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that wooden furniture is very expensive in space? (p. 89)

Author Topic: [Character] Drakolus  (Read 1159 times)


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[Character] Drakolus
« on: 22 Nov 2013, 08:13 »

((Suggestions/feedback/criticism welcome))

((Work in progress - So one of the ideas I have is making Drak from a minor, now mostly dead Noble family from Mishi IV.  They were victims a Sarum plot or greed where they basically had Drak's father killed to assume the controlling interest in the grain market in a major city on Mishi IV.  Then they artificially instituted a famine by slowing and sometimes stopping the grain deliveries to various parts of Mishi IV.  This upped the price of grain allowing them to profit greatly and caused many of the poor and destitute to starve, eliminating the need to care for them.  Most of the rest of Drak's family perished in the famine/civil unrest.  He was lucky enough to be placed in an Orphanage.  It wasn't until later, after he became a capsuleer, that he learned most of this.  Thus his hatred for the Sarum family.  Ultimately I'm trying to figure out a good way to integrate this in the bio below without going all "stirring Novel of woe and righteous revenge" on it))

CONCORD DED Public Capsuleer Datasheet
Name: Mikram Drak'naur
DED Callsign: Drakolus
Blood Type: O+
Age: 57
Height: 1.87 Meters (6'1")
Weight: 91 Kg (201 Lbs)
Hair Colour: Mostly Dark Grey
Eye Colour: Green
Political Alignment: Loosely affiliated with the Minmatar Republic
Date of Birth: Exact date unknown.
Place of Birth: Mishi IV
Employment History: > Dopehead Industries
> House of Serenity
> Imperial Shipment
> Tribal Liberation Force
> Capital Industries Research and Development
> Ceti Alpha Industries
> 4 Wing
> Terminal Impact
> People with Guns
> Canadian Imperial Amaments
> GeoCorp
> NCL Research
> Wizard Science and Tech
> Minmatar United Freedom Front
> Wildlands Heavy Technologies
> Free Industries Union
> Echostar Technologies
> Rock Haven
> Boondaburra
> Hedion University
Status: Outlaw in Amarr Empire, in good to moderate standing with other areas.  Some history of criminal activity throughout all territory claimed by the Yulai signatories.

DED Charges:
> Terrorism
> Piracy
> Unlawful aggression of military forces - Amarr Empire
> Unlawful aggression of military forces - Caldari State
> Theft
> Extortion
> Fraud
> Drug Trafficking
> Unlawful imprisonment
> Smuggling
> Cruelty to Exotic Dancers
> Destruction of property - Amarr Empire
> Destruction of property - Caldari State
> Conspiracy to commit Murder
> Conspiracy to commit Mass Murder

DED Threat Assessment: Moderate
Notes:Most criminal activities confined to Amarrian Empire space or low/null security space.  A few instances of unusual, aggressive behavior in high security space however, thus the Moderate DED threat rating.

Personality Assessment: Curious, Intelligent, Cautious, Scientific and utterly devoted to the destruction of the Sarum family of holders in the Amarr Empire.  Has shown interest in Ni-Kunni history and charity works directly benefiting the Ni-Kunni Diaspora.

Physical Assessment: Drakolus is somewhat advanced in age although his clones seem to be in remarkably good shape.  Reports have been received that he is a practitioner of Wind-dancing and the sub-genre of Blade-dancing as well.  These traditional Ni-Kunni art forms are mostly believed to be verging on extinction.

Education: Hedion University - Majored in Starship Materials Research and Development with dual Minors in Military Scouting Tactics and Logistics and Transport studies. 
Extensive history of smuggling and law enforcement evasion through association with the Ni-Kunni Border Runners conglomerate/affiliation.
Estimated that Drakolus has received extensive training in the past ten years to include Military tactics and procedures (Amarr and Minmatar), Non-Traditional/Insurgency operations (spaceborne) tactics, Extensive Scientific and Industrial studies across a broad spectrum of fields.  He has also been noted flying a wide variety of ships indicating an extensive investment of time and effort into diverse piloting skills.

Known History: Member of a minor noble bloodline from Mishi IV.  Records show that most of this bloodline is dead.  Questionable records indicate Drakolus spent some time in an Imperial Orphanage on Mishi IV following a series of droughts and crop failures.  No other records of Drakolus up until his affiliation with the Border Runners and acceptance into Hedion University.  Drakolus spent some time in the Amarr Empire mostly mining and doing odd jobs for various corporations before moving out to the remote region of Molden Heath in Minmatar space.  It is there he is believed to have made contact with various groups of Minmatar freedom fighters and begun his ideological indoctrination against the teachings of the Empire. 

     Even with his commitment to fighting oppression and slavery demonstrated many times, Drakolus never seemed to fit in with any of the Matari liberation organizations.  He made his way out to the Great Wildlands region and joined up with the small, but influential Alliance known as Foundati0n.  From there he spent the next few years fighting various capsuleer organizations and developing his ties with both the Thukker and Vherokior tribe.  He seems to have made his home among the Vherokior and regularly does services for them.  With a growing interest in the Ni-Kunni culture and diaspora, Drakolus was able to translate his excellent standing with the Vherokior into opportunity for displaced Ni-Kunni (see the story here

> Wind/Blade Dancing
> Exploration
> Extra Vehicular Activity (Space Walking)
> A broad spectrum of Scientific Research
> Charity work - Mostly Ni-Kunni based (refugee transport and resettlement for example)

> Vherokior Tribe
> Khanid & Sebiestor Women
> Fast ships
> Excessive firepower
> Cloaking technology
> Loud Music
> Blades
> Poetry

> The Sarum Family
> Sarum Family
> Missed tackles
> Bombing "oopses"
> Overly Aggressive people
> Slavery
> Ballet
> Opera
« Last Edit: 25 Nov 2013, 17:26 by Drakolus »


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Re: [Character] Drakolus
« Reply #1 on: 24 Nov 2013, 17:48 »

((Suggestions/feedback/criticism welcome))
DED Charges:
> Terrorism
> Piracy
> Unlawful aggression of military forces - Amarr Empire
> Unlawful aggression of military forces - Caldari State
> Theft
> Extortion
> Fraud
> Drug Trafficking
> Unlawful imprisonment
> Smuggling
> Cruelty to Exotic Dancers
> Destruction of property - Amarr Empire
> Destruction of property - Caldari State
> Conspiracy to commit Murder
> Conspiracy to commit Mass Murder

DED Threat Assessment: Moderate

Only in EVE, haha.

Cool angle on the inter-house acrimony, I hope you get some good opportunities to explore this.


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Re: [Character] Drakolus
« Reply #2 on: 14 Mar 2014, 16:23 »

Recent updates: The Capsuleer known as Drakolus seems to have been very inactive as of late.  His primary activities during this time seem to have been mostly industrial and trade.  Also, he has been noted taking extensive trips to the surface of Planet III in the Eldulf system.  An exhaustive search of records for this Planet note that approximately 3 years ago a large number of Ni-Kunni refugees were settled in cooperation with the Vherokior tribe.  Some form of organized investment and direction is assumed to be present as the integration and development of this refugee community has far outstripped the normal pace for the economic and sociopolitical development for a "normal" group of refugees.  As an example, there was a cultural fair put on by a group of local industrialists during the opening of a new planetary vehicle factory which primarily employs Ni-Kunni craftsmen and laborers roughly a month ago.

Also of note, it seems that Drakolus has been directing some of his industrial efforts into the new Siphon units recently released to the markets.  It is assumed he will use these to supplement his income although some form of economic warfare against the Amarr Empire, specifically the Sarum house, cannot be ruled out.

-DED: Capsuleer Criminal monitoring: Drakolus: Entry 7-13-


  • Wetgraver
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Re: [Character] Drakolus
« Reply #3 on: 14 Mar 2014, 16:35 »

> Cruelty to Exotic Dancers

I think this is my favorite part, probably because it suggests an interesting story.


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Re: [Character] Drakolus
« Reply #4 on: 14 Mar 2014, 18:33 »

> Cruelty to Exotic Dancers

I think this is my favorite part, probably because it suggests an interesting story.

Stories, plural.  OOC, I used to carry a few around just to give a laugh on kill mails.  IC, I'll have to see what comes up in play :).

Bayushi Tamago

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Re: [Character] Drakolus
« Reply #5 on: 14 Mar 2014, 19:05 »

> Cruelty to Exotic Dancers

I think this is my favorite part, probably because it suggests an interesting story.

Stories, plural.  OOC, I used to carry a few around just to give a laugh on kill mails.  IC, I'll have to see what comes up in play :).

You too huh?
The other things that seems to work is killing one in a jetcan before a roam for luck