The right to happiness and peace of mind in one's existence should trump a bigot's 'right' to make that person feel like they should die or not exist or be ashamed for who they are.
Oh but wait, those people should HTFU then right? Yeah, no.
Oh it's their fault for not exercising their right to be happy? Yeah, no again.
Like it or not, words are incredibly powerful things that we humans fling around lightly for all the world like confetti in a parade, mindless to what those words could do to another human being. You seem like one of those people who believe words should not be taken seriously and that mental health issues are purely the fault of the individual being bullied or tortured verbally and mentally. If that is the case, I feel your world view should expand a bit more.
The bottom line is that yes words to you may be just words, but to others those words are as deep cutting and gashing as a serrated blade on skin. Words start wars, words cause homicides, and words can do so so much more.
So be very very careful what you say (this goes for everyone, straight, gay, bi, trans, pan, whatever).