so Comcast is provided by ownership as a covered utility?
some of AIMCO's property have a utility agreement with Comcast, though not the one I’m at. mine is an A-class which i feel is short hand for "charge you up the A-hole cuz it looks rich and poor people can't afford to live inside the shield wall"..which means we don't cover any utilities.
there should be some sort of ratio-utility system as part of, or an addendum to, the Lease Annex.
Obviously Cable is not an inalienable right nor is it covered under any landlord/tenant legislation individually like satellite dish and service is (it is a federal right of every American to have a satellite dish regardless of whether the owner agrees, barring several defined guidelines).
my questions for you are:
Do you pay any fees or is this included in the rent/payment agreement?
Are you required to have this service; part of the rent and if you refuse this service would it lower your rate?
did you sign an addendum involving this utility (you'd be surprised how many addendums aren't actually legally binding and are designed to try and scare tenants into following “house rules“)
what state are you in (blue states tend to favor tenants)?