than profit -- e.g. we deployed to Jita during Burn Jita 2.0 to help Burn Goonswarm).

((If you ever ask me to describe the Harriers in OOCly terms, it would go something like this: Think Glenn Cook's The Black Company, mixed with Hogan's Heroes or McHale's Navy... with a few dashes of Roger's Rangers -- as in, the precursor of the modern 75th Ranger Regiment of the US Army, and you're at least in the right ballpark, most likely. :D ))
« Last Edit: 02 Aug 2013, 14:35 by Hong WeiLoh »

Hong WeiLoh

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Like the idea of shooting bads in "unconventional" small/micro-gang warfare, then just as merrily doing a few anoms or complexes to make cash on the side?

Do you like occasional travel, especially to not-so-distant nullsec lands to harass Goons & Co?

Are you interested in forging a living out in lowsec, not just "playing through" when you're bored?

If you can answer yes to all 3 questions, you may just be the kind of person I'm looking for. :-)

Keirym Thara

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I loved The Black Company, it was gritty and darkly-themed.  I would love such an opportunity, but it sadly does not fit with my character (at this time).

Hong WeiLoh

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I loved The Black Company, it was gritty and darkly-themed.  I would love such an opportunity, but it sadly does not fit with my character (at this time).

"Gritty and darkly-themed".... kinda, but not really. Well, the book was. We aren't. The Black Company reference is more to our organizational style, which is to say, simple, and "loose".

As I explained in the EVE-O forums thread listing RP/RP-lite corps/alliances, we're far closer to "true neutral" if you must use AD&D terms. We may be gritty, but "dark", not quite.

I would say our natural state of being is somewhere between The Candle and The Star, though we may from time to time dither to the lighter ranges, or the darker ones, as the need arises.  ;)


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Why am I just learning about this. PLEASE TELL ME MORE GOOD SIR.

Pieter Tuulinen

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You should talk to Jude Kopenhagen. I feel that two Mordus themed merc corps trying to recruit at the same time is at least one too many for the number of pilot candidates available.

Hong WeiLoh

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anslol: I have no idea. I founded my corp what, 8-9 months ago now? It's not like it's exactly "new news".

You should talk to Jude Kopenhagen. I feel that two Mordus themed merc corps trying to recruit at the same time is at least one too many for the number of pilot candidates available.

Having read his thread, I acknowledge your feeling, but disagree and pretty much am going to summarily dismiss your point.
1) Jude has made it fairly clear in his thread that his corp is "loosely aligned", but it sounds like that alignment is extremely loose and, no offense to him, but almost "in name only". The Harriers are VERY MUCH aligned, in that we are currently in and around Intaki, working with the ILF/IPI to restore order in the land of the Legion's forbears, and I have plans, contingent upon capabilities, of re-establishing a Legion-affiliated presence in Outer Ring. Yes, it is my intent to continue playing up the Legion affiliation as much as the new TOS allows. I never thought I'd ever say this because I've maintained an :RP-very-lite: environment, but it appears on the surface that our focus may be more "RP-ish" than his. :eek: At least in deeds and the reasons for them, if not :words:.
2) Jude's corp appears to be a traditional merc corp, mainly assisting in wardecs or prosecuting them. In general, our operations don't much concern hisec (excepting Live Events, which seem to be on hiatus now anyway), and in low/null, we feel free to go out solo, or micro/small-gang and shoot whomever we feel requires shooting, concurrent with our fairly loose ROE, which does allow for chasing/aggressing militia folks of either side attempting to assert factional control in Intaki and its surrounding systems.
3) As to the number of "Mordu's-themed corps" -- you have obviously never been to the Legion station in Pure Blind. The Mordu's Angels alliance lives there, and claims "Mordu" affiliation as well, but other than living at the Mordu station and using the name, they don't appear to have any interest in RP (despite listing themselves as Legion loyalists in the IGS thread for capsuleer loyalties). They do, however, have upward of 250 members.
4) Your post implies that we're "competing", which as I've pointed out thusfar in most certain terms, we are not. If you want "loose" affiliation and (seemingly) wardec/true merc work, join Kopenhagen. If you want a much "tighter" affiliation and organization, definite direction and operations that're not wardec-focused, and want to live in low/NPC null, then come with me. Secondly, you falsely assume that I care about numbers. "Numbers" are pretty much exactly what I do not want. I will take quality over quantity any day of the week, and twice on Sunday (and hey, look what day it is!) -- I have flown with numbers (dual 256-man fleets under MukkBarovian and with Makalu Zarya in -A-), and both dislike the experience, nor do I want pilots who simply want to "anchor up, pres butan, receive killmail".

tl;dr: You have a bushel of red apples and pomegranates, which have little in common excepting they both wear Legion vermilion, but go on to complain that there's not enough radishes to go around. You like apples, go see Kope. You like pomegranates, come see me. Radishes are just disgusting, and I fail to see why anyone would want one of those.  ;)

Clear as a blue dwarf star now, or do I need go on? :)

Hong WeiLoh

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Bumping this because god damn, it's been a while.  :P
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