Remember that piece... darned if I know where it went.
Anyway, a few thoughts:
1. Sansha Kuvakei is D-E-A-D. Why do I believe this? Difficult question, but a simple answer, I doubt that the Empires at the time of the war could allow Sansha to live.
2. Sansha Kuvakei is A-L-I-V-E. But not as the
original Sansha. The Sansha that lives to today is the culmination and creation of the living True Slaves that can't go on
without a Sansha. Think about it for a moment please. The True Slaves are completely loyal and completely obedient to Sansha. Without him they can't do a thing to progress and are just stuck doing the same thing, but this doesn't concur with the PF knowledge that the Nation is rebuilding itself. So someone, or something is giving it a direction. The easiest answer to that is that the True Slaves build an image of what and how and who Sansha is and stands for, strives for and just
created a Sansha to follow. For all intends and purposes most True Slaves have accepted this Sansha as
the Sansha. I assume that to ones that create True Power and True Creation are the ones that follow the rebuild Sansha.
3. Sansha Kuvakei is N-O-T Sansha Kuvakei. Following out of number two it presents a split in the Nation, or rather just a sense of direction. On one hand you have the True Slaves that are growing in some direction (whatever that might be) and rebuilding and on the other hand you've got the unaware splinter factions that just rebuild and throw themselves at the 'enemy', or everyone not Nation. The latter are the unreasonable types, or the ones that would raid the Empire, kidnap and turn people and be a general pest and horror. Going further into 0.0 you get the 'adapted' True, who still do exactly the same, but also are growing into some kind of direction. I assume that some True Slave cells have not connected to a new Sansha or are unwilling to do so.
4. Sansha Kuvakei is N-O-T human. Whatever else he might be, a current Sansha would be the sum of the entire Nation and all the knowledge there of. I'm not sure I can even image a person like that. One of the main points of advantage Sansha has is simply networking, in a computer sense. If he needs a plan he can just think it up, send the idea out to literally millions of minds to think about it and come up with a plan the same way. Which would reduce Sansha to basicly the pivotal role in the Nation, he makes the decisions to go ahead with anything, but the actual thinking is done by the True Slaves.
5. Sansha Kuvakei has A plan. I'd pay a 100 billion if I knew what it was.