I still fail to see much support for the "they killed the Achura" thing (for example, if the Achura were discovered by the Fed, they'd likely have been hit much worse).
However, on real estate: "Clever" lease terms allow a fair deal of ruthlessness to be applied. If that's not enough, then sure, the terms for the land might be great... at which point, you might want to buy some power, heat and water. No worries, your local SuVee subsidiary plant will provide all of those at a fair price. Of course, they only accept SuVee scrip. This might be negotiable for other megas or other very large corps, but even smaller "independent" corps and subcontractors would likely have to bend. And once they get the company store hook deep enough, it's just a matter of time until the subcontractor is either pumped dry of capital or bought out to cover the "debts". Ruthless enough?