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Author Topic: [Character's Ward] Niina Eskola  (Read 5002 times)

Galm Fae

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[Character's Ward] Niina Eskola
« on: 26 Oct 2013, 02:35 »

I honestly never put that much thought into a secondary character like Niina, but recent events in the summit have inspired me to outline her in detail. The more I wrote, the more I fell in love with her character until hey-presto, her dossier is longer than Galm's. (Partially justified because reasons.)

Preliminary CONCORD Report
[spoiler=Records Open to All Low Level Officers and CONCORD Techs]
Name: Niina Eskola
Lai Dai Serial Number: 152643
Known Affiliations: Eskola Ergonomics, Caldari Steel, Lai Dai Megacorporation, Galm Fae, Guristas Pirates

Age: 22
Occupation: CEO of Eskola Ergonomics
Height: 1.7m
Weight: Refuses to have her weight taken. Doctors estimate roughly 60kg.
Hairstyle: Swept shoulder length black hair. It is unclear if its apparent tendency to remain unkempt is a natural phenomenon or intelligently designed.
Eyes: One Blue, One Dark Brown (Diagnosed with Heterochromia)

Place of Birth: Airkio VII - Moon 3 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory
Race: Deteis
Languages: Napanii, a variety of Lonetreck dialects 

Defining features:

Facial nano tattoos in different geometric patterns. Tattoos trace down her neck before meeting at her lower back. Tattoo on lower back states her Lai Dai serial number. Pale, lightly freckled face constantly hidden behind her perpetually messy hair.


Niina Eskola was born in a newer generation of tube children to the Lai Dai megacorporation. Minor defects in the breeding process led to a variety of subtle genetic mutations. Most are benign, including her heterochromia, double joined thumbs, and irregular menstruation cycles. Often however her genetic damage leads to health complications and illness.

The health complications proved to be more than the State funded orphanage she resided in could provide for her, causing her to experience episodes of drastic weight loss in the span of only a few days. Thankfully, her mutations proved to be her saving grace. Ilari Eskola, then an unmarried middle aged business man, entered the orphanage with the intent of finding a young boy to mentor and ultimately become his successor in life. When he caught a glimpse of Niina’s two unusual eyes, however, he fell in love and adopted her as his own.

As she grew, Niina and Ilari became inseparable from each other. As the newly formed Eskola Ergonomics began to turn a profit, Ilari was able to pay to keep Niina healthy and well educated within the State. By the time she was a young adult, Ilari regarded Niina as though she were his biological daughter.

Their entire world came crashing down however when Eskola Ergonomics was found responsible for black market arms deals with Guristas pilots, who would pay the Lai Dai conglomerate he operated under by acting as privateers in low-sec space. To avoid facing further investigation, Ilari was turned over to State Provists without a fight. In one final act of love for his daughter, Ilari committed ritual suicide on the grounds that Niina would be left alone to manage what was left of his legacy.

Shamed and unable to operate a black market empire, she sold the majority of the corporation to a larger subsidiary within Lai Dai. No longer welcomed in the State, she retreated into the company of her father’s patrons in the Tenal region.

The money earned from selling her business however proved barely enough to keep her well medicated. She purchased a bar in the Shoashu Sasaanko spaceport to earn an income, but still had to subject herself to some of the worst services the universe has to offer so she could continue to afford to manage her frequent illnesses.

It was while living on this station that Niina found herself in the company of Galm Fae, an immortal mercenary and known terrorist. (Before their encounter, all records indicate Galm had gone MIA in the Kor-Azor Region during investigations of war crimes by the Seituoda Taskforce Command, his former employer.)
It is believed that during their brief time together each had a prolific impact on the other. They formed a short lived codependent relationship that existed up until a rise in Gurista infighting in the region. Galm was forced to flee the station with the aid of fellow immortals in a nearby BetaMax fleet.

Recently the remainder of Eskola Ergonomics has been purchased and revived by Caldari Steel. The goal is obvious; rebuild a black market arms manufacturer to regain funds lost during Heth's rule. This has only worked in Niina's favor, allowing her to become the figurehead of the reformed company and leave Shoashu Sasaanko for greener pastures.  While we can identify what products are being produced by market trends and intercepted shipments (biotic boosters, illegal copies of the outlawed ‘Toxin’ series firearms, modified dropsuits, and Gurista outfitted armored personnel carriers) we cannot identify the source of these materials, where they are being moved to, or how frequently they are being shipped.


To this day, Galm values Niina as his ward. Any attempts to manipulate him should then be made by using Niina's safety as incentive for cooperation.