I think I'd prefer someone actually putting in the time, effort, and ISK to organize say, a 100 man DUST corp at the beck and call of their capsuleer overlord which would actually have a tangible, in-space impact on any RP created than someone saying, "I have a full mechanized division of DUST troopers available to me because I'm a super awesome capsuleer," that doesn't actually exist. It sort of ends up in that area of irrelevancy where the fiction doesn't match "reality" because then the question will have to be asked: Why don't you deploy that supposed DUST Division then?
To which the response just ends up as silence.
Fluff fiction and soft RP can be great, but not at the expense of just being emperor's with no clothes.
Anyway, if you really want to have that DUST Trooper bodyguard prestige item, it only takes a few minutes to roll a DUST alt.