1) Should I consider replacing things already? I bought my setup two years ago, and in the past I have just ran 4/5 years with a setup until basically I was forced to run games below medium graphics. I don't feel a direct need to play games on maximum settings, but when performance starts to suffer, especially in multiplayer environments, I get sad. I hate hardware holding my performance back.
Based on your current hardware? Yap. It's probably a good time to buy a new mainboard, as the new chipsets from Intel and AMD have been released. The only thing I don't know is whether Ivy Bridge (22nm Intel) will use the same socket. I know AMD plans to use AM3+ for a while.
2) How do you go about identifying what parts of your PC are the bottleneck? I understand graphics performance is mostly GPU, but CPU and disk speed can also contribute to it, right?
Some benchmarking software will do this for you, but I'm not aware of specifics. I just look at hardware trends. For the gamer your main bottlenecks will be GPU and RAM so long as your CPU is moderately fast.
3) What tweaks not including overheating (that shit scares me, had a PSU burn out due to old age, no thank you melted hardware o_o) would you consider "mandatory"? I have diskeeper to keep my drive happy, kill everything that doesn't need to go on at startup, remove unused software and run CCcleaner to get rid of junk and clean the registry.
Disable Windows Search indexing service for performance purposes:
1) Run services.msc
2) Find the service "Windows Search"
3) Stop the service
4) Right-click to Properties and change Startup type to Disabled
5) Indexing should be disabled immediately
Disable SuperFetch memory caching for performance purposes in memory hogging applications:
1) Run services.msc
2) Find the service "SuperFetch"
3) Stop the service
4) Right-click to Properties and change Startup type to Disabled
5) On next reboot SuperFetch will be fully disabled
Manual registry tweak for SuperFetch/Prefetch
Open regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box and browse down to the following key:
Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
Find the EnablePrefetcher key on the right-hand pane, and change the value to one of these:
* Disable Caching: 0
* Cache Application Launching Only: 1
* Cache Boot Files Only: 2
* Cache Everything (default): 3
You'll have to restart your computer before this takes any effect. You could consider clearing out the \Windows\Prefetch folder after making this change to start with a fresh cache, but keep in mind that the next boot will probably be slower since Windows will have to cache everything again.
4) I am currently on Windows Vista. I hear Windows 7 is a lot more stable / user friendly. Should I consider upgrading? Any known performance gains in doing that?
W7 is more stable, more use friendly (to experienced users), and has a smaller RAM footprint. Definitely upgrade. My preferred version is Pro.
5) What are good places to start educating myself on hardware? I assume following news sites is the way to go. What do people have in their daily / weekly reads for this?
www.anandtech.comwww.theinquirer.netwww.fudzilla.com (nVidia biased)
www.semiaccurate.com (AMD biased)
6) That PhysX card which I basically got free with my rig, how much of a difference does that make? More and more games use a PhysX engine, but I won't gain performance unless the developers work with nVidia for it, right?
PhysX recently went to SSE for CPU simulation (thank god), but it is still nice to have a cheap nVidia GPU in your system. There are some hacks that can be found for getting AMD and nVidia PhysX drivers to work together. But if you're only worried about cloth simulation (Incarna), you can go with AMD no problem. The really GPU-intensive stuff includes particle effects and multi-body mesh collision.