(idk what to name any thread ever so don't judge..also i never know were to put it exactly)
Hi! its me fooly jones, i came to this forum again to leave a somewhat of a goodbye message (like anybody cares really)
Now its came to realizing that the silliness i brought with Foley has finally if not already gotten old with the community
When i first did some weird shit with foley i slowly found out that yes i can be a lol factor and that you guys welcomed it but i then i slowly realized thats my only real trait with this character as i can make people laugh, so i aimed for that at all times, as its kinda a ego stroke to me, to make people laugh, i feel good when i make someone laugh at anything
so i kept at it, but then i slowly received more flak for choices i decided to make in order to make theses laughs in but i think its gotten to the point were foley is no longer funny and is rather than a complete annoyance
Thus is the the fact that foley is seen as a push over, for the sake of seriousness i wanted him to come off as a crazed individual to explain why he does theses silly things, i wanted to put somewhat fear into other's hearts but i never could play the guy like i pictured, i dont know if it was due to my lack of skill in that persona or a bad crowd,
A lot suggested i should change how foley acts, but its to late and nobody would give him a chance, so why bother? at the moment hes such a push over i have to get out of conversations as i receive flak for opening my mouth, so i can never truly show a change in character, so my character cannot change, also because there would be no reasoning behidn it, the deranged psycho all of a sudden becoming sane?
But what im saying is that it seems no one is longer having fun with this character that does not involve being just a punching bag for people "Higher on the social ladder" and it seems that i come off more as a troll then a actual role player, this is not what i wish, so i believe my time is done in the role play community, as i don't wish to troll anyone thus annoying them OOCly and ICly
So Fly safe suppose friends o/ may we meet again