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The founder of Zainou Biotech, Todo Kirkinen, was the first person to have his mind transfered into a machine? Ishukone owns a majority stake of Zainou.

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Author Topic: Facts and speculation regarding Sansha's Nation and their intentions (spoilers)  (Read 30806 times)

Isobel Mitar

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The long and the short of it:  You can do what you want, but you are most likely to succeed when you do things that a Capsuleer can do.  Placing planetary infrastructure for the purpose of planetary defense and announcing on IGS that you are doing so, in order for the Event Team to actually see it, is the way to go.  With 200+ people in local at any given time, IGS is the best place to give the Event Team a heads-up on the situation so they are on the lookout for you in-game.

This is actually one of the major reasons why this kind of "posing" RP does not work for me personally very well.

From IC point of view, posting your planetary defense plans publicly on IGS before the attack so the Sansha know what to expect is, well, ...really stupid? Yet, the player wants to make the GMs aware of what he is doing in order to have a better chance of success, and IGS rules prevent OOC posting. So the resulting post is actually a mix of IC and OOC; something the player does, for OOC reasons, imitating the posting style of his character  (as opposed to something the character does, since for most characters such post would break opsec).

Such IC/OOC mix makes me uncomfortable, and uncertain how to interact with it.

3) I do not like the player consensus arguing about and deciding what is true after the event. Outnumbered tens to one, the GMs have no way to pay equal attention to everyone, and so the most vocal ones (both during the event and after) get heard. I do not like it that players who have the time to discuss it in EVE fiction etc are the ones who get most say in what happened. I want equal opportunity to whomever simply can be present.

I agree with this very much. I would add this kind of "shouting match" interaction style makes it very difficult for more quiet/modest/introverted characters to affect the course of events, and creates an environment where it is hard or impossible to successfully play certain character concepts - a bias that in my opinion takes away from the richness of potential RP.

As a note, I find shared storytelling fun in smaller groups and tabletops, where OOC communication and negotiation is easy. I guess I do not enjoy the "compete to get your stuff heard" factor?  ;)

Louella Dougans

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The long and the short of it:  You can do what you want, but you are most likely to succeed when you do things that a Capsuleer can do.  Placing planetary infrastructure for the purpose of planetary defense and announcing on IGS that you are doing so, in order for the Event Team to actually see it, is the way to go.  With 200+ people in local at any given time, IGS is the best place to give the Event Team a heads-up on the situation so they are on the lookout for you in-game.

This is actually one of the major reasons why this kind of "posing" RP does not work for me personally very well.

From IC point of view, posting your planetary defense plans publicly on IGS before the attack so the Sansha know what to expect is, well, ...really stupid? Yet, the player wants to make the GMs aware of what he is doing in order to have a better chance of success, and IGS rules prevent OOC posting. So the resulting post is actually a mix of IC and OOC; something the player does, for OOC reasons, imitating the posting style of his character  (as opposed to something the character does, since for most characters such post would break opsec).

Such IC/OOC mix makes me uncomfortable, and uncertain how to interact with it.

Posting on IGS beforehand, detailing what you are doing, as a requirement for your RP to be "effective", due to being seen and heard in advance, means only 1 style of RP "works".

Which would be propaganda similar to various dictators in history. Boasting of how they've built an impregnable fortress, will unleash the mother of all battles, etc.

In addition to this, it means it is not what you do in-space, in-game and in real time, that really matters, but what you post on forums, when you have all the time in the world to write.


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((Why didn't I know that Amann == Nikiruu?!))
I suspected he was Dropbear on an alt.  :s

Julianus Soter

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Dropbear would stay away from our discussions on the ic/ooc divide if he wanted to preserve his sanity.  :lol:

Amann Karris

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Posting on IGS beforehand, detailing what you are doing, as a requirement for your RP to be "effective", due to being seen and heard in advance, means only 1 style of RP "works".
On the contrary.  I've done plenty of RP related to the Sansha invasions that was not prepared ahead of time; but then again, I didn't claim to be setting up planetside defenses.  My example was specific to the situation, and how to best go about doing that.

Verone, Ghost Hunter, and a few others have had interactions with event actors that was not proceeded by specifically stated intents on IGS: it was their "alignment" and previously stated beliefs and faction alignments that helped them get the "foot in the door".

Which would be propaganda similar to various dictators in history. Boasting of how they've built an impregnable fortress, will unleash the mother of all battles, etc.
To be blunt, no one said anything like this.  Again, The Cosmopolite didn't claim victory; he was letting the opposition know that they were prepared.  Never did they state they were going to win, simply that they were going to put up what defense they could.

Deltole was a success, and Oruse had mixed results.  What was the difference?  IN-GAME interaction.  Players putting up a defense IN SPACE.  I would argue that the in space side of that was the most effective, though the IGS "politics" helped win the day.

Also, I may have nudged a couple people here and there to get the ball rolling.  My super sekrit spai netwurk and all.  I'm kind of sneaky like that. :yar:

In addition to this, it means it is not what you do in-space, in-game and in real time, that really matters, but what you post on forums, when you have all the time in the world to write.
If all someone did was post in forums, they'd have no time to do anything in-game.  They wouldn't be able to interact in-game.  How could they change the course of events this way?  A combination is fine; sometimes that's not really necessary though.  In-game actions can have profound effects.  Drake Arson (I think I got that name right) didn't post on IGS his specific plans for a very spectacular player-driven event ahead of time, and I had more fun at that than I did at any one of the CCP created events.  On the other hand, there are those who just plain can't keep ISK in their wallet, let alone have enough time to really play the game effectively (despite high SP counts), so they sit, listen, learn, and when the mood suits them and they have a plan, they set the wheels in motion.

::whistles innocently::

Point being, for specific courses of action, IGS statements are pretty much necessary, but not required.  That is, in respect to interacting with CCP storylines that are getting Event attention.  For everything there are in-game means to accomplish a goal as well; evemail, private messages, boat violencing, payments of large quantities of ISK, market manipulation...

...the list goes on and on.  Like I said, find a point of interaction, and run with it.  I've had plenty of fun interacting in events and not having a "public" role.  I can happily say I'm enjoying it, but then I'm leaving the game here in a few days so as to be able to focus on some personal projects.  I don't have the time to throw myself headfirst into what I'd really like to do in-game.  So, until my account goes inactive I'll nudge, I'll watch, I'll listen, and I'll /sip to my heart's content.

That's my point of interaction.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Like I said, find a point of interaction, and run with it.
This is a good piece of advice if you want to be involved in events where the resolving mechanics is not immersion in your character and interaction with the client, but convincing the GM to take your stuff into the storyline, one way or another. There's indeed many ways to do this convincing.

But for some of us (including me) the events are not actually very interesting, because so much of the "say stuff on local / IGS to get GM attention" going on. Even if I do not do it myself, it makes the events unappealing.

Obviously, my "point of interaction" that I run with is to deny that the Sansha attacks are a galaxy-wide emergency worse than say the fall of Eytjangard into enemy hands (THOSE BASTARDS) or a pirate activity surge somewhere I care about, and continue doing whatever I'd do anyway, possibly spicing it by going to shoot some Sansha if some appear in the Republic when I am awake.

And I am fine with that, actually. I never was into having One Story EVE Is About anyway. ;)

I just simply do not think these events work for all sort of RPers, and tried to explain why (when asked about it). And I strongly object to the idea that in them, stuff is resolved by "real RP" as opposed to the less-RP-like actually doing the stuff "for real" in space. I know people are excited about them (and that's fine, like I said), but please do understand that this sort of RP just isn't for everyone, and probably will never be, no matter how many times you tell us just to find a way to do it. And, did I mention it, this is fine? It's not that I am bittervetting about there being events that are not my style... I am sure CCP will do other sorts of stuff in the future too. (Maybe they will even make FW affect people who have not opted in.)

Amann Karris

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But for some of us (including me) the events are not actually very interesting, because so much of the "say stuff on local / IGS to get GM attention" going on. Even if I do not do it myself, it makes the events unappealing.

Obviously, my "point of interaction" that I run with is to deny that the Sansha attacks are a galaxy-wide emergency worse than say the fall of Eytjangard into enemy hands (THOSE BASTARDS) or a pirate activity surge somewhere I care about, and continue doing whatever I'd do anyway, possibly spicing it by going to shoot some Sansha if some appear in the Republic when I am awake.

And I am fine with that, actually. I never was into having One Story EVE Is About anyway. ;)
That's awesome, and I'm not saying you're wrong.  You have your point of interaction. :D

I just simply do not think these events work for all sort of RPers, and tried to explain why (when asked about it).
I completely agree with you.

And I strongly object to the idea that in them, stuff is resolved by "real RP" as opposed to the less-RP-like actually doing the stuff "for real" in space. I know people are excited about them (and that's fine, like I said), but please do understand that this sort of RP just isn't for everyone, and probably will never be, no matter how many times you tell us just to find a way to do it. And, did I mention it, this is fine? It's not that I am bittervetting about there being events that are not my style... I am sure CCP will do other sorts of stuff in the future too. (Maybe they will even make FW affect people who have not opted in.)
I don't agree that "doing stuff for real in space" is less RP-like.  I also don't believe that there is resolution only by "real RP".  Oruse was pretty much proof that words alone don't win the day; Deltole just showed that a combination of the two playstyles has some interesting results.  Emergent behavior FTW. ;)  Everyone has their own style; that's my point.  The more these different playstyles interact, and the more open everyone is to different styles, the more rich the game environment can be.

That said, not everyone enjoys RP.  Not everyone sees the Sansha events as something worth their time.  In fact, some people just see a target rich environment.  Should we all force them to start down the RP route?  I don't think so; it's not what they enjoy.

But, you know, Incursion is just around the corner, and forum RP won't do squat to change an Incursion. ;)  It's going to need in-space action to turn things around.


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If you want to RP with CCP event actors, you need to make yourself visible to them same as with any other RP-ers.

IGS can cause make you and your actions visible, so can in-corp RP, joining RP channels, talking in local or simply affecting in-space stuff visible to others.

There is not good or bad method, just effective and ineffective methods. If you want to be heard, you need to speak up. In a game where a lot of things are left to the imagination, you must make yourself heard in other people's imaginations, you just can't rely only on your 'in-space' presence.


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((Why didn't I know that Amann == Nikiruu?!))
I suspected he was Dropbear on an alt.  :s
I suspect everyone is you on an alt.


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/speculation: True Slaves are Kuvakei on an alt... >.>


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We've been quite happy to leave the handwaving RP to others and focus on shooting those trying to take people as slaves.
I do wish there were dropships in space though.

I wonder to what degree 'uplifting' will remain part of the Sansha motivation once the Incursions are patched and automated.


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I do wish there were dropships in space though.

I imagine a game where there were dropships heading to the planet, something small and fast and hard to lock. (something for the pilots in inties to chase). Having them leap from the carrier down to the planet, hang around (disappear? Land?) for a few minutes and then reappear at the planet surface and head back out to their ships. I imagine they'd be hard to stop more than a small fraction of.

Explode them and discover "civilians" who can be delivered to the local stations for well wishes of the local population (loyalty points?)

Now, that would be cool.

And I think a lot of them would get through with their cargos, but I don't think they'd be "2 million civilians uplifted" per incursion.
Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"


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Maybe dropships in Dust? That can also unload military ground forces? Or is that way over the top. I still want to see the ability to dock into a carrier or super cap, and undock into the fight. That would be cool. Carrier launching a squad of interceptor pilots and blowing them all up with his own smartbomb :)

Silver Night

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It's possible this might be a lead in to DUST. Maybe there will be Sansha NPC enemies.  :D

It certainly seems like the Incursions could be a reason for the Empires to develop the tech (whatever it is) present in DUST.


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Would also be good for DUST PvE...
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