So I've been wanting to get a bit more into RP and general playing for a while but the ennui is a difficult beast to conquer. I'm looking for some ideas and motivation if possible.
Drak has been around for a while. He's gone from loyal Amarrian subject to fighting against the empire. He's got a pretty good interest in Ni-Kunni history and freedom but he's really mellowed out to the point of almost not caring about much of anything any more. He's dabbled in just about everything, started off a Scientist, became a mission runner then combat pilot, then industrialist, then trader, then random dude who doesn't wear a shirt and occasionally shoots off ill considered quips in the summit.
In game, I'm looking to move OUT of the Great Wildlands as I've been stuck in a rut for years now. In character I'm looking for some ideas on how to make him both more enjoyable to play as well as more interesting to interact with.
Ideas, commandments, thoughts, ill considered quips?