So, it seems i haven't responded to this one yet...
here goes.
Well, this guy was originally created as an industrialist. I had intended to make another character as my mission runner but that didn't pan out at the time.
his name, a simple play on word sounds. I-AM-A-ROCK ....
Yuni... (Unit XS365BT)
ah.. Yuni.. everyone's favourite dronelady. well.. her name is simply a drone designation. I liked the sound of the characters i used... that and it sent people off on a wild goose chase for a while, trying to figure out what it could have meant.
Dilaro Thagriin.
Originally created simply to be a placeholder keeping my brother's corporation (Brother's Intensive Fighting Team Air... or BIFTA) up and running, his name was... fitting to the corporation. sadly he has now passed on. (the character. not my brother.
Toluijin Chagangan
As another thread in this section states, I wanted to make a new matari character and have a name that fit a tribal and nomadic people. The first people that came to mind when i looked at various pics of Vherokior characters were the mongolian people... they also seemed to fit the matari story quite well... so i looked into their naming structure and made up some names.
'Mirror of White Steel' sounded like a warrior-esque name. so there it is.