Instead of the many small|medium|large complexes of different types and rules you will now have only 4 types;
Novice, Small, medium and large.
Notice that first word; NOVICE. I think novice, I think few days/months old toons getting into the game and FW and hitting the smallest complexes in their small frigates, hoping for some fun and fights.
Some 5+ year old 60 billion ISK rich player with a Daredevil at 70+ million cost, implants, rigs and T2+Faction fitting utterly massacering them all is not conductive for your fun at this stage, and I suspect in a few months after the 4th when a few hundred players have raged out of EVE they will realize how utterly dumb it is to let navy/faction frigates into the smallest complexes, and fix it.
They wanted to balance out the frigates because they never got any action. This is the perfect chance to do so, and I'm hoping they will kick faction frigs out of novice complexes within days, rather than anything else...
As for everything else, I'm glad to see the changes. Yes, everything. The act of putting the control points withing 10km of the warp-in only changes one thing; giving brawler ships fit for tank and close range combat a field of use over always-speed-fitted-kiters-Online. If you want to pull range, you had to mind that there might be people on the entry-point ready to tackle you - this has not changed. However for a brawler entering a comple first was pointless because the kiter was 80+ km off when he arrived and could run up to you at range and either kill you or force you out at his own terms.
So you needed two people at least to stop one kiter; one at the control point and one at the entrance. Now it's perfectly viable to do it solo - and if your the first to enter and want range, simply put yourself in the 30km range area behind the control point and you will be 40km off entry. Nothing new there.
Then again I've always - always - favored close-range brawling over the range and speed game, so this just makes me very happy.