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Author Topic: Planetside 2  (Read 3188 times)


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Planetside 2
« on: 05 Nov 2012, 16:11 »

So, looking back 5 pages, no treads on PS2. Guess I'll make one.

Obviously I wonder if anyone here play or want to play the beta, and who plans to play this F2P MMO-FPS when it launches. I know I will.

Anything PS2 related goes here, even Beta-access key sharing. As such I happen to have one and due to several of my friends having ones as well we are kind of out of people who want them xD

So yeah, if you want mine, let me know.

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #1 on: 06 Nov 2012, 00:47 »

I have been quite happily ventilating the skulls of Terran Republic and New Conglomerate soldiers for a few weeks now.  Sadly the game seems to error out on me rather randomly and despite crawling threw the bowels of their technical support forums I can't seem to resolve the issue.  That said, when the game works for me it's amazingly fun.

I do however wish more of the original gameplay elements were being embraced.  The current capture point mechanics are sad, the lack of functionality for hacking is sad, and the fact that humanity seems to have utterly done away with doors is sad.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #2 on: 06 Nov 2012, 00:48 »

doors OP  nerf doors

I'm playing on the Thebe server in the Beta right now, not sure if I'll live there during launch.

Edit ; My only issue so far is the horrid amount of graphical optimization. My computer CHUGS running this game at the lowest settings with less than a single squad of people. This game will be awesome when they get around correcting that.
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2012, 00:52 by Ghost Hunter »
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

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Akrasjel Lanate

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #3 on: 06 Nov 2012, 02:01 »

EU server for me

Loyalty until death

Also game release is in few days - 20.12.2012


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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #4 on: 06 Nov 2012, 03:13 »

I play the SHIT out of this.

I've got a beta key handy if someone needs it.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

NISYN Aelisha

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #5 on: 06 Nov 2012, 03:27 »

Barney reporting in, though with the FW warzone heating up and WHG growing fast, I have had precious little time to give this game the attention it deserves :(.  EU server lad of course.


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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #6 on: 06 Nov 2012, 04:33 »

I want to play PS2 but I still have memories of SOE and the "BFR owns All" scenario they introduced in PS1.

I don't know, Planetside was probably my first real serious MMO and I guess it depends if the playstyle in PS2 is similar to the original (Basically, having a solid outfit that's drilled in doing double/triple Galaxy precision drops on bases with Lashers and MAX suits is what leads to win, not giant robots) I might give it a go.

Vanu for life. Smurfs and Elmos can die.  :twisted:


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #7 on: 06 Nov 2012, 05:29 »

I want to play PS2 but I still have memories of SOE and the "BFR owns All" scenario they introduced in PS1.

I don't know, Planetside was probably my first real serious MMO and I guess it depends if the playstyle in PS2 is similar to the original (Basically, having a solid outfit that's drilled in doing double/triple Galaxy precision drops on bases with Lashers and MAX suits is what leads to win, not giant robots) I might give it a go.

Vanu for life. Smurfs and Elmos can die.  :twisted:

BFR's are non-existent in PS2 atm. There is one in a base of one continent - an easter-egg, only.

As for you, State-loyal Fed-betraying Vanu loving spandex-user, you get no Beta access key. :twisted: ;)

Ask Graelyn for his.

Sincerely, TR trooper.

*EDIT* Removed needless taunt.
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2012, 06:39 by BloodBird »


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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #8 on: 06 Nov 2012, 08:43 »

I have been quite happily ventilating the skulls of Terran Republic and New Conglomerate soldiers for a few weeks now.

Lies. I have incriminating evidence of you cheating on your Vanu fundies with myself in the freedom-loving NC.

But yeah it's good. I'm a bit ADD with it sometimes though. I plug in and wander around for ages finding no fights and just die needlessly. Or I find myself engaged in a battle and it's enjoyable etc.

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #9 on: 09 Nov 2012, 14:42 »

Been playing for a couple months now, bitching about crappy TR weapons and vehicles and such while killing stuff with them. They've got them moderately balanced now, but god damn do we look like shit.

What servers and factions are people? I'm TR on US East, which is where i'll probably stay when it launches.

Edit ; My only issue so far is the horrid amount of graphical optimization. My computer CHUGS running this game at the lowest settings with less than a single squad of people. This game will be awesome when they get around correcting that.

This game is a lot more processor intensive than most, people with monster graphics cards are suffering because the mickey-mouse code Sony wrote does so much of the calculation client-side.

I haven't had any issues with the graphics, but i've got an i7 with 12gb or ram to work with, the gpu ends up being the choke but i'm still doing 30-60 fps depending on how much action on screen.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #10 on: 10 Nov 2012, 17:42 »

Another Beta'er here. Graphics seem to be a bit herpaderp on my machine as well; it handles GW2 and EVE competently, but PS2 makes it fall over twitching on the floor.

Now, onto my thoughts about the game itself:

3 Compliments
- I furiously applaud the advantages of coordinated strategy in this game. Finding that sniping sweet spot or sending in a mob of unsupported tanks is no match for a coordinated attack; moreover, the map is large enough to make use of strategies like high-speed raiding and flanking maneuvers not only possible, but potent.
- The weapon upgrades are, for the large part, actually useful and represent means to radically change your weapon style; for instance, putting a 4x Scope onto a SAW makes a beautiful medium-range weapon, while mounting an underbarrel shotgun on your Engineer's SMG will produce a highly effective close-quarters defense.
- Some of the vehicles - *coughcoughSkyguardcough* are just plain fun to play.

3 Complaints:
- For the odd upgrade that isn't actually useful, the lack of description on some upgrades makes this rather frustrating. For instance, the "forward grip" is apparently supposed to slow vertical rise during sustained fire, but you have to look really hard to find that out (it's not in the description at all), and after several days' use I have trouble noticing a difference with or without it.
- The lack of HP in general can be mildly annoying at times. I'm not asking to be a walking tank, but a heavy assault dying at the first tap from a submachine gun can be... mildly annoying, to say the least.
- Aircraft are pretty hideously OP compared to the available AA weapons right now, but I understand this has happened before in the development cycle and so is likely to be nerfed again.

Finally, a comment/question - it seems like right now certain sides are completely dominating, and I can't honestly say that it's due to imbalanced weapons. Any thoughts on this?

PS - currently playing NC on US East. Vanguards, Vanguards everywhere.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #11 on: 11 Nov 2012, 10:06 »

To answer Esna and others;

I primarely play TR on Eurodome, or whatever the euro server's called, but I also occationally test Vanu on Thebe (a US server) due ot low numbers during my time and the fact my PC have serious issues running PS2 well in mid-to-large battles or high numbers of players. I WILL need a new/better PC to run this game well and without horrible graphics.

The AA options are indeed shit atm. The Skyguard especially - as a dedicated Anti-Air option for the lightning tank it used to be that you sacrificed your ability to defend yourself from ANYTHING but air for the ability to kill air easily. a Dedicated AA setup, as it was. Then all AA got brutalized by a spiky nerf-bat and not it's a complete waste of time. You need 2-3 to even hope to kill a light fighter before said fighter kill ALL OF YOU with his completely over-powered I-Win button missile pods. Those things can kill anything last time I looked, and combined with weak AA... you get the drift.

However, last I heard (2 days ago) it was supposed to be fixed in short order due to obviouslybrokenisobvious, so this might have been dealt with as we speak.

I love the differences in the faction's flavor and gear. None come off as 'good guys' or 'bad guys' though arguments for either can be made for all groups. It has a nice shade-of-gray feel for the whole game.

All factions have different pros and cons in weapons, and while I've found TR weapons to be underpowered and very skill/luck intensive, Vanu to be middle ground/ rather balanced and NC weapons to be rather overpowered and noob-friendly, I rather like it, overall. They are likely to do a bit more tweaking before launch and even after it, so it remains to be seen how the balance between them is maintained and how separate their features will be in th long run - I really don't want it to become 3 identical sides with different colors, that's for sure.

So far, I've tested all the 3 factions on different servers and accounts (got locked into only 3 toons on my 1st account, some got 5, some got only 1...) and will most likely stick to the Euro server for TR when it comes alive.

That is, when and if my PC can handle it.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #12 on: 11 Nov 2012, 13:07 »

...and in today's patch notes, they nerf the one remaining potent anti-Air weapon (the Heavy Assault's SAM launcher) while simultaneously increasing the damage of several aircraft weapons and the armor on 2 classes of aircraft.

A couple of pithy aircraft "nerfs" seem to have been thrown in to try to make things seem balanced, but they buff things that aren't effective anyhow (Skyguard magazine is 25% bigger? Doesn't matter if your shots barely do damage) or nerf things that barely matter (rocket pods do somewhat less damage? That's okay, I'll dump all 12 rockets instead of volleying 4 or 6 at a time).
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #13 on: 11 Nov 2012, 13:48 »

...and in today's patch notes, they nerf the one remaining potent anti-Air weapon (the Heavy Assault's SAM launcher) while simultaneously increasing the damage of several aircraft weapons and the armor on 2 classes of aircraft.

A couple of pithy aircraft "nerfs" seem to have been thrown in to try to make things seem balanced, but they buff things that aren't effective anyhow (Skyguard magazine is 25% bigger? Doesn't matter if your shots barely do damage) or nerf things that barely matter (rocket pods do somewhat less damage? That's okay, I'll dump all 12 rockets instead of volleying 4 or 6 at a time).

Da fuck? 1st of April was long ago...

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Planetside 2
« Reply #14 on: 11 Nov 2012, 13:54 »

As an air pilot I would like more tools to deal with ground AA other than "look for the guy shooting you, spam rockets". As is the damage red flash spam and inability to tell where the AA battery is really sucks.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

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