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Author Topic: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?  (Read 17749 times)

Victoria Stecker

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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #15 on: 13 Oct 2011, 17:18 »

Meh. I'm interested, I used to love the star wars universe, but I'll let the game be out for a few months before I think about buying it. See what people think of it, see if I want to invest the time and money. Much as I expect great things from the company making it... blargh. We'll see.

Lyn Farel

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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #16 on: 13 Oct 2011, 17:23 »

Disclaimer : as I have been something like the star wars nerd since I was 4 or 5 maybe (thanks, parents), I may sound "a little" bitter.

I might play (as Republic) if some RL friends drag me in, but I doubt it. What I've seen of that game is totally contrary to all the spirit and flavor that I love with the SW universe.

... Soldier tanks, Jedi healers and Sith damage dealers. Srsly, whoever came up with that concept should be taken out and run over by a sandcrawler, twice.

My case exactly, too. Except that I have pre ordered it compulsively for some reason so... :/

KOTOR and the books from that universe are really enjoyable to me, in ways that the 'original' Star Wars universe really isn't. It's all the awesome of Star Wars without the George Lucas shitfest, basically. Of course, this is dependant on the person and not really a 'trufax'.

Probably dependant on the person, though we do not have to be experts in cinema to see that the Lucas shitfest is not about his first saga, but that terrible prelogy and all the crap that followed. Lucas turned bad when Kurtz left him after Ep 5.

On another note, I really liked the kotor series (especially the 2nd one, a butchered little marvel to my eyes), but seeing what is SWTOR I just feel the urge to vomit.

I played the beta for like a year. I don't think it would be an NDA violation for me to say that the game is terrible.

Can that judgement call truly have any validity on a product that was still in production? Could you elaborate on your statement with facts of why it is terrible so we can all come to a consensus on this and not waste our money.

You might want to read this review from another tester. It does seem to be a huge gap between testers themselves (some find it terrible, some find it ok or great), and also between the colossal (almost absurd) hype revolving around the game with outsiders of the beta. I also know some friends playing the beta atm, their feeling is more or less the same : another WoW in its basic release state, with voiced/bioware dialogs as a sugarcoat.


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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #17 on: 13 Oct 2011, 17:43 »

You prettymuch summed up my feelings on SW there, Lyn. The Thrawn Trilogy was more exciting to me than LOTR, but I'll avoid anything set during the clone wars like it's poisoned. I liked the KOTOR games a lot too, and just about anything from that era; Tales of the Jedi is a good old series and more recently I enjoyed Darth Bane as a character (though his books are so-so)

Back to TOR... does the art style bug anyone else? It seems really off to me. Not even that it's just cartoony, it's very blocky and the animation looks stiff. Like a second rate version of that awful Clone Wars 3d cartoon.


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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #18 on: 13 Oct 2011, 17:47 »

"another WoW in its basic release state, with voiced/bioware dialogs as a sugarcoat."

And I'm very cool with that. Just like games like Painkiller and so on returns us to bygone eras of great shooters where the gameplay is just rock fuckin' solid and enjoyable (instead of the current-gen massproduced nausea that is Chesthigh Walls and Two Weapons max crap or endless Call of Duty games), there's very little need to reinvent the wheel for MMOs when it works. For all my hatred of WoW as it is today, I will gladly admit that the gameplay is rock solid and it just... works. WoW just got utterly retarded with the content and the playerbase, which turns me off massively.

My personal hopes with SWTOR is simply that it got similarly good gameplay mechanics and keeps the content at the quality level I've come to expect from Bioware. If they achieve that, they will have a loyal and long-time customer in me. That kind of gameplay really works when it comes to avatar-driven combat in MMOs and it's fun.

I don't think anyone's expecting Eve Wars Online here and if they do, I for one kind of hope they'll be disappointed because I sure as hell don't.


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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #19 on: 13 Oct 2011, 18:08 »

I was a little interested in it when I first heard about it, but at this point I have no plans to buy it. Haven't really been impressed by the videos I've seen and get the general impression that the game plays similarly to WoW from a mechanistic PoV. After trying Rift briefly I'm just no longer interested at all in that kind of MMO.

I'm a total FPS and PvP whore though, so maybe that's why.
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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #20 on: 13 Oct 2011, 18:26 »

I'll give it a go, along with a few mates both from in and outside of Eve.

I'll be playing Republic.

Lyn Farel

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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #21 on: 14 Oct 2011, 04:02 »

Back to TOR... does the art style bug anyone else? It seems really off to me. Not even that it's just cartoony, it's very blocky and the animation looks stiff. Like a second rate version of that awful Clone Wars 3d cartoon.

Well, dont tempt me...

As its my job, I ofc have a pretty strong opinion on the SWTOR graphics.


To summarize a bit, there is at least one thing that is overall very good, and its landscapes and backgrounds : considering that almost everyone seems to really like them, I can say that they are well done and designed, and generally it does not surprise me because bioware have always been fucking good at environnements design. Anyway, the whole all hand painted textures and the style of these BGs are well rendered and colorful, but not too much, not too less. Rocks are surprisingly nice, and ambiants too (Nal Hutta, Dromund Kaas, for example).


The rest is very, very bad. Especially characters, but lets talk about the rest first. Even if they enormously decreased the size of weapons (especially lightsabers), its still a little oversized, and ridiculous on some cases. We know that they want to give a little cartoonish look to the whole thing, but its just getting a bit like LEGOs here.


Just terrible. Especially these ugly shoulder pads (looks like some bad japanimation remake, or a star wars dragon ball version or something... :s). I perfectly know what they thought when designed that kind of clothes. Its for kids. But it is also such of bad taste that I am still amazed they dared to design this like that. But after all, most of that game is bad taste. Even the storyline is of bad taste, considering how cheesy and clonewars-esque it is (too bad, because the whole story background coming from kotor and the tales is nice). But will they beat clone wars 3D on the scale of bad taste ?


There is something, I suppose. It is original. But I also find it too cheesy or all lovey dovey. All the characters look almost cute (yes, even the bad ones). I am now merely expecting little butterflies and rainbows (and ponies ?) to appear out of nowhere. But yet again, graphically, its for kids. Though, even for kids, bad guys look evil, period. Here its... not always the case, especially for the playable characters.


Here they come. I do not know who designed the characters structure, but he has serious anatomy troubles. Characters are definitly all but human. Enough said for me, it is so poor and bad that I wonder where the artists working on this studied (or not).


They have access to all the LA motion capture stuff and all shiney tech, and we get this ? I mean, what the hell ? Some animations are quite decent or nice, and others are just ludicrous. And considering how low poly are their characters, it does not help at all, so everything looks stiff, yes : no matter how good your animations are if the models are too low poly. And maybe they also screwed on the body rigging somewhere, wouldnt surprise me either.

Artistic Direction

They screwed up somewhere. They seem to want something semi realistic (between full cartoon like say Dofus, and realistic like Mass Effect), so you normally end up with characters with human proportions, but exagerated or very loose (tightness, constitution, lenght of the legs, eyes, nose, whatever). Here it just does not work (especially anatomically). They also seem to suffer of the Lucas syndrome consisting to put every target audience in the same basket, much like it was the case in the prelogy : mixing space politics with jar jar binks and little boys, then mutilating these grown up little boys in a lava lake. Is that for children ? Teens ? Adults ?... Or aliens ? No they, just want clonewars 3000 years before, without any artistic variation like it was the case in the Tales for example (ships with solar sails, etc). What do we see ? Clonetroopers everywhere, boba fetts everywhere, clone wars 3D like obiwans everywhere, and even better, the new ugly darth vader alias Dark Malgus. Wtf. Ah yes, and Satele, which is not bad, but do feel like the female selling point of the whole design.

So yes Miz, Wow definitly works, because it remains coherent, unlike that game (and yet, I have doubts on wow too). I mean, look at their marketing : their selling asset is their storyline. They keep telling us "look how awesome our voiced class stories are going to be huge and awesome". They keep emphasizing on this, because they perfectly know that the rest has nothing original in itself. Eventually, they are doing some kind of online solo RPG.

Edit : slightly off topic, but for these that are interested and do not know them, just watch these awesome reviews. Parodic by nature, of course, but they are so true in themselves (and hilarious)...
« Last Edit: 14 Oct 2011, 04:11 by Lyn Farel »


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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #22 on: 14 Oct 2011, 10:28 »

Folks in my house have the beta.

We're all probably going to cancel pre-orders.

I was never that interested, but I like to play with my roomates and they could never get into EVE, so this was our compromise. We should have picked something better....someone should have made something better.

The fucking amazement to me is that no one can make something better than EVE after all these years. No one has even tried.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #23 on: 14 Oct 2011, 10:45 »

Earthrise had looked promising. :(

Then again I just caught this on Massively earlier.
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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #24 on: 14 Oct 2011, 15:35 »

Folks in my house have the beta.

We're all probably going to cancel pre-orders.

I was never that interested, but I like to play with my roomates and they could never get into EVE, so this was our compromise. We should have picked something better....someone should have made something better.

The fucking amazement to me is that no one can make something better than EVE after all these years. No one has even tried.

well i'm sold, not getting it.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #25 on: 14 Oct 2011, 16:23 »

SWTOR is a flop already.

But I still have a lot of hope for Guild Wars 2. I played through the first one and loved it... and even if Guild Wars 2 isn't mind shockingly amazing.. it's free to play. They have a lot of things going for them already. Amazing artists and graphic designers, a coherent art style. They've got this dynamic quest-event system, and the lack of healer-tank-nuker trilogy class system (everyone can tank, everyone can nuke, everyone can heal).

I can't wait.


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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #26 on: 14 Oct 2011, 17:20 »

The mumbling among game designers is that this game is a Water World-esque disaster. 

Which makes me  :(
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Helen Ohmiras

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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #27 on: 14 Oct 2011, 17:28 »

Thanks to this thread, my girlfriend has now vetoed my pre-order decision. :cry:


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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #28 on: 14 Oct 2011, 18:20 »

Liked SWG. SWTOR however, didn't interest me from the start. And considering I keep hearing bad things about it...
No, I put my hopes (and money) into Funcom.

Lyn Farel

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Re: SWTOR: Will/how will you play?
« Reply #29 on: 15 Oct 2011, 03:44 »

Thanks to this thread, my girlfriend has now vetoed my pre-order decision. :cry:

Im sorry I didnt want that. I shouldnt have spit on it like that. :(
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