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That all Blood Raider commanders receive substantial theological training as well? (The Burning Life, p. 56)

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Author Topic: Dev Actors  (Read 17389 times)

Norrin Ellis

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #15 on: 04 Dec 2012, 06:10 »

I doubt the dev actor left because he was trolled. If he did, that actually seems rather ridiculous to me, and I don't blame the trolls either.

EVE has been nurtured and fostered as a majority community of trolls. Trolling CCP is nothing new ingame. Dev actors get shot at, CCP fleets get smacked in local, and the forums are a cesspool... yet CCP seems to often encourage this behavior, oftentimes by trolling alongside players.

Why should they expect a pristine and perfect community in RP? I wouldn't understand why the RP community would be held to such lofty and strict standards by the very developers who have not only fostered this community, but also take part in it with their unofficial accounts.

If the dev actor ran away with his tail tucked between his legs because he got trolled in the Summit, boo-freaking-hoo. Grow some thick skin and put up your IC fisticuffs. If someone is really acting out of line, the Summit mods will step in.

Keep in mind I'm not defending trolls. I'm criticizing whoever that actor was for leaving 'because they got trolled', if indeed that is the reason.

I don't think the RP community should have to 'behave' any more than they usually do just because it's a dev actor.

It was Falcon, and what he actually said was that he was interested in RPing in Summit, but the lack of intelligent responses sort of turned him off, so he wandered off to do something productive.  I think that was a pretty fair response, given that only the idiots responded, so there didn't seem to be an immediate interest in his actor services.

NISYN Aelisha

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #16 on: 04 Dec 2012, 07:31 »

Bit unfair to brand those of us who merely said 'Hello' as idiots.

Norrin Ellis

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #17 on: 04 Dec 2012, 07:56 »

Bit unfair to brand those of us who merely said 'Hello' as idiots.

Sorry, I excluded the idle pleasantries in my evaluation of responses.  To be fair, a couple people did offer a friendly hello, as I recall.  Substantive content, however, was pretty limited to the aforementioned idiots.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #18 on: 04 Dec 2012, 08:47 »

This is why we can't have nice things.


Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #19 on: 04 Dec 2012, 12:30 »

I like ya Falcon, but c'mon man... you knew what to expect going into the Summit. :|

Karmilla Strife

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #20 on: 04 Dec 2012, 14:41 »

While I'm sure the dev actors get trolled in local as well, I think maybe RPers should remember that we're a very small minority and that coming to us instead of Dodixie chat, was a courtesy. I know a lot of RP seems to consist of marginalizing everyone else for being new/different faction/no portrait/etc. That's fine, I do it too. Still, dev actors are a rare treat for us, so maybe we should be more supportive. I know it was just a stinky gallente actor, but when your chosen fanboy/girl faction gets represented in something like this, you'd be upset if you missed out. 

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #21 on: 04 Dec 2012, 15:00 »

So this wasn't even IC trolling based on IC issues, it was trolling because of server portrait update issues?


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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #22 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:00 »

Lovely to see the Eve RP community in it's finest form, somehow managing to create entire fowlfarms out of a feather. The sheer hunger for things to drama about must be endless. Now how about someone who was actually involved provides a couple of details before the lynchmob gets too much momentum, shall we?

Jin Otsito, a relatively fresh egger spots something new and potentially interesting. Someone with no profile picture. She points this out with a bit of mirth, then as there's no answer fills the silence with a few terribly bad puns on face. Mostly they're even so bad they don't qualify as puns, instead just using the word face in appropriate spots in her statements.

There was no trolling. There was no teasing. There was no derisiveness or taunts. There was no hostility. There was nothing but a little bad and silly humor. In fact, let me dig up the logs for you ladies and gentlemen.

Quote from: The Summit on 03.12.2012
[ 2012.12.03 17:08:46 ] Anderes Duellene > Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:09:12 ] Solarienne > Sasieni
 [ 2012.12.03 17:09:52 ] Jinari Otsito > Did you know you have no face?
 [ 2012.12.03 17:10:13 ] Lasairiona > /emote giggles, "Hello."
 [ 2012.12.03 17:11:44 ] Scherezad > "Um, hello, sir. My, uh, my deepest, um. Condolences."
 [ 2012.12.03 17:12:19 ] Jinari Otsito > Don't get too misty, I'm sure he can find his face someday.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:12:34 ] Jinari Otsito > Or has something happened, maybe?
 [ 2012.12.03 17:15:30 ] Scherezad > "Um, the, the events at, um, Evaulon."
 [ 2012.12.03 17:15:41 ] Jinari Otsito > Ah. I suppose he lost face.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:16:02 ] Lasairiona > /emote waves, "Hi Schere."
 [ 2012.12.03 17:16:31 ] Scherezad > "Um, he, he lost, um, a lot more. Than, um, face. Oh, um, hello."
 [ 2012.12.03 17:16:54 ] Dardalou Tokila > He might have lost his face and honor after the mentioned events?
 [ 2012.12.03 17:17:05 ] Jinari Otsito > Well, I'm sure the Serpents will show themselves for a... face off.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:18:35 ] Lasairiona > I think you scared him off.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:19:00 ] Jinari Otsito > And I didn't even have to make a scary face.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:20:01 ] Anderes Duellene > Perhaps I'll return later, when conversation reaches the appropriate level of maturity for what I have to say.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:20:06 ] Anderes Duellene > Good evening, pilots.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:20:14 ] Anderes Duellene > /emote disconnects
 [ 2012.12.03 17:20:41 ] Jinari Otsito > Hmm. Would have thought he could face worse than that.
 [ 2012.12.03 17:23:20 ] Lasairiona > /emote groans and shakes her head.

So as you can see, quite clearly, there was no trolling. There was a character acting perfectly IC in a slightly silly way. Frankly, having seen what can go on without comment in The Summit, this is Shakespearean prose. I have in the short life-span of Jinari seen people get farted on(!) for christ's sake. I also have yet to spot any rules against jokes or bad humor. If the above isn't acceptable, I'm going to have to go ahead and ask the moderators to look over this thread, because it's getting dangerously close to urdoinitrong which the rules do in fact prohibit.

As for CCP Falcon, calling paying subscribers stupid (exact word used) for RPing with his actor without going stoneface serious business right off the bat, I find quite unacceptable from an official representative of CCP. Players in moderator positions and such get some leeway for being simply that. Players in voluntary positions. Official CCP representatives should act more professional in my opinion.

Don't worry, though. I'll leave the Summit to the completely serious business that is the hallmark of the channel while there's Yellow there, shall I?

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #23 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:10 »

Just because one 'can' do something doesn't mean it's a good idea.

It might be worth swallowing some pride about being the center of attention and letting the actor do his thing for a bit. 

Actor appearances in player channels are rare enough that it wouldn't kill you relax and let it play out a bit before shitting on him for ooc non-issues.

A better question might be weather those sorts of comments enriched the interaction and encouraged more participation from ccp in our neglected corner of the pool, or made the rest of us look terribly stupid.


  • Clonejack
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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #24 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:17 »

"OoC Non-issues"? So there's been a council somewhere declaring that part of Eve to not exist IC, has there? My sincere apologies, there's apparently a newsletter I've yet to see. Secondly, there was no "shitting". There was an amused remark with neither vitriol nor fecal matter attached. Of course, you're already quite invested in the rage-momentum in this thread so there's very little that could sway you either way so there's very little point in trying. It is however rather telling to see the "urdoinitrong" implicit in your posts.

The actor entered a roleplaying channel. People roleplayed at him. This should not have come as a surprise.
Unless of course, it is some unwritten rule that only serious business is ever allowed.


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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #25 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:17 »

Sorry, but "Did you know you have no face?" does not rank high on my list of the most brilliant things I have ever heard. :|

If I had spend hours on preparations and had other work to do, I too would likely cut conversation short if met by that one.
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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #26 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:20 »

Sorry, but "Did you know you have no face?" does not rank high on my list of the most brilliant things I have ever heard. :|

If I had spend hours on preparations and had other work to do, I too would likely cut conversation short if met by that one.

Was hardly intended to be brilliant. Not all characters in Eve are or intend to be geniuses, comedic or otherwise.
Again, point me to the rule about bad humor not being allowed.


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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #27 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:22 »

CCP sets the rules at whatever they want. That has always been case, whether it is banning you or ignoring you during live events.
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  • Clonejack
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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #28 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:24 »

CCP sets the rules at whatever they want. That has always been case, whether it is banning you or ignoring you during live events.

1. It wasn't a live event. An actor entered a channel. Got RP'd at.
2. I was talking about the Summit rules. Point out any that I broke, please.


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Re: Dev Actors
« Reply #29 on: 04 Dec 2012, 16:29 »

1. Whenever a CCP actor enters the stage in game it qualifies as a live event.

2. Did you get banned from the Summit?

Edit: Ha, CCP has created a whole new sub forum dedicated to Live Events. Guess all questions can be answered there.
« Last Edit: 04 Dec 2012, 16:46 by Myyona »
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