About a year ago, I published and presented a
scientific paper for SeyCon (Yes, that is a shameless link to my now-defunct blog). When putting the whole thing together at the end, I figured said paper needed to be published in a spacejournal of some kind. After a great deal of thought, I settled on the Syndicate Institute of Nanomolecular Physics, but used a few of the rejects in the paper itself.
Despite essentially being an interesting little promo piece for some business I was conducting ingame at the time, the article sparked some ideas which have persisted in the back of my mind for some time. Papers like these seem like a fresh and novel way of presenting content, both in terms of new mechanics, and player fiction.
When I
eventually resub, in addition to kickstarting ANN (again), I was thinking of pulling together something akin to a
scientific publishing company in order to try and encourage the production of this kind of thing, perhaps even with a biannual science conference being hosted or something.
Any interest or input? I'm presently in the process of breaking down all my barriers to resubscribing, so there's probably around a month before I can actually do anything, may as well plan ahead.