Do all three. While Im not sure im going to resub next week - I just started a new character and its been fun.
Caldari, or did you go with a different faction? Also glad to hear you're back in game.
As an update we're thinking possible pirate faction or Republic loyalists that aren't really concerned with the tribes. Still working on things though. Character planning is and has always been my favorite part of RP.
It's a Caldari character but I'm not sure I want to do more than very lite RP with it. I kind of want to play extremely casually (oxymoron) while still seeing how far I can take a character/corp/alliance without the shackles of RP limiting what can be achieved.
If I play Eve smart, with the new tools available how far can I get.
I have an idea for Ember and/or Simca that would allow you easy casual PvP and doesn't require that you invest anymore skillpoints in them if your interested. It would free you up to make the new character your main. It would also give you a chance to meet and network with a lot of people outside the RP community while not forsaking RP or those character's back stories.
It would also be a great way to teach your girlfriend about eve and PvP now that I think about it.