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Author Topic: [Character] Haru'kai Vidaraltyr  (Read 2425 times)

Haruchai Vidaraltyr

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[Character] Haru'kai Vidaraltyr
« on: 08 Aug 2015, 06:22 »

Born during a five-day sandstorm that had trapped his family caravan in the deepest Sobaki desert, Haru'kai’s arrival coincided with the lessening of the storm, and its cessation some hours later. This was taken as a good omen, and the young boy was frequently called upon to help with rituals to moderate the weather, which occurred more successfully than one might imagine. The elders of the Vherokior felt certain the young Vidaraltyr heir would develop into an influential mystic and his early education reflected this desired path.

However, the Vidaraltyrim had long been prominent in tribal politics, particularly in the clan councils of the Vherokior. His father, Aslann, had been elected to the Republic Parliament, and to his mind, his son was expected to follow.

At the age of ten, Haru'kai was sent to live with a distant cousin on Gallente Prime, returning home only for Voluval. To great satisfaction among the elderly wise, he received the Stars of the Wanderer mark, sign of a new Pathfinder for the family, though bridging between the circles of stars was the Scorpion, seen as the symbol of justice for the desert clans. Whilst this unusual combination was still being energetically discussed, his cousin Sianna’c underwent her own Voluval and to general astonishment, received the Stars of the Wanderer as well. Two Pathfinders in one generation was unheard of, and after a council long into the night; so long that the fires went out through lack of new fuel; it was deemed a powerful omen and the two cousins immediately betrothed. Sianna’c’s tattoo had the stars bridged with a flame, and this was generally agreed to be a sign of safety and weal. Thus, she was designated to succeed as family matriarch whenever the time came. Haru’kai’s destiny was less clear, but a wrong should be righted for his Fate.

Returning to the Federation for some time away from those incense filled tents of the family, steeped in tradition, duty and ancient spirits, the young man continued his interest in politics and law, studying constitutional law and political anthropology at the University of Caille. His studies culminated in his doctoral paper on ‘Political Epigenetics in the Evolution of Nascent States’, widely considered as an impressive benchmark for a future career as a politician.

Meanwhile, Aslann Vidaraltyr was making quite an impact as a parliamentary whip for, and supporter of, the Ray of Matar, Karin Midular. With Haru'kai’s thesis being officially noted in a debate reported by Republican Proceedings, the young theoretician’s path into politics seemed assured.

Oft-times, it seems that nothing is written. The Voluval gathering had deeply impacted Haru'kai on a spiritual level, and provoked much reflection on his heritage as a tribal mystic. He had come to understand family honour and kinship obligations as something greater than simply things due to blood-kin alone. All the signs were in his work, had his father only read more than the sections he agreed with. Haru'kai saw a higher honour, a greater obligation reflected in service to Matari unity. He could also see that blame, self-interest and even tribal loyalties were already undermining the Republican project.

Now convinced that without a record of service and sacrifice for this greater vision, his political ideas would be amusement at best, Haru'kai informed his father that he intended to serve in the Republic Fleet rather than enter Parliament until such time as he felt he could look any veteran in the eye.

“What do you want to be a naval officer for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find in space. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics."

The major’s father, Aslann, arguing his son should follow family tradition.

As a cadet in the Military School, he was noted for a remarkable ability to manage conflict and resolve seemingly intractable problems with wit, intellect and insight. Some who knew his upbringing whispered that this was born from the same mystical place as when he seemed to calm the very weather. Others, less spiritually minded, cynically reflected on a gifted politician’s ability to seem all things to all people, and looked past the charm when they could. Some even rather cruelly speculated on just how much Krusual blood had made it into the famously insular Vidaraltyrim.

On passing out, he was immediately co-opted to act for his father and the Prime Minister’s office as military attaché on diplomatic missions to the Ammatar, negotiating secretly on many occasions to bring the Nefantar back into the Republic mainstream. On board ship, he would usually be assigned to the post of tactical negotiator, supporting his ship’s captain in assessing risk and defusing conflict when necessary.

On one such assignment, his shuttle was caught by frigate fleet of unknown allegiance. Haru'kai was badly wounded as his ship came under sustained attack. He barely survived, his face badly burned and his left eye and arm destroyed. During the extensive surgery required, genetic testing revealed his capsuleer compatibility and reports made to the Fleet hierarchy.

After long hospitalisation and a cybernetic graft, Haru'kai returned to the Republic Fleet only to discover that times were changing all too rapidly. Aslann’s star was already falling along with that of the Prime Minister. Haru'kai was not openly considered for Fleet military operations but set to work on further secret negotiations with the Mandate as Midular sought to hasten her agenda. Of course, to most it appeared that he had been isolated and reduced to desk duties. He began considering retirement and entering politics early, but one night, a stark and urgent warning came from his betrothed to stay where he was in the Mandate. Sianna’c had received a vision and he was in terrible danger.

That night, his father was assassinated along with many other parliamentarians and denounced as an Amarr puppet. Haru’kai resigned his commission and fled to the Federation to meet his cousin and many members of the family. Sianna’c and he were married a month later.

Haru’kai started work in the Gallente Police Department and decided to begin his capsuleer training in earnest, whilst Sianna’c developed a significant business in geological analysis, using her pathfinding talents to find rare deposits of minerals that were impervious to technological survey. The family began to thrive once more, and shortly their daughter, Kai’hautu, was born.

“We thought about it for a long time. ‘Endeavour to persevere,’ they told us. And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the Empire.”

The major’s grandfather, Korik, campfire tales.

The Sanmatar, Maleatu Shakor, had no time for parliamentary-minded republicans but after some years of stability, the Tribal Council set aside all sentences – implied or actual – of exile. Representations to and by clan and tribal gatherings eventually cleared Aslann and many others of conspiracy. Those identified in the records as capsuleer material were especially needed, and Haru’kai and the Vidaraltyrim were summoned back to the campfires of the Vherokior. Many pipes were smoked and campfires cooled to ashes before Sianna’c directed that the family’s path indeed led back to the Republic and the deserts of home.

Haru'kai was cross-commissioned with the rank of major into the Republic Justice Department where he was sponsored to finish his preliminary studies and sent to the Republic Military School for final graduation as a capsuleer. During this time, several men – some of whom were thought to have been involved in the parliamentary assassinations – resisted arrest by bludgeoning their faces and ribcages on a RJD issued service boot and then flinging themselves off a very high building.

Haru'kai continues to believe in a democratic Republic of unity and strength - a more liberal and inclusive political structure than the Sanmatar’s Tribal Council. Still strongly spiritual, he is passionate about tribal identities but believes that the abolition of slavery and the victory against Imperial ambition can only be fully achieved through internal diplomacy and unity, as they are too often divided on ways forward and methods to be used, and thus appear weak against the Amarr Empire and it’s unwavering, devotional faith. The Ray of Matar remains a strong influence on his vision. He is part of a circle working on a written Tribal Constitutional document.

Haru'kai’s wealth as a capsuleer enables the family to immerse itself in its ancient mystical heritage. His wife, Sianna’c, follows the path that might have been his if the scorpion had not touched the stars: that of mystic, reflector and healer. They are both accomplished throat singers, blending into an unearthly harmony that often brings the listener to their laments for the ancestors to tears of nostalgia and longing. They share many things, not least a devotion to the ancient art of Vherokior tea-ritual and its intricate clan-specific ceremonies.  He has made a solemn vow to his beloved that he will end his ‘immortal’ life the moment her own spirit chooses to follow the starlight so that together, they will join the stars to light the way of another thousand generations of Pathfinder.

And in the cold depths of space, he remembers that rain comes to the desert when their daughter dances. No-one can be certain as to why.
« Last Edit: 25 Dec 2017, 17:16 by Haruchai Vidaraltyr »

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Haruchai Vidaraltyr 'Khan'
« Reply #1 on: 08 Aug 2015, 06:31 »

This forum needs a like button too. Your IGS posts are solid and the background is very interesting.

Haruchai Vidaraltyr

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Re: [Character] Haruchai Vidaraltyr 'Khan'
« Reply #2 on: 08 Aug 2015, 06:39 »

Thank you. Although if they are, it's very much due to you (and several others) offering kind and helpful advice and ensuring I didn't continue making too many mistakes. Much appreciated.

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: [Character] Haruchai Vidaraltyr 'Khan'
« Reply #3 on: 08 Aug 2015, 08:21 »

I'm not so sure about having fought U'K with a splinter group from the Defiants. That would seem to run counter to what any U'K pilot would remember about events. Bear in mind U'K is a capsuleer alliance and doesn't have any conventional forces under it's command.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

Haruchai Vidaraltyr

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Re: [Character] Haruchai Vidaraltyr 'Khan'
« Reply #4 on: 09 Aug 2015, 02:32 »

I'm not so sure about having fought U'K with a splinter group from the Defiants. That would seem to run counter to what any U'K pilot would remember about events. Bear in mind U'K is a capsuleer alliance and doesn't have any conventional forces under it's command.

Thank you for the advice. I will adjust the backstory to take account of this information.

Haruchai Vidaraltyr

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Re: [Character] Haru'kai Vidaraltyr
« Reply #5 on: 25 Dec 2017, 17:12 »

For transparency's sake, I note that I have adjusted some of Haru'kai's backstory in the light of a couple of years' playing EvE - and a break where I got to read up a little more on lore - and thus to downplay some of the elements that I find a tad embarrassing now - ie too much direct involvement in important events and personalities. The key parts are the same, and I have expanded on some sections such as the voluval ceremony and his relationship with Sianna'c.

I suppose it qualifies as a 'retconn' but hopefully not in a bad way.  :D

Silver Night

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Re: [Character] Haru'kai Vidaraltyr
« Reply #6 on: 26 Dec 2017, 00:46 »

I think we've all had to do a bit of that after a year or two. Glad to see you're still around!