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That the higher levels of space stations are restricted to the elite, with capsuleers occupying the very top decks? (The Burning life p. 73)

Author Topic: [Character] Michael Dray  (Read 15925 times)


  • Clonejack
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[Character] Michael Dray
« on: 07 May 2022, 23:39 »

Name: Michael Dray
Clone Age: Unknown, assumed to be maintained in his mid-30s
True Age: Unknown
Height: 185cm
Weight: 86Kg
Eye Color: Hazel
Ethnicity: Gallente
Vocal Range: baritone
Affiliated Corporation: Signal Cartel
Theme Song:

Personality: quiet and reserved, albeit highly assertive on occasion

Public Summary (i.e. what is commonly known of him)
Michael Dray is, put simply, a cipher. He has no memory of his life prior to becoming a capsuleer, and there are only basic records of him in Concord's data warehouses. All that is known for sure is that a great deal of ISK was spent by parties unknown to fast-track him through the Federation's capsuleer program.

Originally prone to mild antisocial behavior, approximately one year after he acquired his pilot's license, Dray disappeared into w-space. He returned a changed man. He immediately paid for housing for all extended families of his crewmembers and singlehandedly liberated several slave caches, to whom he gave enough to ISK to resettle comfortably within the Federation.

At the same time, his actions have angered several organizations, from local slave lords to certain powerful corps (including the Goonswarm Federation, who pursued him but failed to destroy his ship after he violated their territory for reasons unknown). The only thing that has forestalled his arrest is his stance of largely peaceful operations in New Eden. While many suspect him of being some sort of spy for his unknown sponsors, his crew remain deeply impressed by his humanitarian, albeit reserved demeanor.

Contacts: Friends, Enemies
* Menandi Illat: Brutor Female, Age 31 // Occupation: Smuggler
A former slave, Menandi was rescued by Michael from an Angel Cartel station along with her son Stefan. Michael helped her to re-settle in the Gallente federation where she has taken up the role of a blockade runner to help free her fellow Minmatar. Michael and Menandi's exact relationship remains uncertain, but the two may be developing feelings for each other.

* Sheng Salihatu: Khanid Male Capsuleer, Age Unknown // Occupation: Fixer
Cultured, mysterious, and ruthless, Sheng is the factotem for several illicit organizations. He prides himself on being able to get anything for anyone. A master blackmailer, he finds the concept of loyalty to be trite and prefers the use of strategic leverage to ensure his clients are never cheated by greedy and unscrupulous underlings. This has led him to be universally feared in the criminal underworld.

Classified Summary (what is not known even to him, but could potentially be discovered in the course of play)
Michael is a construct, the result of an experiment by a renegade faction of the Jove Empire (code-named "Stiletto") to create a new race of immortals. In addition, he is only the first of many of these "artificial" capsuleers that wait to enter New Eden from their construction facility in unknown space.

As one of the early models of the project, Michael was first plagued with paranoia and delusions of persecution. Along with several others of his kind, he participated in the wanton destruction of his creators' task force. But due to aggressive AI-based reconfiguration, Michael's memory of the massacre was wiped from his mind prior to insertion into the Concord database. He and several others were quietly inserted into New Eden to begin their careers.

However, echoes of his previous experiences gradually began to resurface. Working through underworld contacts, survivors of the Stiletto experiment lured Michael to a secret facility beyond New Eden where his mind was repaired. He was subsequently re-released, and upon returning to New Eden, he exhibited none of his prior mental instabilities.

The ultimate purpose behind Project Stilletto remains unknown.
« Last Edit: 09 May 2022, 20:06 by Shocksong »


  • Clonejack
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Re: [Character] Michael Dray
« Reply #1 on: 09 May 2022, 20:07 »

Added some supporting caste members to allow some inter-character dynamics.