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That Blood Raider recruits are trained in close-quarters combat before tactics and starship combat? (The Burning Life, p. 54)

Author Topic: YC120 Pod and Planet Fiction Contest is up and running.  (Read 1731 times)


  • Prophet of New Eden
  • Demigod
  • Offline Offline
  • Posts: 2545
  • The Truth will make ye Fret.

Eve Fiction forum thread.
Pod and Planet website.

66 Billion total in prizes, low barrier to entry. Let's go folks, let's see you post quality Eve fiction. Rules and regulations are on the linked website.


  • Guest

No way to upvote here, so I just want to echo Miz. Even if you don't write Eve fanfic, or write regularly at all; just bang out words, bounce ideas off colleagues, and submit something. Start small and see where it goes.

Go go go!