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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #135 on: 17 Aug 2012, 04:05 »

Lall, you're applying statistics on survivors of childhood abuse to project behaviour of adult victims of sexual assault.

Rape victims are no more likely to become pedophiles than anyone else.

*edited since Makk's post beat mine.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

lallara zhuul

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #136 on: 17 Aug 2012, 05:41 »

So in slavery the sexual abuse does not start until the victim is an adult?

I thought that the term sexual abuse was used for consistent long term sexual abuse that usually starts from a prepubescent age and goes on from that.

If sexual abuse is between adults then its rape?

If it is a blanket statement for all kinds of sexual abuse (including flashing) then the discussion got a lot more complex.

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #137 on: 17 Aug 2012, 05:47 »

sexual abuse
1. The forcing of unwanted sexual activity by one person on another, as by the use of threats or coercion. [The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company]

Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #138 on: 17 Aug 2012, 06:04 »

My point is that Slavery isn't something that analytically implies abuse

Thats just it.  I dont think you can rationally define slavery as anything other than abuse. 

Slavery is bad.  Its abusive. Always.  By definition.  There is no "good" slavery. Or even neutral.  Treating people like property and forcing them to do what you want is morally wrong.  Always.

Can we all agree on that?  I mean, as real life people.

(and no BDSM defense please,

That's where I disagree. You are confusing our IRL morality with a more neutral one taking in account different cultures. How could I tell you in the eyes that slavery is not abuse, OOCly ? Your question is unfair and biased, and only serves to derail the subject. Of course I loathe slavery OOCly. But I also understand that morality is not defined by some kind of christian universal standard, which you seem to miss in your argument.

Good bad and evil are stupid concepts, imo. That's what made me laugh when Bush junior started to use those everyday for his wars.

Also, sorry if I was doing it wrong with that children drawing a penis on a wall and starting a discussion that I found interesting about honor-killings.
It's not the penis-on-the-wall specifically. It's just logging in and hearing another '...and this is a horrible thing a Holder did...' I'm sorry if you feel I'm picking on you.

Well that was specifically told with a neutral tone, and actually not like the usual "this is a horrible thing a Holder did"... So yes, I am a bit "meh" to see that it got ignored in the process. Or maybe it got ignored especially because other people on the Summit were all like "OMG THATS TERRIBLE".


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #139 on: 17 Aug 2012, 08:15 »

That's where I disagree. You are confusing our IRL morality with a more neutral one taking in account different cultures. How could I tell you in the eyes that slavery is not abuse, OOCly ? Your question is unfair and biased, and only serves to derail the subject. Of course I loathe slavery OOCly. But I also understand that morality is not defined by some kind of christian universal standard, which you seem to miss in your argument.

Good bad and evil are stupid concepts, imo. That's what made me laugh when Bush junior started to use those everyday for his wars.

First things first.  Im not trying to create some "christian standard" for morality.  If Im doing anything, I suppose, its a Kantian exercise, trying to create a priori moral understanding of a subject so we can talk about its existence in game.  You have no idea what my religion is, or if I even have one, by design. 

If you want people to respond better to you Lyn, I would suggest not making statements like that.   

Look, lets be clear here if a player needs slavery to be good and/or beneficial or even neutral to enjoying playing Amarrian characters, then your never going to be able to enjoy playing your character. 

Heres the bottom line.  I have a lot of sympathy for the Amarrian bloc and the crap they get.  Its one reason I encouraged this thread to be started.  We could use a conversation about it.

But slavery will never be viewed as anything other than abusive by the players at large.  Your statement of "I couldnt tell you that slavery isnt abusive OOC, but I want to talk about non-abusive slavery" is part of the problem.  If you create a make believe world that has no bearing on peoples historical and moral understanding, then people are going to react to it like its just that, make-believe. 

It just seems to be that some Amarrian players need slavery to be viewed positively or at least neutrally to enjoy playing their character.  And thats simply not going to happen.  People have a visceral negative reaction toward slavery.  And I would say that if you need slavery to in anyway redeemable then dont play Amarr.  You would enjoy another race more. 

It just seems to me that a lot of players are putting forth descriptions of Amarrian slavery that doesnt jive with our historical, cultural, and popular understanding (or misunderstanding, as the case may be) of what slavery is.  It doesnt make sense to me to say "well, Amarrians sexually abusing their slaves would never happen"  because sexual exploitation has always been a factor of slavery when its occurred throughout history through a vast different number of cultures. Its part of what slavery IS. 

And slavery in EVE is likely worse than slavery in modern day or even the past.  Why?  Because its a dystopian setting.  Its dark.  Its grim.   If you try to make slavery better than what people know (or think they know) it to be, or try to make it better than what is portrayed in the PF, then its going to come off like a sparkly vampire.  Not very compelling to a lot of people.

Im not saying put up or apologize with every wronged drama llama ex-slave that comes wailing into the Summit.  Most of them are terribad RPers, and you really cant have good RP when playing with terribad RPers.  I would suggest ignoring them. 

But trying to solve the problem of "he touched me there!" Minmatar ex-slave RPers by trying to create non-abusive forms of racial slavery that is somehow morally neutral is basically jousting at windmills.  Its not just going to happen. 
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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #140 on: 17 Aug 2012, 08:36 »

Azdan's self-perceived "facts" about Amarr Slavery:
  • Slavery is bad, mkay?
  • Slavery is not dignified
  • Slaves are not hired employees
  • Slave-holders are not always malicious people
  • Not all slaves suffer abuse but abuse does happen
  • Sexual activity between slaves and slave-holders does happen, not always consensual, not to every slave and not necessarily to the majority of slaves, but it does happen
  • Slavery is still bad, mkay?

  • Slavery is bad, mkay? (The Amarr are the ONLY people in the cluster that don't necessarily see slavery pragmatically. Angels, the Kingdom, Sansha, Blooders - all pragmatic, slaves are slaves and you don't have to sugarcoat it.)
  • Your average Amarr is not a slave-holder
  • Your average Amarr would be incensed by some of the things that go on in slavery
  • Sexual activity does happen in Amarr slavery, not always consensual, not necessarily to the majority of slaves but it does happen
  • Physical, mental and emotional abuse does happen in Amarr slavery. Degrees of abuse will vary from Holder to Holder and slave to slave with not every slave undergoing extreme levels of abuse
  • Abuse is bad, mkay?
  • What the Amarr consider "abuse" is likely very different than what we consider "abuse" with us being much more sensitive to it than them
  • Slavery is a religious practice
  • Slavery is still bad, mkay?

The point is simply that slavery exists in New Eden and there are several groups that employ it. The Amarr, the Angel Cartel, the Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation, the Minmatar Republic and even the Gallente Federation! In fact, the only group of people that don't practice slavery on some level is the Caldari State (unless you count wage-slavery), but the State has its own vices.

The fact is that bad things happen in slavery because they can. This doesn't mean those things are encouraged, expected, tolerated or praised by the general populace but they do happen. Most such activities are not likely to ever be publicized.

The fact is that slavery in the Empire alone covers some billions of people. Therefore, even a small amount of abuse (of any kind) is going to cover a mind-staggering amount of people. (10% of slaves are infected with Vitoxin, this is millions and millions of people).

Out-of-character we are far more sensitive to mistreatment, abuse, human trafficking and other things than the Amarr or even most of New Eden are. Slavery doesn't need to be "good" or even "neutral" to enjoy playing Amarr, your character can believe it to be one of those things while you do not.
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Lyn Farel

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #141 on: 17 Aug 2012, 09:10 »

First things first.  Im not trying to create some "christian standard" for morality.  If Im doing anything, I suppose, its a Kantian exercise, trying to create a priori moral understanding of a subject so we can talk about its existence in game.  You have no idea what my religion is, or if I even have one, by design. 

Christian as a christian society. I included myself in the lot and being at the same time hanging between agnosticism and atheism RL. Yes, I have a christian upbringing, but that does not make me also a christian believer. Hell, I have even been baptized when I was a child and asked my parents why several times since ive never believed, and them not so much. It's just a question of societal traditions and structure, as well as education, etc. Even the calendar is a christian one, and even if the state tried to changed that after the Revolution, it finally didnt last past 10 years.

So no, I was definitly not assuming you were a believer or anything. I apologize considering how unclear I was, and also made the mistake to believe that you were also from a christian upbringing (culture again, not faith). I could have used western society instead, it would be the same. I assumed that you are from that upbringing right ?

Look, lets be clear here if a player needs slavery to be good and/or beneficial or even neutral to enjoying playing Amarrian characters, then your never going to be able to enjoy playing your character. 

I wonder if anyone ever stated that ? Everywhere in this thread I have seen amarr proponents saying imaginary things like "assuming that slavery means that all slaves are mistreated is a fallacy" and opponents answering "assuming that slave abuses never happen is stupid", where it was actually not the point of anyone. Actually, everyone seems to agree on that. Cf Esna post where it is mostly a matter of :

Some people like to see the Empire's practice of slavery as the majority desiring being the faithful conversion of the Minmatar, with some minority indeed doing very bad things to their charges.

Some people like to see the Empire's practice of slavery as a means to abuse and provide a free and easily exploited underclass, with some minority actually intending to care for and uplift their charges.

Of course, I can understand what makes you say that (and I definitly agree with you on this) : I know a lot of Amarr players that try to make the amarr look the best possible in their eyes because they can't accept what slavery implies in regards to their western/christian view and morality.

Your statement of "I couldnt tell you that slavery isnt abusive OOC, but I want to talk about non-abusive slavery" is part of the problem.  If you create a make believe world that has no bearing on peoples historical and moral understanding, then people are going to react to it like its just that, make-believe.

What ? I am sorry but I never said that... 

It just seems to be that some Amarrian players need slavery to be viewed positively or at least neutrally to enjoy playing their character.  And thats simply not going to happen.  People have a visceral negative reaction toward slavery.  And I would say that if you need slavery to in anyway redeemable then dont play Amarr.  You would enjoy another race more. 

It just seems to me that a lot of players are putting forth descriptions of Amarrian slavery that doesnt jive with our historical, cultural, and popular understanding (or misunderstanding, as the case may be) of what slavery is.  It doesnt make sense to me to say "well, Amarrians sexually abusing their slaves would never happen"  because sexual exploitation has always been a factor of slavery when its occurred throughout history through a vast different number of cultures. Its part of what slavery IS. 

There is a lot of confusions in that part in my opinion.

Yeah, a lot of Amarrians, especially liberals, do not like what slavery implies as I said above, and try to work around it instead of finding real justifications for it. Instead of embracing it as it is, they try to minimize or twist the concept.

And yes, of course sexual abuses are part of what slavery is. Sexual abuses are part of life, period. Sexual abuses in the context we speak in comes from a hierarchy syndrome, where the superior abuses the inferior. It happens everywhere, at work everyday, at home, whatever. Believing that slavery somehow facilitates the process is a fallacy, I think. It only does it when rules preventing it are non existing, laxist, or not applied. The exact same way hierarchy facilitates it when rules are not correctly applied IRL at work.

For example recently in France we had the only law that concerned sexual harassement at work completely scratched out of the law because it happened that it was outdated, and especially vague and a source of discrepancies. So we ended up with no law on the matter. They are currently working on it to recreate a new one. Guess how women feel at the moment at work ?

What prevents a society based on slavery to have enforced rules on the matter ? What prevents such society to have rules preventing slave owners to fuck their slaves because its seen as dirty, degrading, and totally unethical, while at the same time having breeding colonies like they breed cattle ?

That's what makes New Eden interesting. It's grimdark, but ambiguously grimdark, not grimdark for the sake of being grimdark, or its not even grey anymore, it just becomes pitch black.

So, eventually, yes, I couldn't find any reason to tell you otherwise that I consider OOCly slavery as abhorent and unethical as hell. But as I said, christian upbringing here. But I can tell you however, that I believe there are countless other forms of slavery with the exact same consequences and ethical issues in the world which are not seen the same way, precisely because of that christian morality. We all know what christians were in the Roman Empire when they started to spread everywhere, right ? No surprise that their views on slavery are so strong. It is part of our history and our culture.

And yet we did it again in our colonies because we did not considered them as our kin.
« Last Edit: 17 Aug 2012, 09:18 by Lyn Farel »


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #142 on: 17 Aug 2012, 11:22 »

Why does Amarrian slavery need to be good?  Or even "okayish"?

EVE is a dark sci-fi world.  Dark.  Dystopian.

Amarrian slavery cannot be good or evil in a dark dystopian sci-fi world, it simply is.

A classic good vs. evil conflict belongs to an utopian world, a world where there are clear sides.

If we impose our modern western sensibilities and try to force a good-vs-evil perspective in the world of EVE, then yes, Amarrian's are more likely to be considered the 'bad guys' and the Minmatar the 'good guys'. If we go back in time and ask some random Roman or Greek citizen, they would probably indicate the Minmatar as being the bad guys.

Slavery should not have to be good to play a "good-guy" Amarrian correctly.  In fact, to try to make slavery palatable is and certainly unrealistic and maybe even a tad bit unethical.

A slaver doesn't have to play either a good-guy or a bad-guy, they simply . Good guys tend to be people we identify with easily, and understand their motivation and choices, bad guys are the opposite. I'm not suprised that many modern western people find it difficult to identify with someone who keeps slaves.

Nazi Germany is often portrayed as 'bad guys' or 'evil empire', but I can assure you the german citizens of that time were neither bad nor evil. Most germans were simply regular citizens doing their best to 'get by' within the norms they had been taught.


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #143 on: 17 Aug 2012, 11:28 »

Heres what bothers me about how people respond to the Amarr bloc in general and slavery in particular. 

There is a lot of real world venom and vitriol regarding hatred toward the Amarr.  And really, I dont think its slavery. 

My belief is that people react so negatively to the Amarr because they have a chance to strike out against religion.

Hardly only that. The Amarrians have a whole list of things popular for modern western sensibilities to agitate against.

Religious Fanatiscm

But agreed, slavery is merely a convenient target. The other aspects make the Amarr 'evil', and make the slaving pirates 'kinda cool', because pirates are non-religious, non-confirmist, non-dogmatic and non-imperialistic.
« Last Edit: 17 Aug 2012, 11:49 by Merdaneth »


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #144 on: 17 Aug 2012, 11:38 »

[Thats just it.  I dont think you can rationally define slavery as anything other than abuse. 

Slavery is bad.  Its abusive. Always.  By definition.  There is no "good" slavery. Or even neutral.  Treating people like property and forcing them to do what you want is morally wrong.  Always.

Can we all agree on that?  I mean, as real life people.

I completely disagree. Completely and utterly.

You fail to see how much your opinion if formed by fairly random assortment of cultural values. For some people abortion is murder and utterly evil, for some not at all. For some people homosexuality is utterly evil, others feel completely neutral about it. I have had people tell me that they thought that parents that hit their children are utterly twisted and evil.

I could be completely true that in 100 years people will think mandatory schooling is utterly evil, or conscription, or allowing people to buy and carry firearms. Hell, in 100 years people might think us idiots for having people that are absolutely unsuited an ill-qualified make and raise children.

You yourself are making a good point that many people nowadays are slowly considering (dogmatic) religion to be evil. That there can be no 'good' (dogmatic) religion.

Understand cultural relativism.

It those moral judgements shift as the wind does.

Jev North

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #145 on: 17 Aug 2012, 11:39 »

While I can agree that some of the arguments seem rather a bit familiar, I do not believe for an instant that the main reason the Amarr catch flak is because they're religious. It's because that to modern sensibilities, they embody the worst aspects of religion - massive hipocrisy, as well as the shadow sides you listed.

I don't think the reasoning of very many people goes "I hate all things religious; the Amarr are religious; therefore I will whale into them like the finest Internet Battle Atheists."

Rather, I think it's "I hate all things Amarr; the Amarr are quite religious; therefore popular atheist arguments are very convenient rhetoric against them."

Paraphrasing and generalizing massively, of course.


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #146 on: 17 Aug 2012, 11:48 »

It just seems to be that some Amarrian players need slavery to be viewed positively or at least neutrally to enjoy playing their character.  And thats simply not going to happen.  People have a visceral negative reaction toward slavery.  And I would say that if you need slavery to in anyway redeemable then dont play Amarr.  You would enjoy another race more. 

I have a visceral negative reaction towards slavery, religious dogmatism, conformism etc. I fairly anarchistic.

That visceral reaction is why I'm interested in trying to play a slaver. A slaver who tries to 'do good' an be the best person he can be. A believable slaver. A non-shallow slaver. A normal human slaver.

RP-ing a slaver and trying to defend their points of view against the viscerals amongst us (and anarchists especially) is the best way to try to look inside and see what motivates such people, try to determine why they would choose such a (to me) abhorrent path in life. Understand such people better.

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #147 on: 17 Aug 2012, 12:14 »

Thanks for these great posts Merdaneth, I agree to the largest possible degree.

P.S.: I'm playing Nico for a good 5 years now, I think I'd have noticed if it's something not fun to me by now. I don't need someone to tell me what's fun to me and what's not either.
« Last Edit: 17 Aug 2012, 12:22 by Nicoletta Mithra »

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #148 on: 17 Aug 2012, 12:34 »

I mean, the Angels, Guristas, Serpentis, Blood Raiders, etc are all slavers.  How often are they called slavers and hissed and booed in the IGS?  Practically never.  Indeed, its "cool" to be part of those factions.

While all of the pirate factions can be pointed at as having various connections to slavery, it's worth noting that they have other things people can point fingers at them over:
- Blooders are literally draining people of blood. Sure they've got slaves, but slavery is among the least of one's worries when it comes to being stuck with the Covenant.
- Serpentis are big on the drug manufacturing thing. It's a lot easier to go after them for pushing drugs onto kids and similar stuff than it is to go after them regarding slavery.
- The Sansha are, well, Sansha. Their brand of slavery is rather different from Amarrian slavery.
- Guristas are a bunch of streetwise thugs with a bone to pick with lawful powers. They're not only allied with the Covenant and Sansha out of political convenience and participate in the slave trade, but they're also terrorists.
- The Cartel openly deals in the slave trade, but it's only one of many illicit businesses they stick their fingers into. Stillwater's motto of "Angels are never far" isn't an inaccurate boast.
- The EoM are self-explanatory. They're out to kill everyone.

Also, +1 to what Jev said. It's more people being lazy in constructing their arguments than it is "hey let's bash the religious yokels lololol".
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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #149 on: 17 Aug 2012, 12:58 »

[Thats just it.  I dont think you can rationally define slavery as anything other than abuse. 

Slavery is bad.  Its abusive. Always.  By definition.  There is no "good" slavery. Or even neutral.  Treating people like property and forcing them to do what you want is morally wrong.  Always.

Can we all agree on that?  I mean, as real life people.

I completely disagree. Completely and utterly.

You fail to see how much your opinion if formed by fairly random assortment of cultural values. For some people abortion is murder and utterly evil, for some not at all. For some people homosexuality is utterly evil, others feel completely neutral about it. I have had people tell me that they thought that parents that hit their children are utterly twisted and evil.

I could be completely true that in 100 years people will think mandatory schooling is utterly evil, or conscription, or allowing people to buy and carry firearms. Hell, in 100 years people might think us idiots for having people that are absolutely unsuited an ill-qualified make and raise children.

You yourself are making a good point that many people nowadays are slowly considering (dogmatic) religion to be evil. That there can be no 'good' (dogmatic) religion.

Understand cultural relativism.

It those moral judgements shift as the wind does.

Inflicting suffering and harm on another person in the pursuit of your own benefit isn't something I'm prepared to be subjective about.

"Society thinks this way" as a justification for activity that results in human suffering just strikes me as Argumentum ad Populum or the "bandwagon fallacy."

Ab-use, at its basic root, refers to use which is unintended or improper.  This is reasonable to understand in the sense of abuse of substances.  Prescription drugs can have a benefit for the user when taken in a certain way, but you can abuse prescription drugs in a manner that will cause harm.

Likewise you can "use" (more properly, utilize) the labor or cognitive input of another person in ways that result in mutual benefit (from a purely bi-lateral sense all the way to communal).  However, if the exchange is one in which one party receives all of the benefit and the other is subjected to restrictions of self-determination and violent coercion for non-conformity or lack or expected performance, that seems to fit the pattern of "use which results in harm".

When the collective inputs of a class of people result in a rise in standard of living and comfort for others while they themselves continue receiving only the absolute minimum necessities (and in some cases less than that), especially when those receiving the bulk of the benefit contribute little to nothing in terms of real sacrifice or effort by comparison, the result is an abusive relationship between those groups.

Again, we can easily identify this in the case of a purely bi-lateral interaction.  Joe-six-pack sits around the house all day getting drunk and generally being a waste of oxygen while Jane works her butt off at two jobs to pay the bills and still keeps the house in good order.  Whether as a result of exploiting a co-dependency issue or through use of verbal/physical/sexual intimidation, clearly there is a disequilibrium here.  Now, the relativist would say "hey, if that makes her happy taking care of him..." but there's more to it than that.  Jane is likely suffering long-term physical exhaustion and increased hormone levels (such as Cortisol) which result in chronic stress, hypertension and other ailments which reduce immune health, increase likelihood of heart disease and a myriad of other physiological conditions which can be objectively verified.

My point in all of this is "society might say x" is all well and good, but there are absolute physical realities that refute what society might say.  Slavery -and any form of poverty or destitution for that matter- has observable physically harmful results on human beings as well as increased rates of mental/psychological abnormalities.

None of this, by the way, is intended to impart any judgments upon those who portray these behaviors in RP.
« Last Edit: 17 Aug 2012, 13:13 by Syylara/Yaansu »
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