Well there is an inherent difficult in locking yourself into an archetype that *never varies*. The most vocal examples are not the only ones. A character that never changes or grows will become inherently stagnant. Even if its the most beautiful crystal rose or china doll of a character that's cool and awesome and whatever to everyone else in the whole wide world, never changing is also boring as hell to do. IDK why Silas lost those award winning vineyards, but I wouldn't be surpised of part of it was Silas' player went "I feel like doing this" - whether it was inherent in background from the get-go, incorporated with hindsight masterminding (Its possible she could have been planning this all along / she's always been like this so lets shoehorn that in), or inspired by other players.
Ari can and does get boring to play. End of story. The fact that I am pretty officially alone in being a relatively (with a broad useage of the term relative) "mainstream" Amarrian priest to the point that Imperial Amarrians will consult her in a pinch (primarily because of the lack of Imperial priests left playing, period, who haven't swan-dived off of one deep end or another) has probably done the opposite of what it does with most people -- instead of leaving the situation because it is lonely, I'm staying because it feels necessary.
Morwen is also indeed now a Kingdom loyalist, and I believe a Kingdom resident. The two of us have amazing tea parties.
In more disconnected sections of the Khanid RP Community I'm already hilariously aware of a few of their leanings through IC knowledge cause I've clique-hopped a bit.
But in general people want to both socialize and segregate simultaneously, therefore with 1,2 or even say 3 Khanid loyalists, "Party is small and boring, I'm leaving".