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That the corp with the most holders of the Kourmonen Campaign medal, handed out by Yonis Ardishapur himself, today reside in PIE?

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Author Topic: "Cribs" - EVE Edition  (Read 9882 times)

Sakura Nihil

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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #45 on: 09 Jun 2017, 10:17 »

Hey, toss some spoiler tags on that :P...


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #46 on: 10 Jun 2017, 14:09 »

Tons and tons of searching on Google, Miz.  Probably half an hour or more for a good picture.

Jev North

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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #47 on: 10 Jun 2017, 15:33 »

Took the time to pound out some proper description, finally.

[spoiler="Folkvangr - Quarters - Reception"]These quarters are in a corner of one of the stubby towers jutting out of the Citadel's main deck. Past the main entrance, the reception area is an expanse of black, gleaming but non-reflective marble, a visual echo of the black of space outside, visible through floor-to-ceiling smartglass.

A path is indicated by more roughly textured marble, leading past a shallow channel running water down the length of the room, and a Zen garden: an irregularly shaped patch of gray pebbles, shaped and raked meticulously into a pattern reminiscent of waves interfering after a stone's skipped over water. More towards the corner, it arrives at the actual reception area, a small bubble of comfort in all of the black emptiness -- a low table with holo-emitters fitted, a couch, what's probably a drinks cabinet, and a few comfortable chairs gathered around; all chrome, black leather, and glass. A branch of the path leads off to a door in the distant wall to the more private areas.

Light in the room is dim, to not drown out the view of space outside, and sound is being played with somehow - the water murmuring down the artificial brook sounds pleasant enough, but footsteps and conversation are muffled beyond a few yards, and don't echo through the large void with of hard surfaces like your ear would expect them to.

[spoiler="Folkvangr - Quarters - Private"]The private sections continue the black marble theme, but are far better lit, and architected on a more human scale. Beyond the entrance, after a short corridor, there's a spacious central sitting area, couches and chairs arranged around a fireplace that's probably holographic. It connects directly to a roomy, well-stocked open kitchen. Its height spans two levels; stairs connect to an elevated walkway around most of the room, more doors on both levels leading off to various subsections.

Among the facilities reachable are an exercise area featuring some machinery and accessories, a punching bag, and a spacious tatami mat; a mini-spa equipped with a modest swimming pool, hot- and cold baths, showers, and a sauna; a comparatively modest master bedroom having little more furniture than a minimally-designed double bed, nightstand, and recessed closets, adjoined by its own spacious bathroom; and two guest sub-suites with their own bed-, bath-, and sitting rooms, although on far smaller scale.

Hard access points are dotted all over the place, and there's a helpful wireless house local network as well. Security, infosec and physical, is undoubtedly present but not immediately apparent. Although meticulously clean and well-maintained, human help is rarely visible, if at all; apparently the house net does have servitor drones or valet service available on request.
Pinocchio forces another handful of flesh into his tiny wooden mouth. "You are what you eat," he sobs. "You are what you eat."

Ria Nieyli

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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #48 on: 11 Jun 2017, 18:07 »

Post updated. Tschuss.


  • Egger
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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #49 on: 12 Jun 2017, 01:06 »

[spoiler=Final Haven]//Final Haven

The Final Haven is a modified Rook Class Cruiser built to function within the upper atmospheres of Gas Giant planets. Extensive modifications to its surface structure exist to create the electromagnetic field required to generate plasma induced lift. Tendrils of high energy particles drift off its stern surface in a mosaic of auroral light.

It is currently in the middle of the eye of a large storm hundreds of kilometres across. The walls of the cyclonic atmosphere boil with thunderous discharges between the banks of silent grey-blue-white clouds.

Access is solely via personal cutter operating within its covert cynosural net. Membership in this channel assumes ability to request a cutter to the Final Haven and its function rooms as a guest.


Final Haven shuttles are designed to function with the integrated cov-ops network of the vessel. Their external design is exactly the same as a Caldari shuttle and entirely non-descript. The interior space is designed to accomodate only six passengers. Dark wood with gold inlay grain is polished to a beeswax sheen that dimly reflects the warm light from overhead alcoves. The carpet is a light grey furrier pelt plush pile.

Seating is arranged four deep armchairs two to each side near the forward section; two four seat sofas further astern on each side -- stitched in white Chantroussi leather. The bathroom is to the rear.

Two Achuran staff stand ready to attend guests with aperetif consisting of:

Foie gras served with passionfruit gelee and chocolate brioche; Crab and smoked bacon consommé; Quail eggs with a white asparagus and parmesan sauce; Oysters blanc de blanc with caramelized pear; Sake kampachi in light miso dressing and radish; Black sesame ice cream with matcha; Candy apple parfait with milk and honey; and Maraschino cherry with brown butter caramel.

Matching wines and other refreshments available on demand.


The stern drone bay of the original Rook hull has been widened to accomodate the greater load of its four cov-ops shuttles. As one steps out of the shuttle one is greeted by a red carpet that leads directly to a security cordon where all guests and luggage are screened for weapons and contraband by four Achuran female staff attired in unassuming black suits.

Decorated in the style reminiscent of a pre-interstellar hotel the floor is a black marble with veins of a rich red-gold running through it. A wide wooden desk topped with granite is staffed with two female Achuran staff in black uniforms.

Two elevators flank the desk.

Final Haven//Dawn In Autumn
Final Haven//In Time I Find You
Final Haven//Exigent Notions
Final Haven//False Parables
Final Haven//Hypogeum in Solitude [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Dawn In Autumn]
//Dawn in Autumn

The former bridge and parts of two decks beneath it have been converted into an open area providing an unrestricted view of the raging skies outside. The flickering dance of lightning illuminating the dark clouds into blue-white flashes of brilliance in a ceaseless procession of light.

The space one enters is dominated by the metres high and wide curved piece of transparent glass that provides the view outside. Beneath one's feet is the single piece of cut and polished circle of diamond twenty metres in diameter that is the floor. The walls curve inwards like an observatory. Panelled in ebony and traced out in filligrees of liquid platinum that shift and twist in slow undulations of natural patterns: thorns, vines, and leaves.

Above holographic leaves fall, brown and red, until they hit the diamond floor and metamorphasize into different species of butterflies in an array of patterns and colours that slowly drift around and upwards only to fall dead as leaves back down.

The furniture is an eclectic mix of different divans, settees, chaises, sofas and ottomans of varying styles and upholstery arranged with apparently little rhyme or reason but with each providing ample opportunity to take in the scenery outside and within.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=In Time I Find You]//In Time I Find You

As one enters the aquarium the first view is the arch of glass one finds themselves in permitting a view of the aquatic life on display. The ecosystem appears to be some kind of reef with multi-coloured layers of coral that creates a vision of some kind of marine metropolis populated with fish in a bloom of life and colour.

Among them swim Achuran mermaids, black hair floating as they flick their iridescent scaled tails -- a close observation and they don't seem to be costumes -- naked from the waist up. Their bodies twisting and contorting as they at times begin to partake in acts of blatant pleasure for anyone to see.

Further inside the corridor widens into what appears to be a replica of a grotto. Small tidal pools and rock. At the center a wider pool where at times Achuran mermaids would sit and talk to each other, laughing, when not engaged in some indecency among themselves. Here bleached coral with dried sponges take on some facsimilies for seats to watch, if not partaking in a swim.[/spoiler]

Jason Galente

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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #50 on: 12 Jun 2017, 05:45 »

So you DID make it up for their visit! ^^

If that was made more or less quickly, I am very impressed by the detail and imagination of the place. Even if it wasn't, I'm still impressed. Nice job Veik!


  • Egger
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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #51 on: 12 Jun 2017, 10:14 »

So you DID make it up for their visit! ^^

If that was made more or less quickly, I am very impressed by the detail and imagination of the place. Even if it wasn't, I'm still impressed. Nice job Veik!

Yeah, I woke up an remembered I had that RP so had to knock some stuff up quickly in about an hour.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Utari Onzo

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Re: "Cribs" - EVE Edition
« Reply #52 on: 23 Jun 2017, 15:25 »

So Utari now lives on Garion's estate. The 'crib' is chopped into several rooms, so, here goes...

[spoiler=Work Area]Located half a mile behind the main Manor House of the Avarr Family Estate on Hibi III, this screened off work area is a motley collection of white-wash walled buildings, arranged around a series of open yards and service roads.

Exiting from a large service terminal for the estate's underground rail network, various barns, stables, kennels, greenhouses and a few cottages can be seen around the visitor. Goods are ferried from the terminal to the Manor House proper, or around the immediate grounds on hovertrucks.

One cottage stands out among all the others, with a sign on the front visibly denoting it for the "Stud Manager". It's located near to what appears to be a very secure building for kennels (complete with ocassional barking from Slaver Hounds), as well as some stables for newly aquired horses.

The weather within this part of the Estate can be described as between semi-arid and temperate, and fairly warm. A small number of cultivated hills can be seen, falling off into wide, open plains.[/spoiler]

[Spoiler=Cottage Entrance]The Stud Manager's cottage stands proudly before any visitor, square on to the eyes and with a minimal exterior for its front. A gold plague by the front door denotes the building for the Estate's Stud Manager, along with the name "Utari Onzo" below it in smaller text. Moving around the building, a long, high wall stretches back from each side along its rear, hiding what one might assume to be the garden.

Passing through the front door, a visitor would be confronted with a small visitor's area, decked with comfortable chairs, a water cooler and a tea and coffee dispenser. Three doors lead further on.

The door to the left, with a smaller matching plaque to that outside, leads into a modern and fully furnished office with two desks. One desk is set near the door, and during work hours is staffed by the secretary, a middle aged Khanid male by the name of "Tirjin." The other desk, set towards the rear of the room and with two extra chair set infront is for Utari. The walls are covered in various holo-screens displaying information, important calendar dates and the like.

The door to the right leads off into a simple kitchen for the office area. Sink, kettle, cuboards and fridge-freezer for provisions, cups and plates. Everything a two-man team requires for the basics.

The door to the front leads on to the Interior cottage living quarters proper. It's a sturdy door, with a biometric lock and a chime, likely treated as the main 'front door' for the cottage section.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Cottage Livingroom]Passing in from the Cottage entrance, the interior widens out to a large living room. White-wash walls, matching the exterior, with black highlights dominate the furnishings. Couches and coffee tables dominate most of the space, with a single large holo-screen on one wall.

A black, square table sits in the middle of the room. It's thick, with sturdy looking legs, and a faint grey circle in the middle. The top surface almost looks to be covered in glass. The entire set up looks modular, with small holes in the sides revealing it can be added to. Two chairs in matching style are set out opposite each other.

To one side of the room is a set of stairs, leading to the bedrooms. To another, a series of large open face cabinets, divided into box grids, stand. Each section in the grid contains a wooden teabox, a different variety of leaf inside. Dotted around the room are some framed scripture quotations, along with holopictures of Utari's Father, Mother, his brother Miguel and family, and Utari's Grandmother.

Leading off from the living room via an open doorway is the kitchen. It's small and cosy, likely due to the sheer size of the living room which dominates most of the space of the floor. Dogbowls are set out, which clearly have seen plenty of use here.

A set of double doors lead out to the garden.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Cottage Upstairs]Coming up from the living room via the stairs, visitors would be greeted by a short corridor with three bedrooms and a bathroom.

The first bedroom appears to be a guestroom, with double bed, cabinet and a small wardrobe for any overnight visitors. An ensuite toilet is provided for the room.

The second bedroom appears to not be a bedroom at all, but instead seems to have been co-opted as a study. Several bookshelves line the walls, bottles of hard liquor and a few glasses sit in a cabinet near to the deck and there's the distinct smell of old cigarette smoke and booze in the air, despite the building's climate control's best efforts.

The bathroom is spacious enough for use, with bathtub, toilet, shower and cupboards for towels and robes.

The final bedroom is the master bedroom, complete with ensuite toilet, a small workdesk for the workaholic owner and large walk in wardrobe filled with various suits and outfits. There are two dog beds set to one side, with the names "Ebony" and "Scruffy" written on them respectfully.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Garden]Stepping out from the cottage via the double doors, visitors will be welcomed by a deceptively large garden divided into two clear sections. The first one to walk through appears to be a relaxation area, with outdoor seating and hot tub and a small, minimalist shrine for prayer. A candle might occasionally be seen ontop of the shrine, likely obtained from the small bin filled with them set close to hand.

Further on from the relaxation area is an open lawn with flower beds, kept rigourously maintained. The shed towards the end likely contained various tools for gardening, possibly a barbeque and other assorted garden nick-nacks.

The entire perimetre of the garden is surrounded by a high fence, and a wall behind that, to ensure maximum privacy for the residents and guests.[/spoiler]
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