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that "Operation Trinity Vanguard" was the code name for the defense of the Incursions in Anyed, Antem and Imya. The Anti-Incursion fleets contisted over 800 pilots from CVA, KotMC, Moira., Star Fraction, FCORD, SYNE Coalition and countless other corps and alliances.

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Author Topic: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar  (Read 9209 times)

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #15 on: 29 Aug 2014, 04:58 »

As I said: I think that there were different gender roles envisioned in the original sketch of the Empire, but I don't think it implied that women couldn't wear armor at all. That's why I said that historically there were lots of societies which had quite crisp distinction between the male and the female role in society, where females were none the less wearing armor and using weapons - and were sometimes even seen as the more fierce warriors (sometimes to the point where the society tried to restrict female access to martial aspects, because they feared the forces that could be unleashed, then).

Who knows what PF really is supposed to be ?
My honest opinion is that even CCP lost track of that, probably quite early in EVE's development. It's fluff for them, not an integral or important part of the game.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #16 on: 29 Aug 2014, 06:00 »

Out of curiosity, what societies are you thinking of ? I find the subject rather interesting.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #17 on: 29 Aug 2014, 06:59 »

Mostly ancient cultures of the fertile crescent.


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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #18 on: 03 Sep 2014, 14:20 »

It might be hard for ME and my position of male privilege  to imagine a female Amarrian in a suit of armour though.

Yes, that's quite true.

Amarr is a society 9000 years in the future. That society might have some backwards interpretations on things such as slavery, but that doesn't mean those things extend towards gender equality. There are Nuns challenging the traditional patriarchy of the Catholic church now, who is to say such would not also happen in the future.
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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #19 on: 04 Sep 2014, 05:09 »

Reference: The Fish Speakers, from Frank Herbert's Dune.

People rely too much on the Catholic angle, and not enough on the Sci-Fi Religion angle. I think it's perfectly reasonable for Luna to be decked out on armor.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #20 on: 04 Sep 2014, 09:01 »

Amarr =! Space Catholicism

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #21 on: 04 Sep 2014, 10:48 »

At this point we're beyond luna and into other things I think!

Shoos the topic off her thread to the pre-existing threads of:

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #22 on: 30 Apr 2016, 10:53 »

IC BIO Posted on theIGS (with certain details left out, glossed over, etc.  Always more than the eye can see with Luna who tends be careful with her IC information)

My name is Lunarisse Aspenstar Daphiti.

I was born in a colony world in the Kor-Azor region, then after my parents were killed when a blood raider attack hit the colony, I grew up in different places with relatives.

I married and started a family. After my husband's death at the hands of blood raiders about eighteen years ago, I became a Paladin in law enforcement. A painting of my ceremonial uniform (certainly not the day to day one) was hung in "The Holy Grape" wine bar and restaurant in Emperor Family Station by a former colleague mine.

I tested positive for the capsuleer program and after study became a capsuleer about four years ago.

I started my capsuleer career as a solo industrialist. I've also been engaged as a Hostess, matchmaking, party organizer,and to provide introductions, guide to scenic locales and spiritual retreats. In that capacity I've been privileged to help plan and host birthday celebrations, wedding celebrations, bridal showers, baby showers, funerals, and other events for other capsuleers.

I eventually affiliated with the Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque where I rose in the ranks until I was given the duty as Directrix. The Society is compromised mostly of the Faithful who engage in all aspects of Capsuleer life, from exploration, missions for Empire entities, industry and markets, and combat to protect the Empire from foes internal and external. With the growth of our industrial operations some independant contractors, primarily Caldari, have also been engaged to augment our industrial operations subject to their compliance with the laws of the Empire. We've also had some members join us for the purpose of exploring Amarr Faith and Culture and in the spirit of outreach, we maintain the "The Good Word" channel.

After the Drifter assassination of the Empress, which shook me badly, SFRIM started a new membership category, Legionarius, to fly with and to support ARC. This category is for those who may not be strictly of the faith or loyal to the Empire (as is our usual criteria for membership), but who wish to put aside any differences and stand with us against the existential threat to all humanity - the Drifters.

I love to garden and be in gardens. Remembering my mother's gardens growing up at the colony world, to my cottage garden on Mekhios, to the wonderful formal gardens of Dam-Torsad, I created an exhibit at least year's New Eden Fair - Gardens of the Empire, which remains open for private tours upon request.

I also love to read and write. To encourage that among the capsuleer community, I've run the New Eden Capsuleer's writing Contest which, this year I hope, i will go into its third year.

I also enjoy activities on the beach and the ocean, which my late husband introduced me to, especially volleyball, surfing and boating.

I have a pet Sarum Shepard named 'Quark'
« Last Edit: 25 Jul 2017, 23:03 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »


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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #23 on: 30 Apr 2016, 20:10 »

And she inspires men to grow beards!  :cube:

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #24 on: 16 May 2016, 20:45 »

Well.. Luna now has a mechanical left arm until she gets podded and/or reclones for whatever reason.

Louella Dougans

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #25 on: 17 May 2016, 10:41 »

Well.. Luna now has a mechanical left arm until she gets podded and/or reclones for whatever reason.


that sounds serious :O

Ché Biko

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #26 on: 25 Jun 2016, 13:35 »

Luna definitely sees threats from all sides these days in the wake of the Drifters and Blooder Invasions of last fall but seeks refuge in her faith.
Ché thinks it was the incident where Luna lost her arm that caused this change in personality.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #27 on: 09 Aug 2016, 07:51 »

Luna definitely sees threats from all sides these days in the wake of the Drifters and Blooder Invasions of last fall but seeks refuge in her faith.
Ché thinks it was the incident where Luna lost her arm that caused this change in personality.

In fairness. this has been a process over the last year and half.

Lunarisse was a former Paladin, pre-capsuleer, previously dedicated to taking in those who broke the Empire and God's laws.
After a disaster in her penultimate action she lost her confidence, and was severely wounded in the last.  After recovering she tested for the capsuleer program, and was accepted, focusing on aiding the Empire as an industrialist and miner.

She was very shy and tended to be extremely risk adverse.  For example, when Silas Vitalia moved into khanid space again, Luna moved out to avoid any potential confrontation.  When she really felt.. something had to be done, she quietly paid others to do it. (e.g Stormcrows or the bounty system (such as it is))

As a result of being forced to confront both heretics and those who would selfishly challenge the Empire in increasingly more visible ways, she slowly regained her confidence and also felt it was not enough to simply stand by and encourage others to act, but also to be an actor.  Evil wins when good stand by and does nothing.  She ended up taking a much more visible role in the struggles versus the Butcher and his various facilities/schemes than she originally planned, as a result.  She also, despite her efforts, to lay low.. was confronted by other Blood Raiders, including learning that her husband may still be alive and in custody of one.

The final straw was the Drifter invasion and their brutally overwhelming assasination of the Empress.  The arm.. well it resulted in some things, but Luna quickly realized she over-reacted.  It's the Drifter threat, the Blooder arc, and the Blooder invasions of the last fall that played the largest role.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #28 on: 27 Dec 2016, 10:51 »

Story about some key episodes in Luna's life.
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