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Author Topic: WoD Finally revealed  (Read 7356 times)


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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #30 on: 30 Sep 2010, 11:42 »

Meh. So far, I see nothing that really calls out to me (even the mentions of the economy, which is probably what you mean).

Well, except tits. Yeah, those are good.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #31 on: 01 Oct 2010, 00:08 »

Final Death? Is that... a permadeath reference?


A vampire who has "died" forever is said to have suffered Final Death. Causes: beheading, sunlight, fire, supernatural damage (e.g., werewolf claws), diablerie (which is especially bad-- body dies, soul is consumed).

Exposure to most of the common causes inspires "rotschreck," "red fear." If they do this right, vampire characters with lower courage statistics should freak out and flee in blind panic when exposed to fire or sunlight. And if their damage gauge fills entirely with damage from those sources, the character should be permanently dead.

Bit of a challenge. It sounds like they've got good feedback from the fanbase, tho.


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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #32 on: 01 Oct 2010, 11:25 »

It's good that the devs are listening and considering things like this.  Let's just hope they don't cause a giant mess to try to please everyone.

lallara zhuul

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #33 on: 02 Oct 2010, 13:42 »

The biggest problem with a WoD setting is the playerbase.

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Saede Riordan

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #34 on: 02 Oct 2010, 13:54 »

The biggest problem with a WoD setting is the playerbase.

I think thats true in every medium.
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lallara zhuul

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #35 on: 02 Oct 2010, 16:21 »

Well, from my experience anything vampire themed will attract certain spectrum of people.

While it will drive away a certain spectrum.

Thankfully for EVE and its sandbox there is something for everybody.

But a WoD MMO, it will attract even more dramaz than EVE.

It will be hilarious :D

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Saede Riordan

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #36 on: 02 Oct 2010, 16:22 »

Well, from my experience anything vampire themed will attract certain spectrum of people.

While it will drive away a certain spectrum.

Thankfully for EVE and its sandbox there is something for everybody.

But a WoD MMO, it will attract even more dramaz than EVE.

It will be hilarious :D

and CCP will be making it....the tears and rage....they will be epic. :yar:
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Aria Jenneth

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #37 on: 02 Oct 2010, 22:53 »

Thankfully for EVE and its sandbox there is something for everybody.


Um. Not ... really. WoW comes much closer to the "something for everybody" model. CCP is very unusual in that it doesn't enforce any kind of "play nice" culture.

Eve is highly cutthroat. Fair play is enforced only to the degree that all trickery must be detectable by some means. Some forms that can't be reliably distinguished from luck (log-in traps) are allowed even though there is no reliable counter. You can do stuff here you can't get away with elsewhere, notably scamming and infiltration.

And incidentally, my wife likes all of that, but I STILL couldn't get her to stick around because she's not that interested in learning the highly-involved combat system and she found industrial stuff boring.

And it's not really a game you can approach casually and do very well. Compare to, say, Star Trek Online.

Eve's a seriously "niche" game, played by a small-ish community of fairly rabid fans. The WoD is likely to be something similar.


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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #38 on: 04 Oct 2010, 17:41 »

I am very excited about this. This is why I started playing Eve - to see what CCP can do. I for one, will be signing up as soon as possible. Praying for a beta sooner rather than later.

I don't mind what's in and what's out: I'll try it either way.

Benjamin Shepherd

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #39 on: 04 Oct 2010, 23:59 »

Why is everyone so familiar with this IP.

Sorry, but I was only a kid in the 90s, care to fill me in as to why this isn't another emo vampire copycat?

Saede Riordan

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #40 on: 05 Oct 2010, 00:06 »

Why is everyone so familiar with this IP.

Sorry, but I was only a kid in the 90s, care to fill me in as to why this isn't another emo vampire copycat?

Because WoD leaves emo glampires beaten, broken and raped in a dark alley.
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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #41 on: 05 Oct 2010, 00:32 »

Why is everyone so familiar with this IP.

Sorry, but I was only a kid in the 90s, care to fill me in as to why this isn't another emo vampire copycat?

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #42 on: 05 Oct 2010, 02:19 »

Why is everyone so familiar with this IP.

Sorry, but I was only a kid in the 90s, care to fill me in as to why this isn't another emo vampire copycat?

Back in the days of high adventure, when Conan was king and all that, D&D rocked the world by introducing role-playing and causing a fuzz, not least because it was branded a tool of the Devil. You could call that the first era.

In the 90's, White Wolf came out with Vampire and then a whole slew of product lines set in their World of Darkness setting. The games were different because up to this point you had mostly been playing the guys who killed/hunted monsters, but these games set you up as the monster itself. Now, I'm sure that was done earlier by some minor game or supplement somewhere, but the thing is that WoD got popular - really popular. You could call this the second coming.

Vampires make a comeback every ten to fifteen years and in the 90's we had a vampire craze as well. Each vampire craze is shaped by the current zeitgeist, so because this was the time when goths were still goths and nobody knew what emo meant, it was far more tolerable then today's whiny and sparkly vampires, with all the pre-millennial angst and Marilyn Manson lyrics you could muster. While Anne Rice was the thing in vampiredom at the time, WoD didn't only benefit from the resurgent popularity of vampires, it also shaped the craze itself in the end. Later, you'd have movies like Underworld to prove it's influence.

Oh, White Wolf brought girls into gaming en masse with World of Darkness.

So yeah, it's been pretty influential (at least as things spawned from role-playing are concerned).

Aria Jenneth

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #43 on: 05 Oct 2010, 02:38 »

Why is everyone so familiar with this IP.

Sorry, but I was only a kid in the 90s, care to fill me in as to why this isn't another emo vampire copycat?


The funny thing is, it's actually copycat-ish-- possibly the first of the emo vampire copycats. It's heavily influenced by Anne Rice's first couple vampire novels, before her writing abilities turned back into a pumpkin. Basically, some of the White Wolf folks seem to have read Interview With the Vampire and Lestat and thought, "Wow, these would make a kick-ass RPG setting!" Louie and Lestat would both be members of Clan Toreador; they even lifted the ecstatic nature of Anne Rice vampire bites.

The game's broader than that, mind you, covering most conceptions of what a "vampire" is that you can find in fiction (short of sparkly) and then adding a few more. The sort of horrible, twisted, bald creature you'll see in silent film turns up as Clan Nosferatu; the manipulative business/political sorts who figure in the "Blade" films (and presumably comic books) seem to have either inspired or been inspired by Clan Ventrue; the nightmare "gang" of "The Lost Boys" turns up as Clan Brujah. Toss in the animalistic Gangrel, the vampire-sorcerer Tremere, the illusionist Ravnos, the infectiously crazed Malkavians, the corruption-worshipping Followers of Set, the necromancer-mafiosi Giovanni, the shadow-manipulating Lasombra, and the Dracula-inspired Tzimisce (sp?), among others, and you've got yourself a concept-party.

Naturally, there's a good deal of variety within each of the clans.

The Camarilla, the "not-quite-so-evil" guys most people start out playing, at least in tabletop Masquerade, are a bit angsty. They're trying to hold onto basically human ethics to avoid losing control and becoming true monsters (a vampire who becomes too morally degraded turns into, basically, a rabid animal). So, if you want to play an angsty Toreador, you certainly can, but even if you're in the Camarilla virtually every other clan will roll its eyes at you. (The stereotypical Tory is indeed angsty; they need not be, of course.)

Most of the other clans, to the degree that they angst, bury it deep. Ventrue are too busy with worldly matters to have time to be emo; the Nosferatu, Brujah, and Gangrel look down their noses at such self-indulgence; the Tremere will see it as weakness to be exploited; the Malkavians are more likely to be clinically depressed than "emo" (being nuts is their calling card). All of them have some angst of their own to deal with, but about a thousand reasons for not showing it.

The Sabbat, on the other hand, happily accept their monstrous nature and go for various "alternative" ethical sets, which range from seeing themselves as simply part of nature to seeing themselves as something like the guys in "Highlander," engaged in a fratricidal struggle for power in which diablerie (the drinking of another, stronger vampire's blood and soul) is a sacred act. Not very angsty. Downright cheery, actually-- the Sabbat are noted for doing stuff like playing "cowboys and Indians" with real bullets, in public, in Camarilla cities. They're a real fun-loving bunch.

So-- copycat-ish? Definitely, from all over the vampire genre.

Emo? A bit, sometimes. Seriously angsty characters are likely to annoy their peers.

Brilliant? Absolutely.

lallara zhuul

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Re: WoD Finally revealed
« Reply #44 on: 05 Oct 2010, 03:52 »

*coughs out a cloud of dust*

Back when White Wolf was Lion Rampart it started to publish a story telling game Ars Magica, which is based in Mythic Europe, Europe during the Dark Ages where all the Myth was real.

Mages, Faeries, Demons and Angels.
Shamans and shapeshifters make an appearance as well.

The Mages were actually Magi (plural of latin Magus) that were part of a society called Order of Hermes (which is one of the factions in later Mage products) which comprises of thirteen different houses, from which one has been decimated earlier in a magical civil war. One of these Houses is Tremere which is later on driven out of the Order because most of them turn into Vampires (including the founder of the House.)

After doing couple of editions of Ars Magica they started publishing the Vampire stuff, because people find sucking blood as an immortal emo bastard more appealing than a magus it turned into the bread winner for the White Wolf in the long run.

There was a good try of making a series out of it by Spelling. Linky.
But it did not appeal to the wider audiences enough because WoD is quite slow paced political machinations stuff with layers upon layers of subterfuge and back stabbing. If done right.

White Wolf have been very good at world building when they did their World of Darkness.
Take Sabbat for example, they think they are the wild boys embracing their vampiredom and kicking butt of the stuffy Camarilla, while they are yet another pawn in the game of the really old Vampires ticking away days towards the end of days when the Real Olde Vampires wake up and eat everybody.

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