Something I've been thinking about recently, is player-made planets and the life-forms encountered thereon.
What would you say is too implausible for a player-made planet ?
Canon examples, are Sarum Prime III, Mekhios, which was "home to several sub-sapient species that scientists believe may have one day evolved intelligence if allowed a few more million years of development."
And the non-Terran lifeforms of the Hanging-Long-Limb, and the Fedo.
Which of the things in the poll would you consider to be implausible ?
Mutant humans would be human populations who have naturally changed due to environmental conditions on their planet. The Ealurians might be considered one of these, depending on your point of view.
Gene-o-manced humans would be human populations who have been deliberately altered in some way, by either existing or extinct civilisations.
Civilised aliens would be your Star Trek rubber forehead types. Personally, I'm not a fan of such in the EVE setting - humans are the alien monsters, etc, etc, grimdark.
Intelligent xeno-animals would be creatures, not necessarily from Terran ancestry, that can be trained as individuals to a significant degree - I'm thinking along the lines of parrots who can be trained to talk and are capable of complex thought, but as a species, do not have anything like a civilisation.