Today's update brings quite a bit of stuff with it. Added a placeholder for Part 4 (which will take place next week and will be organized by Haria Haritimado), a couple news features by Jandice Ymladris, and some other small tidbits. Furthermore, the next two raids can be expected to take place both on this coming weekend, or perhaps one this weekend and the other the following weekend.
As an aside, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to Haria for stepping up and helping to contribute to the story itself. Kat mentioned in a post earlier that we would be more than willing to allow involvement from different characters, simply evemail us in-game. I'm looking forward to Haria's event, as it will also be a nice break for me.
I would also like to thank Jandice for the news features. It should be noted that if any other news organizations would like to obtain information to post articles about, feel free to evemail Kat and myself. The news features by Jandice do include information that may not be readily available to those who were not physically present at the events those of you who are interested in following along are encouraged to read through them to understand what is happening with the story.
That is all for now folks, looking forward to hosting another raid(s) some time this weekend!