I've been quite surprised how you split up the Amarrian bloc, I'm not seeing it like that at all. Especially your "Orthodoxes" and putting them in there at the Amarrian center with the Ardishapur is really not how I see the Empire. The Ardishapur are supposed to be out of center leaning towards religious traditions that are not quite in the center anymore.
Maybe I'll work out a subdivision of the political streams as I see them for the Empire. It's not quite easy though as the political landscape of the Empire is actually quite complex.
Other than that, kudos for trying your hand at this.
Yes this is an interesting point and I think I mixed Religious believers (Ardishapur) and Orthodox/Imperialists (the Emperor and public institutions). Ardishapur should indeed be moved next to Tetrimon and the likes, while the Orthodox remain at the center.
Also this is what has always seemed important to me in the Empire : the duality between private powers (Houses, the Privy Council, etc), and public executive powers (The Emperor, the Navy, the TC, the MIO, Imperial Shipment/Armaments, etc etc).